加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息这里骑车是不是一定要戴护具呀?
脚痒了(不是香港脚啊),想骑骑自行车,骑个十来公里的,是不是一定要戴好护具才能骑啊? PS:能不能骑到steel或者kennedy这些大路上去啊?
分分钟涨姿势回复: 这里骑车是不是一定要戴护具呀?Equipment required by law:Helmet - cyclists under 18 must wear a helmet. Helmets are strongly recommended for cyclists over 18.Light and reflector - a white light mounted on the front of your bike, a red reflector on the back for riding when dark.Bell or horn - all bikes must have a working bell or horn to announce your approach to others.Reflective tape - white reflective tape on the front forks, red reflective tape on the front and rear stays.
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