加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息急请教报税问题


1)TI PAGE2 里提到: DID YOU OWN OR HOLD FOREIGN PROPERTY AT ANY TIME IN 2011 WITH A TOTAL COST OF MORE THAN CAN$100,000.00? 如果这个选项, 我选了YES, 是不是要提供T1135表? 这个表是不是可以到税局的网站去下载? 2)小孩子2011年的夏令营费用是该报DAY CARE好, 还是CHILDREN FITTNESS好? 因为报FITTNESS可以有50.9的TAX REFUND, 但如果报DAY CARE就没有这个REFUND了. 我2011年的收入为低收入. 3)ON-BEN这个表一定要夫妇两个人都填吗? 我先生2011年还没有过来定居, 还不是税务意义上的居民. 但根据这个表上面的条款来看, 除了夫妇双方因为MEDICAL CONDITIONS分居两个不同RESIDENCE, 其他的一律都要一起报. 所以我这种情况应该怎样处理? 谢谢!因为现在才动手准备报税的事情, 出了一头虚汗, 时间太紧了, 所以请大家帮忙指点指点.

Opportunities arise when you face new experience回复: 急请教报税问题1)要下载T1135表,填好寄去。2)不清楚。3)ON-BEN任何一方填就可以了。

回复: 急请教报税问题1)要下载T1135表,填好寄去。2)不清楚。3)ON-BEN任何一方填就可以了。点击展开...真的非常谢谢!

Opportunities arise when you face new experience回复: 急请教报税问题[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']fitness [/FONT][FONT=宋体]属于[/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif']TAX CREDIT, [/FONT][FONT=宋体]可以抵[/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif']15% [/FONT][FONT=宋体]的税[/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif'], [/FONT][FONT=宋体]但不可以返还[/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif'][/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Child Fitness Credit ITA 118.03[/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif']a credit for costs upto $500 related to fitness programs for a child under 16 at beginning of the year[/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif'], [/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif']must be at least 8 consecutive weeks, and large portion of exercise [/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Child Care Expenses [/FONT][FONT=宋体]属于[/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif']TAX [/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif']DEDUCTION, [/FONT][FONT=宋体]可以抵扣税前收入[/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif'],[/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif'][/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Child Care Expenses ITA 63[/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Permitted to deduct the cost of caring for children, if the costs were incurred to produce taxable income or if receiving an education. If child is between 7 and 16 at end of year the maximum of claim is $4,000[/FONT][FONT=宋体]申报什么类别取决于[/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif']CAMP[/FONT][FONT=宋体]的性质[/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif'].[/FONT]

回复: 急请教报税问题fitness 属于TAX CREDIT, 可以抵15% 的税, 但不可以返还Child Fitness Credit ITA 118.03a credit for costs upto $500 related to fitness programs for a child under 16 at beginning of the year, must be at least 8 consecutive weeks, and large portion of exercise Child Care Expenses 属于TAX DEDUCTION, 可以抵扣税前收入,Child Care Expenses ITA 63Permitted to deduct the cost of caring for children, if the costs were incurred to produce taxable income or if receiving an education. If child is between 7 and 16 at end of year the maximum of claim is $4,000申报什么类别取决于CAMP的性质.

回复: 急请教报税问题fitness 属于TAX CREDIT, 可以抵15% 的税, 但不可以返还Child Fitness Credit ITA 118.03a credit for costs upto $500 related to fitness programs for a child under 16 at beginning of the year, must be at least 8 consecutive weeks, and large portion of exercise Child Care Expenses 属于TAX DEDUCTION, 可以抵扣税前收入,Child Care Expenses ITA 63Permitted to deduct the cost of caring for children, if the costs were incurred to produce taxable income or if receiving an education. If child is between 7 and 16 at end of year the maximum of claim is $4,000申报什么类别取决于CAMP的性质.点击展开...对啊,报哪儿取决于camp的性质。而且你第一年不需要报T1135的。ON-BEN一个人填就可以了。

且行且珍惜Destiny is not a matter of chance,but a matter of choice.回复: 急请教报税问题CAMP好象是要过夜的,才能算是Daycare费用.

回复: 急请教报税问题对啊,报哪儿取决于camp的性质。而且你第一年不需要报T1135的。ON-BEN一个人填就可以了。点击展开...顺便问下ON-BEN是什么。

what goes around comes aroundCAMP好象是要过夜的,才能算是Daycare费用.点击展开...day camps属于day care,可以填T778

且行且珍惜Destiny is not a matter of chance,but a matter of choice.顺便问下ON-BEN是什么。点击展开...是安省的税表之一,填房租和地税补贴的

  ·生活百科 我被骗了,对吗? (水管工/热水器。)
·生活百科 地板隔热层



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