加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 关于入境带钱的问题


1.每个成年人能带多钱入境?我记得1万加币。儿童呢?也是1万加币吗?2. 如果在加拿大还没有账户,怎么带钱呢?汇票安全吗?3.带烟呢?我记得成人每人1条。儿童呢?谢谢

回复: 关于入境带钱的问题按你记得的办

回复: 关于入境带钱的问题The Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act requires of every person or entity the obligation to report to CBSA the importation or exportation of currency or monetary instruments of a value equal to or greater than $10,000 Canadian (or its equivalent in a foreign currency). 从这里看是每个人最多能带1万。小孩能带多少钱入境?我们三人,两个大人一个10岁的小孩能带多少入境呢?谢谢

回复: 关于入境带钱的问题一个家庭 1W 。国内开户, 直接电汇, 不用带汇票

活了半辈子的时候重启。。。。回复: 关于入境带钱的问题如果不超过1w,直接带现金就行,省了汇费。


回复: 关于入境带钱的问题我记得是一个家庭只要超过一万加元就应当申报,即使将钱分散给个人带也要集中一起算。对于加拿大来说,只要申报,数量多少应当没问题(别离谱就行)。问题是,出中国海关也是有限制的。具体情况还是自己把条款看一下,这里都是道听途说。

回复: 关于入境带钱的问题对。至少未成年人不能算, 小孩要和大人一起报。国内按理说超过 5000美刀就要外汇携带证。不过还没听说最近有人被抓住。我记得是一个家庭只要超过一万加元就应当申报,即使将钱分散给个人带也要集中一起算。对于加拿大来说,只要申报,数量多少应当没问题(别离谱就行)。问题是,出中国海关也是有限制的。具体情况还是自己把条款看一下,这里都是道听途说。点击展开...

活了半辈子的时候重启。。。。回复: 关于入境带钱的问题我上个月写过EMAIL给CBSA询问这个问题,我觉得看完网页规定还是不甚清楚的话,自己猜度还不如亲自问下权威机构。他们回复的意思是从来不会限制带多少现金,如果超过1万如实申报就可以了。以下是CBSA回复的EMAIL The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) appreciates your interest in ensuring that you meet the Cross Border Currency Reporting requirements upon your arrival in Canada. As you may be aware, the CBSA is responsible for the administration and enforcement of Part II of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act. Part II requires the reporting of currency or monetary instruments in the actual possession of a person arriving in or departing from Canada. Each traveller is responsible for his or her own declaration。 There are no restrictions on the amount of currency or monetary instruments that you can bring into or take out of Canada, nor is it illegal to do so. However, you have to report to the CBSA amounts equal to or greater than CAN$10,000 or its equivalent in foreign currency. If you require further information on the CBSA’s Cross Border Currency Reporting Program, please visit our Web site at [URL]http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/security-securite/cbcr-dmte/menu-eng.html[/URL]We invite you to contact the Border Information Service (BIS) for more information. You can access the BIS line free of charge throughout Canada by calling 1-800-461-9999.From outside Canada, you can access the BIS line by calling 204-983-3500 or 506-636-5064 (long-distance charges apply). If you call during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. local time, Monday to Friday, except holidays), you can speak to an agent by pressing “0” at any time. We trust that this information is useful to you. Thank you for contacting the CBSA.

6-25 FEDEX发悉尼,7-2 悉尼妥投,8-10 多伦多中行解付,8-28 RN,8-30 补料件顺丰发出,8-31 补料妥投北京,9-9 上午FN信到,晚上状态变5,9-16 ME信到,9-22 杭州顺利体检,9-25 登陆费和护照妥投北京,10-6 状态变8,10-14状态变12,10-27 终于变13,11-2 CIC变态DM,11-3 最后一次变态17,11-5 大信封到回复: 关于入境带钱的问题1. 携带一万以上的现金,确实没太有必要, 也不安全。日后需要用较多的钱时, 可以请国内的亲戚朋友帮汇到你在加拿大的银行账户。2.带烟每个成年人200支。 儿童不可以。

回复: 关于入境带钱的问题The Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act requires of every person or entity the obligation to report to CBSA the importation or exportation of currency or monetary instruments of a value equal to or greater than $10,000 Canadian (or its equivalent in a foreign currency). 从这里看是每个人最多能带1万。小孩能带多少钱入境?我们三人,两个大人一个10岁的小孩能带多少入境呢?谢谢点击展开...阅读理解错误。重在“REPORT”,1万以上,申报就行。而且申报有利于你日后的报税。尤其是过来自顾的,现金收入n多。如果现金入关时不申报,日后的银行BALANCE大于报税收入,如何解释?我是有多少都会申报的,初登时的炸药包全部申报。离境时,能不申报就不申报,但被查获后有被罚款或没收的风险。

回复: 关于入境带钱的问题但中国离境现金额度是有限制的,这个也是要冒些风险的。实际的情况是很小很小的风险,上10万美元,没人查你的。

回复: 关于入境带钱的问题想带多少就带多少,只要能带出中国,加拿大这边只要你入境时申报就成了,带一个亿也成,当然问到钱的来源时要能说清楚就成了。那个一万以下,只是不用申报罢了,过了一万就一定要申报。

回复: 关于入境带钱的问题1.每个成年人能带多钱入境?我记得1万加币。儿童呢?也是1万加币吗?2. 如果在加拿大还没有账户,怎么带钱呢?汇票安全吗?3.带烟呢?我记得成人每人1条。儿童呢?谢谢点击展开...1。一个家庭是1万2。汇票和现金等值,带1万,你可以在国内开个账号,满地可银行,汇丰好像都可以,你直接在国内换加币存入,然后在这边就可以花了3。成人每人一条烟,18岁以下不可以带

回复: 关于入境带钱的问题我们出去探望父母去了,谢谢大家的回复。

回复: 关于入境带钱的问题我上个月写过EMAIL给CBSA询问这个问题,我觉得看完网页规定还是不甚清楚的话,自己猜度还不如亲自问下权威机构。他们回复的意思是从来不会限制带多少现金,如果超过1万如实申报就可以了。以下是CBSA回复的EMAIL The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) appreciates your interest in ensuring that you meet the Cross Border Currency Reporting requirements upon your arrival in Canada. As you may be aware, the CBSA is responsible for the administration and enforcement of Part II of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act. Part II requires the reporting of currency or monetary instruments in the actual possession of a person arriving in or departing from Canada. Each traveller is responsible for his or her own declaration。 There are no restrictions on the amount of currency or monetary instruments that you can bring into or take out of Canada, nor is it illegal to do so. However, you have to report to the CBSA amounts equal to or greater than CAN$10,000 or its equivalent in foreign currency. If you require further information on the CBSA’s Cross Border Currency Reporting Program, please visit our Web site at [URL]http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/security-securite/cbcr-dmte/menu-eng.html[/URL] We invite you to contact the Border Information Service (BIS) for more information. You can access the BIS line free of charge throughout Canada by calling 1-800-461-9999.From outside Canada, you can access the BIS line by calling 204-983-3500 or 506-636-5064 (long-distance charges apply). If you call during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. local time, Monday to Friday, except holidays), you can speak to an agent by pressing “0” at any time. We trust that this information is useful to you. Thank you for contacting the CBSA.点击展开...Thanks for sharing.

回复: 关于入境带钱的问题你只要能带出来,这面多钱都可以进但入关要报一下。

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