加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息什么时候可以摘樱桃?
回复: 什么时候可以摘樱桃?July 1st开始,看看中文报纸或者google一下,就能找到那些农场了。
多伦多生活信息:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=349313微信:cindyliu68 QQ: 2507685694 July 1st开始,看看中文报纸或者google一下,就能找到那些农场了。点击展开... 谢谢...坐等七月...
回复: 什么时候可以摘樱桃?到时吆喝一下,大家一块去。
回复: 什么时候可以摘樱桃?今年安省樱桃收成很差,估计没有什么可摘的。我家的樱桃树一个果子都没有。 下面是Cherry Avenue Farm的声明: http://www.cherryavenuefarms.org/ We apologize for the lengthy delay between updates, as we have waited to make sure that our information would be as accurate as possible. We are very sad to say that we have suffered severe damage to all crops so far this year. The record-setting warm weather in March, followed by a few nights of below 0 degrees temperatures, have killed almost all of the fruit buds. The very, very few cherries that have remained on the tree will not be viable for harvest. They will be eaten and enjoyed by the many birds who live on or around our farm. Unfortunately, this means that we will NOT have any cherries available for picking this year. We will not have any apricots, plums, nectarines or pears for picking either. There are a few peaches that we may be able to pick, but they will be available on a first come-first served basis. At this time, it is impossible to say if or when these peaches would be available - that will all depend on the weather over the next month or so.
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