加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问谁知道Mississauga的垃圾站在哪里



BJ: 2010.7.19签收-》8.20DM-》8.25DM信-》9.7FN email -》9.8状态14 -》9.14FN平信 -》9.14 IP-》9.15状态12 -》9.24状态13-》9.28CIC双DM-》10.6状态17-》10.8大信封 毕业咯!!!10.21登陆回复: 请问谁知道Mississauga的垃圾站在哪里eastgate/dixie西北的fewster rd 有一个,我去扔过洗衣机。扔洗衣机免费,不知道地板

内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google回复: 请问谁知道Mississauga的垃圾站在哪里Battleford Community Recycling Centre​ 2255 Battleford Rd., Mississauga L5N 8P6 Mon. to Sun., 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.http://www.peelregion.ca/pw/waste/crc/locations.htmFees The following items are accepted FREE OF CHARGE dedicated loads of residential leaf and yard waste (Caledon and Bolton CRCs only)dedicated loads of large metal appliances and fixtures (residential customers only)dedicated loads of Blue Box materialsdedicated loads of non-commercial passenger and light truck tiresdedicated loads of electronicsNew dedicated loads of scrap metalhousehold hazardous waste (HHW)reusable goods Note Vehicles and/or trailers containing only items accepted free of charge are considered to have dedicated loads. Vehicles and/or trailers with both items accepted free of charge and items subject to drop-off fees are considered to have mixed loads. The entire weight of a mixed load is subject to drop-off fees. The following fees apply to all other loads Weight of load*Drop-off fee​ Up to and including 50 kg (110 lbs.) $5 flat rate Greater than 50 kg (110 lbs.) 10 per kg *Maximum load weight of 750 kg (1653 lbs)Note - Weight of load is calculated in increments of 5 kg and payment is rounded down to the dollar​ Methods of payment: Cash, Debit, Visa or MasterCard

林奔尼~帮助您~密市/Oakville-多伦多西区地产经纪手机: (647) 892-9093微信: bennylincanadaQQ: 1247220168回复: 请问谁知道Mississauga的垃圾站在哪里Battleford现在是flat rate,就是按车型收费,轿车$5/车。你车里装多少都没问题。复合地板算垃圾,实木算木头,里面的工人指导你。带上你的驾照,证明是密市居民。

去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重。回复: 请问谁知道Mississauga的垃圾站在哪里谢谢

BJ: 2010.7.19签收-》8.20DM-》8.25DM信-》9.7FN email -》9.8状态14 -》9.14FN平信 -》9.14 IP-》9.15状态12 -》9.24状态13-》9.28CIC双DM-》10.6状态17-》10.8大信封 毕业咯!!!10.21登陆Battleford现在是flat rate,就是按车型收费,轿车$5/车。你车里装多少都没问题。复合地板算垃圾,实木算木头,里面的工人指导你。带上你的驾照,证明是密市居民。点击展开...前两天又去了一次,罢工以后好像政策变了,的确是$5起步价,之后$0.05/kg

去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重。Battleford Community Recycling Centre​2255 Battleford Rd., Mississauga L5N 8P6Mon. to Sun., 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. http://www.peelregion.ca/pw/waste/crc/locations.htm Fees The following items are accepted FREE OF CHARGEdedicated loads of residential leaf and yard waste (Caledon and Bolton CRCs only)dedicated loads of large metal appliances and fixtures (residential customers only)dedicated loads of Blue Box materialsdedicated loads of non-commercial passenger and light truck tiresdedicated loads of electronicsNew dedicated loads of scrap metalhousehold hazardous waste (HHW)reusable goodsNote Vehicles and/or trailers containing only items accepted free of charge are considered to have dedicated loads. Vehicles and/or trailers with both items accepted free of charge and items subject to drop-off fees are considered to have mixed loads. The entire weight of a mixed load is subject to drop-off fees. The following fees apply to all other loads Weight of load*Drop-off fee​Up to and including 50 kg (110 lbs.) $5 flat rate Greater than 50 kg (110 lbs.) 10 per kg *Maximum load weight of 750 kg (1653 lbs)Note - Weight of load is calculated in increments of 5 kg and payment is rounded down to the dollar​Methods of payment: Cash, Debit, Visa or MasterCard点击展开...好人呀

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