加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息二手买卖 - MBNA信用卡六个月5%返现,申请就有
点这里申请,我也挣个小钱钱https://www.greatcanadianrebates.ca/Register/126736/注册完了以后选择申请MBNA的SmartCash卡,只要申请成功就立刻拿75刀。• Up to 5% cash back on all of your eligible gas and grocery purchases for the first 6 months‡• Up to 2% cash back on eligible gas and grocery purchases thereafter‡• And, up to 1% cash back on all of your other eligible purchases‡• 1.99% annual interest rate† (AIR) on balance transfers* and deposits* for the first 10 full months• Enjoy free online access to your credit card account• And, with no annual fee and free additional cards you’ll start to see the benefits right away.前六个月汽油买菜是返5%,之后2%(每六个月咱再申请一回就是了,多大事啊)
少许找工经验,希望能对看到的朋友有所帮助加拿大不是天堂,中国不是地狱准备出发?一些行李准备的经验吧自制拉面吃到嘴 中国道德缺失现状及方向新移民上学的选择--石油行业 赏 2013-08-15#2 T 2,936 $0.00 点这里申请,我也挣小钱钱https://www.greatcanadianrebates.ca/Register/126736/注册完了以后选择申请MBNA的SmartCash卡,只要申请成功就立刻拿75刀。• Up to 5% cash back on all of your eligible gas and grocery purchases for the first 6 months‡• Up to 2% cash back on eligible gas and grocery purchases thereafter‡• And, up to 1% cash back on all of your other eligible purchases‡• 1.99% annual interest rate† (AIR) on balance transfers* and deposits* for the first 10 full months• Enjoy free online access to your credit card account• And, with no annual fee and free additional cards you’ll start to see the benefits right away.前六个月汽油买菜是返5%,之后2%(每六个月咱再申请一回就是了,多大事啊)
少许找工经验,希望能对看到的朋友有所帮助加拿大不是天堂,中国不是地狱准备出发?一些行李准备的经验吧自制拉面吃到嘴 中国道德缺失现状及方向新移民上学的选择--石油行业回复: MBNA信用卡六个月5%返现,申请就有75刀已经有了,还可以申请吗?
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