加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 请问拿产假EI可以回国吗?



回复: 请问拿产假EI可以回国吗?可以,我有两个同事都是趁此机会回去的,两个人都回去了半年。但他们都没跟政府说,不知说了后会如何

回复: 请问拿产假EI可以回国吗?一般没人特意去查,产假EI比较松,也不用每周向政府报告,我想留个email给政府好联系就可以了,这只是一己之见。

回复: 请问拿产假EI可以回国吗?http://www1.servicecanada.gc.ca/en/ei/types/special.shtml#Parental3Maternity, parental and sickness benefits when you are out of the countryYou are able to collect maternity and parental benefits while you are outside Canada. However, you must advise your Service Canada Centre if you go out of Canada.。。。。

http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790回复: 请问拿产假EI可以回国吗?申请人只要一直和宝宝在一起,去哪里都没问题,不过一定要申报。

加西万里行旅途杂记 比较几个省的亲属团聚类省提名温哥华家庭旅馆通讯录 温哥华的成人高中 莲藕家的新房子--自建房过程全记录(进行中)藕也织围脖:http://t.sina.com.cn/1852492914回复: 请问拿产假EI可以回国吗?谢谢大家的回复,已经打过电话问过了,可以回去,但要带着孩子,只需走之前跟他们申报一下。

回复: 请问拿产假EI可以回国吗?普通EI可以回国吗?

回复: 请问拿产假EI可以回国吗?普通EI可以回国吗?点击展开...可以,但会停发你回国期间的EI。

回复: 请问拿产假EI可以回国吗?可以.http://www1.servicecanada.gc.ca/en/ei/types/regular.shtml#whileRegular benefits while temporarily absent from CanadaUnder most circumstances you are not allowed to receive regular benefits for any period in which you are not in Canada. However, you can receive regular benefits provided that you are available for work in Canada and that you inform your Service Canada Centre of your temporary absence in the following situations : * for a period of not more than 7 consecutive days to attend a funeral of a member of your immediate family or a close relative; * for a period of not more than 7 consecutive days to accompany a member of your immediate family who is ill to a medical facility, provided the treatment is not readily available in your family member's area of residence; * for a period of not more than 7 consecutive days to visit a member of your immediate family who is seriously ill or injured; * for a period of not more than 7 consecutive days to attend a real job interview; * for a period of not more than 14 consecutive days to conduct a real job search; * to attend an approved training program.Immediate family: Father, mother, stepfather, stepmother, foster parent, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, spouse, your child or the child of your spouse, father-in-law, mother-in-law, a dependant or a relative residing in your household or a relative with whom you permanently live with.A close relative: A grandparent, grandchild, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, uncle, aunt, niece and nephew.Your spouse: Person you are married to or common law partner of more than one year or less where children are present.

http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790赞反馈:marycn 2008-06-27#10 stevenchenxi 4,280 $0.00 回复: 请问拿产假EI可以回国吗?学习

回复: 请问拿产假EI可以回国吗?他们会继续PAY。普通EI如果出了加拿大,会停止PAY。如果在有通知他们的情况下,等回加拿大后,再通知他们,他们会继续发放。好像不能外出太久。

回复: 请问拿产假EI可以回国吗?可以.http://www1.servicecanada.gc.ca/en/ei/types/regular.shtml#whileRegular benefits while temporarily absent from CanadaUnder most circumstances you are not allowed to receive regular benefits for any period in which you are not in Canada. However, you can receive regular benefits provided that you are available for work in Canada and that you inform your Service Canada Centre of your temporary absence in the following situations : * for a period of not more than 7 consecutive days to attend a funeral of a member of your immediate family or a close relative; * for a period of not more than 7 consecutive days to accompany a member of your immediate family who is ill to a medical facility, provided the treatment is not readily available in your family member's area of residence; * for a period of not more than 7 consecutive days to visit a member of your immediate family who is seriously ill or injured; * for a period of not more than 7 consecutive days to attend a real job interview; * for a period of not more than 14 consecutive days to conduct a real job search; * to attend an approved training program.Immediate family: Father, mother, stepfather, stepmother, foster parent, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, spouse, your child or the child of your spouse, father-in-law, mother-in-law, a dependant or a relative residing in your household or a relative with whom you permanently live with.A close relative: A grandparent, grandchild, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, uncle, aunt, niece and nephew.Your spouse: Person you are married to or common law partner of more than one year or less where children are present.点击展开...产假maternity leave是regular benefit么?

回复: 请问拿产假EI可以回国吗?M EI绝对可以,但是牛奶金要打电话去问她们,客服人员各有各的说法,最好再发个邮件。

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