加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 巴基斯坦原籍卡(Pakistan Origin Card)
看看巴基斯坦伊斯兰国是如何善待巴裔移民的吧?这个,天朝真没有啊!但是,这个天朝真应该有,真可以有!期待中http://www.embassyofpakistan.com/?show=leftContent_detail&page_id=25Pakistan Origin Card Apply for this card if you are a Pakistan origin immigrant or a foreigner with annulled Pakistani nationality. Your family members can also apply for POC.Pakistan Origin Card or POC is to facilitate the former Pakistani citizens who currently do not hold Pakistani nationality but have ever remained a Pakistani citizen in their lifetime. POC holders enjoy visa free entry into Pakistan; can buy property in Pakistan and get following other benefits: Benefits of POC § Visa-free entry to Pakistan§ Indefinite stay in Pakistan§ Exemption from foreigner registration requirements§ Permission to purchase and sell property§ Right to open and operate bank accounts§ Substitute for the Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC) where proof of identity is required.§ Seven years card validity You can apply for POC if you are: A Pakistan origin immigrant, foreigner with annulled nationality.Your family members can also apply for POC. Under the rules, following Pakistan Origin persons can apply for POC, namely: a. Former Pakistani Citizens: Any person who does not currently hold Pakistani citizenship but has ever remained a Pakistani citizen in his/her lifetime.b. Foreigners with links to Pakistan: A person who has never been a Pakistani citizen but any of whose parents or grandparents is/was a citizen of Pakistan at any time during his/her lifetime, provided that at least one of his/her living relatives is presently a Pakistani citizen.c. Any person who has never been a Pakistani citizen but who either himself, or any of whose parents or grandparents i. was born in the territories included in the Indo-Pak sub-continent; ii. was domiciled in the territories now included in Pakistan;and who acquired the citizenship or nationality of a foreign state or country before the commencement of the Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951 (II of 1951) i.e. 13th April 1951. Such person shall have to present proof that at least one of his living relatives is presently a Pakistani citizen. Please see the eligibility details before applying for POC Important: Pakistani citizens who are holding dual nationality or are only on work or residence permit in a country outside Pakistan, are not eligible for Pakistan Origin Card (POC) but are eligible for National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis (NICOP).
不忘根本回复: 巴基斯坦原籍卡(Pakistan Origin Card)中华民国承认双重国籍,出入大陆也不限,请投奔民主,摒弃国共独裁
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