加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息问个正经事,有人研究过SCMP(supply chain management
如题,其实这事我也一直想研究很久了,但总是阴差阳错,想研究的时候,工作特忙;工作不忙的时候,又懒得研究。 今天team lead又问我打算啥时候考这么个认证了。我一核计也是,team里有俩干活还不如我(我自己觉得哈)的都拿下这个认证了,也该追求进步一把了。 今天在地铁上把PMAC (purchasing management association of Canada)上面关于这方面课程的说明也从头到尾看了一下,发现学时太长了,正常的话得读3年,这耗不起啊。 不知道咱多屯有没有这方面的同好,有机会一起研究一下呗。 哪些前辈考过了,也给指点指点呗,请喝咖啡
当时年少青衫薄,骑马倚斜桥,满楼红袖招。除了样貌和才华,我一无是处。回复: 问个正经事,有人研究过SCMP(supply chain management professional)吗帮顶! 我也是最近在研究此类认证。 以下希望可以有用,呵呵。我准备买书先看起来,然后再国内参加个培训,明年到多伦多之后参加5.6月份的考试。 在家园里有已经通过的或者有兴趣的TX多多指点哟,在下感激不尽!!!!!!! CPSM是Certified Professional in Supply Management的缩写。2007年2月2日,ISM(Institute for Supply Management)正式向外界发布关于新的CPSM认证的消息。该认证的目标是要成为全球供应管理专业人士竭力追求的高端认证,并于2008年推出,同时从2009年开始取消了C.P.M的认证考试。 CPSM认证涉及多层次的供应管理角色,包括战略采购,物流管理,供应关系管理,供应来源多元化等,采购与供应专业人士将从该认证中获得很好的收益。 认证考试将包括3项测试,涵盖供应管理的各个层面。考试还将反映出当今的供应环境,涉及危机管理,战略采购,社会责任,并对供应人员的素质提出了新的要求。另外,考生必须具有本科或以上学历,并拥有至少5年专职供应管理的工作经验。 CPSM.考试内容 CPSM需要进行三项考试 Section A - Foundation of Supply Management Contracting and Negotiations Cost and Finance International Social Responsibility Sourcing Supplier Relationship Management Section B Effective Supply Management Performance Forecasting Logistics Materials and Inventory Management Organization and Department Assessment Planning Product Development Project Management Quality Section C - Leadership in Supply Management Leadership Risk and Compliance Strategic Sourcing Exam A - 150 scored + 15 un-scored = 165 with 2 hours and 45 minutes allowed Exam B - 150 scored + 15 un-scored = 165 with 2 hours and 45 minutes allowed Exam C - 165 scored + 15 un-scored = 180 with 3 hours allowed CPSM认证的价值 获得CPSM认证对职业价值有什么贡献? The CPSM qualification will enable professionals to gain a clear understanding of their organization's supply operation and enable managers to take an active role in critical decisions.Each step in the development of an organization's products and/or services is controlled by supply management.Current evolution of the profession dictates that a strategic level qualification is needed for professionals to effectively implement innovative supply strategies throughout their entire organization.The CPSM will be a milestone for those professionals who take ownership of their careers.Surveys indicate those will professional designations report higher annual compensation than those without certification.Pursuing your CPSM qualification is your chance to leverage your knowledge and experience into career advancement. 获得CPSM认证对组织有何价值贡献? Organizations have communicated to ISM that they value the C.P.M. as evidence of a solid baseline of purhcasing knowledge.The CPSM qualification will also recognize individual competencies in the broader area of supply management.The CPSM will emphasize major segments of the supply management profession;holders of the qualification will attain a greater understanding of their organization's supply network and have the skills to make more accurate and profitable decisions. 申请CPSM认证的资料,需要同时满足以下三个条件: Three years of experience in supply management (Full-time;professional;mon-clerical,non-support) Bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university(or the international equivalent) Successful passing of the Bridge Exam with a valid C.P.M.or Successful passing of the three CPSM exam CPSM常见问题 1.CPSM有什么好处呢? 获得CPSM认证对职业价值有什么贡献? The CPSM qualification will enable professionals to gain a clear understanding of their organization's supply operation and enable managers to take an active role in critical decisions.Each step in the development of an organization's products and/or services is controlled by supply management.Current evolution of the profession dictates that a strategic level qualification is needed for professionals to effectively implement innovative supply strategies throughout their entire organization.The CPSM will be a milestone for those professionals who take ownership of their careers.Surveys indicate those will professional designations report higher annual compensation than those without certification.Pursuing your CPSM qualification is your chance to leverage your knowledge and experience into career advancement. 获得CPSM认证对组织有何价值贡献? Organizations have communicated to ISM that they value the C.P.M. as evidence of a solid baseline of purhcasing knowledge.The CPSM qualification will also recognize individual competencies in the broader area of supply management.The CPSM will emphasize major segments of the supply management profession;holders of the qualification will attain a greater understanding of their organization's supply network and have the skills to make more accurate and profitable decisions. 2.我没有通过C.P.M.可以报考CPSM吗? 可以! 3.我已经拿到C.P.M.证书了,如何考取CPSM证书呢? 对于已经拿到C.P.M.者,需要参加ISM的搭桥考试,通过者便可拿ISM的CPSM证书,有关注意事项请查看美国供应管理协会官方网站. 3.报考CPSM的要求: 申请CPSM认证的资料,需要同时满足以下三个条件: Three years of experience in supply management (Full-time;professional;mon-clerical,non-support) Bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university(or the international equivalent) Successful passing of the Bridge Exam with a valid C.P.M.or Successful passing of the three CPSM exam. 美国供应学会的官网是www.ism.ws,中国网站是www.ism.org.cn
高山明珠--本那比鹿湖小栈家庭旅馆。鹿湖小栈,2016年全新开业,广迎八方宾客。鹿湖小栈,因美丽鹿湖而得名,愿您的假日加入鹿湖小栈的精彩片段,愿您与我们一起分享高山上的这颗璀璨的明珠!旅馆, 欢迎您的光临!回复: 问个正经事,有人研究过SCMP(supply chain management professional)吗这儿的中国人有一半以上都在读这个呢还不算读报关的
回复: 问个正经事,有人研究过SCMP(supply chain management professional)吗这专业这么招人稀罕啊?今天和一个同事问,她就报了一门课程,她说这东西就是写在简历上好看。
回复: 问个正经事,有人研究过SCMP(supply chain management professional)吗少了个0好伐,伦家是70k。 今天讲涨工资,哈哈。
当时年少青衫薄,骑马倚斜桥,满楼红袖招。除了样貌和才华,我一无是处。少了个0好伐,伦家是70k。 今天讲涨工资,哈哈。点击展开...牛逼单等江南吊哥站着说涨工资的故事
回复: 问个正经事,有人研究过SCMP(supply chain management professional)吗俺有个国人同事, 是Sr Buyer, 啥证也没, 年薪照样9万。
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]俺有个国人同事, 是Sr Buyer, 啥证也没, 年薪照样9万。点击展开...嗯,我身边也不乏这样的例子。我也讨厌考这个证那个证,但现在时间还算充裕,如果这么闲着,就有点浪费了。
当时年少青衫薄,骑马倚斜桥,满楼红袖招。除了样貌和才华,我一无是处。回复: 问个正经事,有人研究过SCMP(supply chain management professional)吗我公司是做supply chain 的,单位有几个同事考了证书,但是干这行业的,不是靠证书吃饭,靠的是经验。如果回国,有一个APICS或者相关的证书,还是能吹吹牛的吧。
回复: 问个正经事,有人研究过SCMP(supply chain management professional)吗不懂帮顶
回复: 问个正经事,有人研究过SCMP(supply chain management professional)吗做个更新啊,今天滕出来空和PMAC的一个coordinator联系上了,俺俩的邮件如下供有兴趣的同学们参考: Hello Christopher, Thank you for your prompt reply, however I am just going for the certificate, not designation. My co-worker told me that a certificate requires less courses and time, as you know I am currently an employee in xxxxx, time is an essence, I can not spend too much time on that. Would you please confirm if below courses and seminars are required to have a certificate? And also advise how long they will take, how much is that? Technical Courses13 lessons per Course* Introduction to Procurement * Introduction to Logistics * Introduction to Transportation * Introduction to Operations Management Soft Skill Seminars2 days per Seminar* Introduction to Business Communications * Introduction to Negotiations * Introduction to Contract Law and Administration Business Management Seminars2 days per Seminar* Introduction to Accounting and Finance * Introduction to Marketing * Introduction to Business Planning Your early response will be highly appreciated. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------下面是他回的: Hi 丝, That's correct, those are the courses and seminars needed. It can be completed in 1 year and the cost from beginning to end is approximately $9000. You can just start enrolling in courses but fill out a "Name and Address" form so that we have some record of you. It can be found at : http://www.oipmac.ca/EducationAccreditation/SupplyManagementTraining/TechnicalCourseRegistration.aspx Once you have all the courses and seminars completed, you have to fill out another form to get the certificate. My colleague Shelvin Mairura is overseeing the certificate program. You can reach her at [email protected] Warm Regards, Christopher
当时年少青衫薄,骑马倚斜桥,满楼红袖招。除了样貌和才华,我一无是处。回复: 问个正经事,有人研究过SCMP(supply chain management professional)吗俺是来顶“Hi 丝, ”的~
09.12.31诺省投档 10.2.26 RN 10.4.16补料HK 10.4.18妥投HK 10.5.5 FN 10.6.1 IP(信内日期2010.5.27)10.6.8 ME(信内日期2010.5.27)10.6.14体检 10.7.7扣登录费 11.2.22 MER 11.3.7 PL 11.3.8 寄出护照 11.3.9 香港签收 11.3.22 地址栏消失一天 11.3.29 DM 11.3.30 VISA到家 11.4.8 短登温哥华 光荣毕业+新的开始回复: 问个正经事,有人研究过SCMP(supply chain management professional)吗I am studying now
一个人不会孤独, 因为我心还有佛祖回复: 问个正经事,有人研究过SCMP(supply chain management professional)吗谁能贴个图,看看这个SCMP证书什么样?国内似乎也有PMAC相关的认证了,CIP什么的,学费4280元人民币,大概一周左右的课程,不知道差别是什么
本贴禁止3COM引用回复: 问个正经事,有人研究过SCMP(supply chain management professional)吗好像时间没那么短,价格也没这么低。。。。
当时年少青衫薄,骑马倚斜桥,满楼红袖招。除了样貌和才华,我一无是处。回复: 问个正经事,有人研究过SCMP(supply chain management professional)吗我也很关注这个,因为我家LD是搞采购的。如果有SCMP认证相关的东西,LZ别忘了更新下。国内推广的叫CIP,[FONT=宋体]([/FONT][FONT="]Certificate in Purchasing[/FONT][FONT=宋体]),也打着PMAC的旗号,的确也需要PMAC颁发,但加拿大这边估计不认这个东西。感觉CIP是专门为国内定制的PMAC的认证。更新:PMAC的网站有SCMP认证的说明,大致看了下:认证方法:首先在其授权机构参加课程学习,每门课程老师给分,所有课程合起来,有一个记分方法,如果通过,则获取证书学习:课程设计为脱产学习36个月,预计在职学习需5年。SCMP获取办法:http://www.pmac.ca/images/stories/education_accreditation_pdf/SCMP_accreditation_handbook_en.pdf似乎获取 这个证书跟拿个大学文凭没啥区别,与常见的那种certificate考试差别很大,有没有那种准备几个月然后考试就能获取的PMAC提供的证书[/FONT]
本贴禁止3COM引用回复: 问个正经事,有人研究过SCMP(supply chain management professional)吗那么我能不能去温哥华直接考个class 7照呢,免得把安省的G给换了。
本贴禁止3COM引用回复: 问个正经事,有人研究过SCMP(supply chain management professional)吗这个证书其实在国内的北京上海等地可以参加咨询公司的培训(大概全天授课十几天,分为3或4次进行),然后参加统一考试,成功率75%左右。费用为8000左右。我来加拿大一年,在国内是做工业采购的。以前由于工作太忙,经常出差,没空去年。其实也是自己懒惰不够进步。到了加拿大才知道这个证还真挺重要呢,但是在加拿大费用实在太贵。我正打算问问政府能否给点补助,如果是FULL TIME念书。
回复: 问个正经事,有人研究过SCMP(supply chain management professional)吗这个证书其实在国内的北京上海等地可以参加咨询公司的培训(大概全天授课十几天,分为3或4次进行),然后参加统一考试,成功率75%左右。费用为8000左右。我来加拿大一年,在国内是做工业采购的。以前由于工作太忙,经常出差,没空去年。其实也是自己懒惰不够进步。到了加拿大才知道这个证还真挺重要呢,但是在加拿大费用实在太贵。我正打算问问政府能否给点补助,如果是FULL TIME念书。点击展开...但国内那个证书不是叫做SCMP吧,而是为中国定制的叫做CIP的认证,估计加拿大这边不认
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