加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Working rough, living poor 安省移民调查报告简介


It has been discussed in details that new immigrants in Canada are struggling to survive in this pretty, peaceful and one of the richest industrialized countries. It seems to be very controversial that well trained immigrants could not find a decent job as indeed the labour shortage is a huge concern in Canada from coast to coast to coast. In these reports, the shocking cases revealed the tough and poor conditions immigrants are facing. Some answers are given for how to improve the living and working conditions we deserve to have. I am especially shocked to realized that the tough situations are not the most terrible one. The cycle of poverty is like a monster haunted around me, days or night. As an immigrant myself, having been struggling in my Canadian Dream for years, I have a thorough understanding of all the inequity and struggle we are facing in this new country. We do not deserve so-called the worst levels of poverty, underemployment and over-representation in unstable, unsafe and low-wage jobs. Our offspring shall not be tagged in the same way as we were. We were professionals and we are smart. We deserve have better lives. It is strongly recommended you fellows download and read this report, voice your opinion, contribute you intelligence, and initiate your action against inequity and discrimination to newcommers in this contry.

回复: Working rough, living poor 安省移民调查报告简介http://accessalliance.ca/sites/accessalliance/files/Access Alliance_Working Rough Living Poor Final Report June 2011.pdf

回复: Working rough, living poor 安省移民调查报告简介http://accessalliance.ca/research/where_are_the_good_jobs

回复: Working rough, living poor 安省移民调查报告简介在加拿大的很多经历说明一件事,那就是你必须表达你的观点和要求。所以把自己的情况给政客,access 已经各种有帮助的组织说明,提出自己的要求。 才能最终获得益处。当然,最最简单的方法就是努力获得本地社区的认可,可惜这不是每个人能做到的。

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