加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息刘光华碎失案又有新发展,移凶的母亲在儿子的
悲剧 http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/crime/article/1253924--dead-body-found-at-scarborough-home-of-suspect-in-body-parts-murder The mother of the suspect in the notorious body-parts murder of Guang Hua Liu, was found dead in her son’s Scarborough townhouse Sunday morning.臭名昭著的刘光华谋杀碎尸案的疑凶的的目前,星期天上午被发现在她儿子的十家宝镇屋内死亡。 Police said they went to Chun Qi Jiang’s townhouse on Brimwood Blvd. in northwest Scarborough after receiving a phone call around 10:45 a.m. 警察说,他们在10点45分接到一个报警电话后,去了江春奇的镇屋。 The death is not thought to be suspicious and police said they weren’t sure when Jiang’s mother died. An autopsy will occur early this week, police said.警察说他们不认为江的母亲的死亡有什么疑点,也不知道她具体什么时间死的。尸检将在这个星期进行。 Jiang, 40, was charged with second-degree murder last month and has been in custody since his court appearance two weeks ago. He is due back in court Monday.江,40岁,被控二级谋杀。在两星期前出庭后一直拘押。他将在星期一再次出庭。 According to police, Jiang was Liu’s estranged boyfriend. The two had been in a relationship for about four years. Jiang, a Canadian citizen who emigrated from China 10 years ago, worked in construction. 据警察说,江是刘的前男友。两人的关系维持了四年。江是加拿大公民,10年前从中国移民过来,做建筑工作。点击展开...
移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》回复: 刘光华碎失案又有新发展,移凶的母亲在儿子的房子里死亡天哪,事情不断啊。
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: 刘光华碎失案又有新发展,移凶的母亲在儿子的房子里死亡昨天看到警车和救护车停在那里,还以为在搜查证据。
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