加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息保留好移民纸,否则领不到养老金!
因为移民纸丢失,在加拿大居住了60年的移民无法领取养老金。 Toronto teacher denied Old Age Security pension needs proof of immigration Elisabeth Horley McLeod NICHOLAS KEUNG/TORONTO STAR Elizabeth Horley McLeod moved here from England at age 4, but the retired Toronto teacher was denied Old Age Security for failing to prove her entry to Canada in 1950. Nicholas Keung Immigration Reporter Elisabeth Horley McLeod has a Canadian passport and citizenship, and annual income tax returns to prove she is Canadian. She has lived and worked in this country for more than 60 years. But the retired Toronto school teacher, who turned 65 last year, was denied her Old Age Security when she applied for the government-funded pension. The reason: She couldn’t produce the landing papers to show the date she arrived from England with her family when she was four. “I have taught at Woodfield Public School, which is now Duke of Connaught, Fairmount, now Bowmore Road Public School, and Leslieville Public School, which was just Leslie then. I have contributed to the system all my life and I have my passport,” said McLeod. “Obviously, that wasn’t enough. They said I still couldn’t prove when I came to Canada.” She has been fighting the federal government for almost a year, and wants other naturalized Canadians to hear her cautionary tale before they consider tossing their immigrant landing papers once they become Canadian citizens.Old Age Security could add another $450 a month to her income from government and teachers’ pensions. McLeod came to Canada from Norfolk, England, with her parents and elder brother in 1950. Having worked for the Toronto District School Board for 32 years, McLeod, who still supply-teaches, thought her work history, along with her Canadian passport, would suffice to prove her residency and citizenship when she applied for the income supplement last year. For those citizens not born in Canada, Service Canada insists on proof of the date of entry into the country. The government website states a minimum 10 years of residence in Canada after reaching age 18 is required to receive a pension. Earlier this year, McLeod was told her application was deemed abandoned because she had failed to show any landing papers. She called a 1-800 Immigration number and was told to search for an application form for replacement on the government website.
回复: 保留好移民纸,否则领不到养老金!
.回复: 保留好移民纸,否则领不到养老金!需不需要到银行开个保险箱?真怕哪天钟点工以为啥啥的给弄丢了。
回复: 保留好移民纸,否则领不到养老金!移民纸能保留几十年?才两三年上面的笔迹就开始褪色模糊了,告诉我怎么保鲜?
回复: 保留好移民纸,否则领不到养老金!应该是她移民的时候还没有建立完善的电子档案,所以都要靠纸质证明,现在移民纸根本就没啥用了,丢了去政府补办一张就是了。
回复: 保留好移民纸,否则领不到养老金!应该是她移民的时候还没有建立完善的电子档案,所以都要靠纸质证明,现在移民纸根本就没啥用了,丢了去政府补办一张就是了。点击展开... 真的吗??
回复: 保留好移民纸,否则领不到养老金!赶紧扫描吧.点击展开...好像已经模糊了,本来就不太清楚,才不到三年
回复: 保留好移民纸,否则领不到养老金!那是几十年前没电脑。纸丢了就说不清了现在应该不用担心吧。都在电脑里存着呢。移民部网站上也可以申请副本http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/certcopy.asp
回复: 保留好移民纸,否则领不到养老金!那是几十年前没电脑。纸丢了就说不清了现在应该不用担心吧。都在电脑里存着呢。移民部网站上也可以申请副本http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/certcopy.asp点击展开...谢谢!
安省挂牌地产经纪回复: 保留好移民纸,否则领不到养老金!谢谢,松口气了哈,我和我LG都是迷糊,经常自己放的东西,记不住放哪里了。
回复: 保留好移民纸,否则领不到养老金!需不需要到银行开个保险箱?真怕哪天钟点工以为啥啥的给弄丢了。点击展开...我的就是一直放在保险箱,好久没去看过了,如果还会褪色,那得去看看,如果还能看得见就扫描保存吧。入籍时有告知到时领老人金要用的,当时在自由云飞的帖子里也说了。
回复: 保留好移民纸,否则领不到养老金!特别个例吧。
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: 保留好移民纸,否则领不到养老金!最好复印几份或扫描。 但是丢了也不怕,可以补,不过要些等待时间和要收费。
回复: 保留好移民纸,否则领不到养老金!入籍时有告知到时领老人金要用的,当时在自由云飞的帖子里也说了。点击展开...入籍了,还要它?
回复: 保留好移民纸,否则领不到养老金!移民纸一定要保存好。今天刚好一个在Service Canada 工作的朋友告诉我要放好移民纸不然拿不到养老金,正准备上来和大家说一下的,就看到了这篇。
回复: 保留好移民纸,否则领不到养老金!好吧,不过这个规定真不合理啊,那么一张纸头,要保留几十年
我曾经来过。2011短登记录 - 2012短登记录 - 中登进行时入籍了,还要它?点击展开...这个新闻报道的老太太就是已经入籍50多年的加拿大公民
回复: 保留好移民纸,否则领不到养老金!我才来1年多,那张纸已经看不清楚了,还有保持几十年,太恐怖了吧?到那个时候恐怕碰一下就会化了。
·生活百科 来自原点的选择性率
·生活百科 太阳能池供暖