加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息[评论]加拿大简化和加速中国游客签证 限5日内批
新闻:《加拿大简化和加速中国游客签证 限5日内批出》的相关评论昨日举行的加中旅游高峰论坛,吸引了过百名代表参加。(王咏瑜摄) 中国国家旅游局驻多伦多办事处主任徐岩。(王咏瑜摄) 中国国家旅游局驻多伦多办事处主任徐岩昨天在一个论坛上,引述来点击展开...神经病。这帮加拿大移民部的人都是脑袋被门夹了。下贱。加奸。 然后一帮游客来了买房买车。。等于变相居住,还不用办移民了。
回复: [评论]加拿大简化和加速中国游客签证 限5日内批出So which one of these rules can be avoided after?To visit Canada, you must:have a valid travel document, such as a passport;be in good health;satisfy an immigration officer that you have ties, such as a job, home and family, that will take you back to your country of origin;satisfy an immigration officer that you will leave Canada at the end of your visit; andhave enough money for your stay. The amount of money you will need can vary with the circumstances of the visit, how long you will stay and whether you will stay in a hotel or with friends or relatives. For more information, ask the Canadian visa office in your country or region.
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