加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息中国人民的老朋友布什同志住进ICU


酒精考烟的老一辈政治家、军事家、外交家、情报家、飞行家....美国人民的伟大领袖,中国人民老朋友,伊拉克人民的老对手,苏联人民的老骗子,日本人民的老敌人....布什同志,因气管炎引起的持续高烧不退住进ICU。 党和国家领导人奥巴马同志高度关注布什同志的病情,亲自听取了医疗专家组的汇报,并对抢救工作做出重要指示。在党和政府的亲切关怀下,布什同志病情稳腚,家属情绪安定。正在按照专家组最新医疗方案接受治疗。 Former President George H.W. Bush continues to fight a stubborn fever in the intensive care unit at Houston Methodist Hospital. “Following a series of setbacks including a persistent fever, President Bush was admitted to the intensive care unit at Methodist Hospital on Sunday where he remains in guarded condition,” Bush family spokesman Jim McGrath revealed in a prepared statement. “Doctors at Methodist continue to be cautiously optimistic about the current course of treatment. The president is alert and conversing with medical staff, and is surrounded by family.” McGrath earlier told ABC affiliate KTRK that the former president was awake and joking with doctors, but had yet to respond to medication designed to reduce the fever.Bush, 88, has been in the intensive care unit in Houston’s Methodist Hospital since Sunday, and hospitalized since Nov. 23, when he was brought to the hospital with a bronchitis-like cough. A hospital statement released on Dec. 13 predicted the former president would be discharged before Christmas. Hospital Media spokesman David Bricker told ABC News that Houston Methodist Hospital will be releasing an updated statement on Bush’s condition, but could not provide a timeline for the release and added that such information would be revealed when doctors felt it was appropriate and in accordance with the wishes of the Bush family. President Obama reportedly was being updated on Bush’s condition but hadn’t spoken directly with the Bush family.A young Navy fighter pilot during WWII and former CIA director, Bush developed a warm relationship with his successor, Bill Clinton, teaming up to raise money for Asian tsunami victims in 2004 and then again in 2005 for victims of Hurricane Katrina.

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