加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息加拿大又有新创造了---囚犯在狱中上网找另一半


MONTREAL—Bachelor No. 1 boasts about his “bad-boy body and sweet-guy attitude” and Bachelor No. 2 wants a woman to join him as he closes a dark chapter from his past. Bachelor No. 3, meanwhile, says he can’t be available for a first date for awhile — at least not before 2021. Not only do these men share a quest for love, they have something else in common: they’re all in prison for murder.The suitors are among dozens of male and female cons who have posted personal profiles and photos on a matchmaking website with a twist. This site hooks up people on the inside with those on the outside. The federal prisoners, many behind bars for violent offences like attempted murder, sexual assault and first-degree murder, have written blurbs highlighting their personal qualities — and, in some cases, their crimes. Which leads us to Bachelor No. 4</DIV></DIV> He claims to hold the Toronto record for robbing the most banks in the shortest span: 11 financial institutions knocked off in four-and-a-half hours. “Not something I am really proud of,” Alex Nikoloski writes in his profile. The page indicates that any prospective partner should be ready to wait for his expected May 2015 release date, adding: “But I am worth it.” Canadian Inmates Connect Inc. showcases numerous prisoners serving life sentences and helps the incarcerated find pen pals and, perhaps, much more. The 16-month-old website, which promotes some 40 convict profiles, has even churned out a few lock-up love stories.The site’s founder says several prisoners have asked her to remove their bios because they have already found that special someone.点击展开...

移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》回复: 加拿大又有新创造了---囚犯在狱中上网找另一半顶累那爹没图帖

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