加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息[评论]按摩院华裔老板娘遭斩尸 按摩以外「欢愉
新闻:《按摩院华裔老板娘遭斩尸 按摩以外「欢愉」服务》的相关评论按摩院老板娘遭斩尸 曾被投诉经营非法勾当 皮尔区警方展示受害人刘光华的照片。(蓝乙宁摄) 刘光华 科克督察向大家介绍警方调查的进展。(蓝乙宁摄) 密西西加及士嘉堡人体残肢案已找出死点击展开...但有居民曾投诉,指怀疑按摩店经营非法勾当。....加拿大妓女卖淫都是合法的, 非法你老M....
回复: [评论]按摩院华裔老板娘遭斩尸 按摩以外「欢愉」服务常在河边走,哪有不湿鞋?! 自己检讨吧!
回复: [评论]按摩院华裔老板娘遭斩尸 按摩以外「欢愉」服务明报啥英文水平啊。http://massageplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?107523-Forget-Me-Not-Spa-Kennedy-Eglinton这就是报道里面提到的那个论坛吧?原文明明说的是:'ve been a few times, last time was late last year and up to then it was legit. Very good RMT quality massage, some possible incidental grazing and one time I asked if I could pleasure myself while the MP was massaging my front and she was ok with that although very shy. Another time I asked (different girl) and she said not during the massage (she would leave the room if I wanted). Also one time I was there, when I was paying afterward, I noticed another MPA logged on to massageplanet.net!意思就是第一次这孙子自己打手枪,那女的在旁边;第二次那女的说你自己放铳我出去。。。没说提供撸管服务啊。最多提供个视觉陪伴(Visual Escort)服务。
回复: [评论]按摩院华裔老板娘遭斩尸 按摩以外「欢愉」服务看来多伦多还是很危险的,怎么回事?一直以为scarborough是个安全的地方,看来也不尽然呀
回复: [评论]按摩院华裔老板娘遭斩尸 按摩以外「欢愉」服务是啊,这一段感觉明报报道得有点问题。明报啥英文水平啊。http://massageplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?107523-Forget-Me-Not-Spa-Kennedy-Eglinton这就是报道里面提到的那个论坛吧?原文明明说的是:'ve been a few times, last time was late last year and up to then it was legit. Very good RMT quality massage, some possible incidental grazing and one time I asked if I could pleasure myself while the MP was massaging my front and she was ok with that although very shy. Another time I asked (different girl) and she said not during the massage (she would leave the room if I wanted). Also one time I was there, when I was paying afterward, I noticed another MPA logged on to massageplanet.net!意思就是第一次这孙子自己打手枪,那女的在旁边;第二次那女的说你自己放铳我出去。。。没说提供撸管服务啊。最多提供个视觉陪伴(Visual Escort)服务。点击展开...
回复: [评论]按摩院华裔老板娘遭斩尸 按摩以外「欢愉」服务一直以为scarborough是个安全的地方点击展开...Part of Scarborough is safe.
2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克老鸨啊点击展开...人TM的都死了,别小宝老宝的了。都是咱们中国人,嘴上积点德吧。
回复: [评论]按摩院华裔老板娘遭斩尸 按摩以外「欢愉」服务新闻:《按摩院华裔老板娘遭斩尸 按摩以外「欢愉」服务》的相关评论但有居民曾投诉,指怀疑按摩店经营非法勾当。.... 加拿大妓女卖淫都是合法的, 非法你老M....点击展开...卖淫合法,组织卖淫非法,所以本来就是非法经营,人家报纸比你懂法。
See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15回复: [评论]按摩院华裔老板娘遭斩尸 按摩以外「欢愉」服务这次是高危行业,上次是高危性取向,都是华人,无语
回复: [评论]按摩院华裔老板娘遭斩尸 按摩以外「欢愉」服务点击展开...这是个比较二得法律
回复: [评论]按摩院华裔老板娘遭斩尸 按摩以外「欢愉」服务if there is no happy ending, what is the point,
回复: [评论]按摩院华裔老板娘遭斩尸 按摩以外「欢愉」服务if there is no happy ending, what is the point,点击展开...which point
回复: [评论]按摩院华裔老板娘遭斩尸 按摩以外「欢愉」服务which point点击展开...3 points
美東 加東 旅遊包車、導遊、英法語陪同翻譯、長短途接送。高端訂製遊:蒙特利爾、多倫多、魁北克、渥太華、尼亞加拉瀑布、紐約、華盛頓、費城、波士頓...加入世界各族人民,拿來全球多種精華,於是這個國家就變大。China is my mother, Canada is my lover.回复: [评论]按摩院华裔老板娘遭斩尸 按摩以外「欢愉」服务还没有调查清楚,不要乱下结论
回复: [评论]按摩院华裔老板娘遭斩尸 按摩以外「欢愉」服务……………
回复: [评论]按摩院华裔老板娘遭斩尸 按摩以外「欢愉」服务人TM的都死了,别小宝老宝的了。都是咱们中国人,嘴上积点德吧。点击展开...
赏 明报啥英文水平啊。http://massageplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?107523-Forget-Me-Not-Spa-Kennedy-Eglinton这就是报道里面提到的那个论坛吧?原文明明说的是:'ve been a few times, last time was late last year and up to then it was legit. Very good RMT quality massage, some possible incidental grazing and one time I asked if I could pleasure myself while the MP was massaging my front and she was ok with that although very shy. Another time I asked (different girl) and she said not during the massage (she would leave the room if I wanted). Also one time I was there, when I was paying afterward, I noticed another MPA logged on to massageplanet.net!意思就是第一次这孙子自己打手枪,那女的在旁边;第二次那女的说你自己放铳我出去。。。没说提供撸管服务啊。最多提供个视觉陪伴(Visual Escort)服务。点击展开...那是前老板的时间了吧?
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