回复: 多伦多有机场大巴吗?机场大巴只有到downtown的,还特别贵。$26.95,不过从downtown就可以转地铁,go train什么的去你想去的地方。没什么特别方便的,如果叫个私人的taxi,点到点也就45-50。
回复: 多伦多有机场大巴吗?推荐一个线路,坐VIVA到richmond hill centre,在high 7@yonge,下车走几米然后换GO BUS40路,坐一站就到机场3号航站楼。VIVA票价3元,40路的票价5.65元,不到9元就可以到机场。
回复: 多伦多有机场大巴吗?请问去皮尔逊机场,有机场大巴之类的公共交通工具吗?有的话,在哪儿乘坐?我住在北约克,谢谢!点击展开...有 皮尔逊机场去Yorkdale/York Mills http://gotransitnlb.gotransit.com/publicroot/en/schedules/pubsched.aspx?table=34&direction=0&day=1&page=1&city=*&station=AIRP&new=
回复: 多伦多有机场大巴吗?北约克的话也可在Yorkmills 地铁站 坐Go Bus 34http://www.gotransit.com/publicroot/en/schedules/pubsched.aspx?table=34&direction=1&day=1&New=&station=
回复: 多伦多有机场大巴吗?连接:
http://www.ttc.ca/Riding_the_TTC/Airport_service.jsp (请留意您要去的是terminal几?)
192 Airport Rocket
All-day Airport service from Kipling Station. The 192 Airport Rocket route provides all-day accessible express bus service between Kipling Station on the Bloor-Danforth Subway and Pearson International Airport. Buses stop only at Kipling Station, Dundas Street West and East Mall Crescent, then Airport Roadway at Jetliner Road upper level stop, then
Terminal 1 (Ground Level), then
Terminal 3 (Arrivals Level).Service operates from approximately 5:30 am to 2:00 am, seven days a week.One-way travel time is approximately 20 to 25 minutes.192 schedule leaving Pearson Airport 192 schedule leaving Kipling Station ------------------------------------------------------------
58A Malton All-day Airport service from Lawrence West Station. The 58A Malton route provides all-day bus service between Lawrence West Station on the Spadina Subway and Pearson Airport. Buses serve
Terminal 3 (Arrivals Level), then Jetliner Road and Airport Road, then
Terminal 1 (Ground Level).Service operates from approximately 5:00 am to 1:00 am, seven days a week.One-way travel time is approximately 60 minutes.58A schedule leaving Pearson Airport 58A schedule leaving Lawrence West StationFares: All service to Terminal 1 (Ground Level) and Terminal 3 (Arrivals Level) is within the Toronto fare zone, and a single fare is required. Mississauga Transit fares are not accepted at the stops in the airport. ------------------------------------------------------
300A Bloor-Danforth
Overnight Airport service from the Bloor-Danforth corridor. The 300A Bloor-Danforth route provides overnight bus service along Danforth Avenue and Bloor Street to Pearson Airport.Buses serve
Terminal 3 (Arrivals Level), then Jetliner Road and Airport Road, then
Terminal 1 (Ground Level).Service operates from approximately 2:00 am to 5:00 am, seven days a week.One-way travel time from Yonge & Bloor is approximately 45 minutes.300A schedule leaving Pearson Airport 300A schedule leaving Warden & Danforth -----------------------------------------------------------------
307 Eglinton West
Overnight Airport service from Yonge Street & Eglinton Avenue The 307 Eglinton West route provides overnight bus service between Yonge Street & Eglinton Avenue and Pearson International Airport.Buses serve
Terminal 3 (Arrivals Level), then Jetliner Road and Airport Road, then
Terminal 1 (Ground Level).Service operates from approximately 1:30 am to 5:00 am, seven days a week.One-way travel time is approximately 45 minutes.307 schedule leaving Pearson Airport 307 schedule leaving Eglinton Avenue at Yonge Street (West Side)------------------------------------------------------------------
GO Transit GO Transit operates bus service from York Mills and Yorkdale subway stations to Terminal 1 (Ground level) at Pearson International Airport. This service operates every 60 minutes, from approximately 6:00 am to 1:00 am Monday to Saturday, and from approximately 9:00 am to 1:00 am on Sundays.Travel time from Yorkdale station is approximately 30 - 35 minutes, and from York Mills station approximately 40 - 45 minutes.For more information on GO Transit service, including fares, call GO Transit at 416-869-3200 or 1 888 GET ON GO (438-6646), or visit their Web site at www.gotransit.com

回复: 多伦多有机场大巴吗?又是机, 又是巴的,阅读能力差点的, 真容易产生遐想,
回复: 多伦多有机场大巴吗?又是机, 又是巴的,阅读能力差点的, 真容易产生遐想,点击展开...呵呵,还有大
回复: 多伦多有机场大巴吗?Richmond hill 真方便
回复: 多伦多有机场大巴吗?如果行李不多的话,倒TTC也不错,一个token就到了。192往返于机场和Kipling station,58A往返于机场和Lawrence west station。北约克可以坐Yonge地铁往南,转Bloor地铁往西到终点Kipling station,再转192就到了。全程一个多小时。
一人一半,才是伴! 赏 
反馈:mychristy 2012-07-04#12 重 413 $0.00
回复: 多伦多有机场大巴吗?哎!真是的,这样倒腾?要是误班机那就得不偿失。一年才坐几次飞机啊?叫个接送的,也就多个几十块,而且时间好把握!
回复: 多伦多有机场大巴吗?哎!真是的,这样倒腾?要是误班机那就得不偿失。一年才坐几次飞机啊?叫个接送的,也就多个几十块,而且时间好把握!点击展开...呵呵,接送到点儿不来那更叫得不偿失!
赏 如果行李不多的话,倒TTC也不错,一个token就到了。192往返于机场和Kipling station,58A往返于机场和Lawrence west station。北约克可以坐Yonge地铁往南,转Bloor地铁往西到终点Kipling station,再转192就到了。全程一个多小时。点击展开...国泰航空香港飞多伦多有两个航班,一个是早晨6点到多伦多,一个是晚上8点左右到,如果我坐早班到的,我一般都选择自己回家,口袋常备一个TOKEN,早晨空气好,坐了十几个小时飞机也正好松松骨头,一般8点就能到家,没必要打乱家人生物钟让他们起一大早来接我。行李多也没关系,只要不是腾不出手来就行,我一般是一大一小两个箱子,总有人要帮我提箱子,加拿大男人还是很绅士的
回复: 多伦多有机场大巴吗?呵呵,还有大点击展开...哈哈,你两人才啊
回复: 多伦多有机场大巴吗?明白了,谢谢大家的解答,加纷纷了!
我并非不能享受独处的生活,但如果没有你在,这世界上最美丽的景色、最美味的食物,都似乎……有点惆怅推荐一个线路,坐VIVA到richmond hill centre,在high 7@yonge,下车走几米然后换GO BUS40路,坐一站就到机场3号航站楼。VIVA票价3元,40路的票价5.65元,不到9元就可以到机场。点击展开...
回复: 多伦多有机场大巴吗?请问去皮尔逊机场,有机场大巴之类的公共交通工具吗?有的话,在哪儿乘坐?我住在北约克,谢谢!点击展开...有公交车,直达,不知道让不让你带2个158的大箱子上车,反正中等手提行李没问题
生活百科 我自动化的空调系统·
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