加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 没有家庭医生如何获得医疗服务(译自


没有家庭医生怎样获得医疗服务,译自www.settlememt.org,希望对即将登陆的筒子们有帮组,有问题的地方希望老筒子们指正。How can I get medical help if I don't have a family doctor? If you do not have a family doctor or you cannot get an appointment with your doctor, you can go to a walk-in medical clinic.如果你没有家庭医生,或者无法和你的医生预约,你可以到walk-in clinic接受医疗服务。 You will need to take your Health (OHIP) Card with you. You may not be able to see the same doctor every time you go to a clinic. Look in the Yellow Pages of your local telephone book under"Clinics-medical" to find a local walk-in medical clinic.在walk-in clinic进行检查时,你需要携带健康卡。每次检查可能是不同的医生。在黄页”Clinics-medical“栏查找你附近的walk-in clinics. Community Health Centres (CHCs) also provide services to the public such as counselling, HIV/AIDS testing, and birth control. In some cases, you can get help from a Community Health Centre even if you do not yet have your Health (OHIP) Card.社区健康中心(Community Health Centres (CHCs) )也提供咨询,HIV/AIDS测试,计划生育服务。一些情况下,即使你没有健康卡,你也可以在社区健康中心得到帮助。 If you have any health questions you can access the Telehealth Ontario phone service by dialing 1-866-797-0000. You can talk to a registered nurse 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This service is free and confidential.如果你有任何健康问题,可以拨打 安省健康热线1-866-797-0000咨询注册的护士。该电话免费,提供24×7服务。 You can ask the nurse questions about health concerns, or describe symptoms you have. They will help you to decide if you should go to a hospital emergency room, if your condition can wait for a visit to a doctor the next day, or whether you can look after yourself at home. 你可以向护士说明你的问题,症状。他们将建议你是否需要进行急诊,或者等待第二天看病,或自己在家自行治疗。

回复: 没有家庭医生如何获得医疗服务(译自www.settlement.org)谢谢分享

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