加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息求购《驾驶员手册》
原价求购官方《Driver's Handbook》的中文翻译版。不是其他人编的那种电邮:[email protected]电话:647-855-6086==========================顺便请问下,哪儿有这本书卖的?我今天跑了两个书店,都只有个人编的考试用书,没有这本手册。
回复: 求购《驾驶员手册》这个pdf版本不知道完整不 http://www.ontla.on.ca/library/repos...0/10315123.pdf要不到官方网站,或者图书馆,书店找.http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/dandv/driver/handbook/强烈建议你买一本慢慢看.看pdf效果不是那么好.===The Official Driver's Handbook Includes off-road vehicles and trailers If you are learning to drive in Ontario, then this book is for you. It's all hererules of the road, safe driving practices and how to get your licence to drive a car, van or small truck. Published by the Government of Ontario, it's the only official handbook for drivers. Copies of this handbook may be purchased at a DriveTest Driver Examination Centre, online on the Publications Ontario Web site, from a retail store near you, or select Driver and Vehicle Licence Issuing Offices (link to MTO Web site). The cost is $16.00 (includes taxes). __________________
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回复: 求购《驾驶员手册》我就是买个英文的在家吭哧的查字典呢。
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