加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息薄书记欣慰:加拿大也要“打黑”了
只是这“打黑”也像天气一样发预报啊? 那黑帮不是全跑路躲了怎么打啊? Toronto police are about to crack down on gangs operating across two divisions near the city’s core in the wake of the Eaton Centre shooting. “We are going to take back the neighbourhoods,” a police source told the Star. The initiative, nicknamed Project Post, will target two gangs, the Project Originals and Sic Thugs. (Post is an acronym of their names.) The police project will launch in the next few days. A meeting will be held Wednesday to map out operational plans.点击展开...Police to crack down on gangs following Eaton Centreshooting
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