加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 家长是移民,小孩是访问者如何免费
我小孩7月刚到加拿大,5岁半,是访问者,移民正在办。她的所有的花费都是我负担,所以我想她上学前班也应该由政府负责才合理。 也有家园的同学说了小孩探亲过来上学是免费的,还可以申请牛奶金。 有人有这方面的经验吗?可以系统地写个贴子讲讲如何操作吗? 谢谢啦!
回复: 家长是移民,小孩是访问者如何免费上学我小孩7月刚到加拿大,5岁半,是访问者,移民正在办。她的所有的花费都是我负担,所以我想她上学前班也应该由政府负责才合理。 也有家园的同学说了小孩探亲过来上学是免费的,还可以申请牛奶金。 有人有这方面的经验吗?可以系统地写个贴子讲讲如何操作吗? 谢谢啦!点击展开... 请教红字部分的逻辑?
回复: 家长是移民,小孩是访问者如何免费上学问所在地的学校或者教育局吧。 我记得我儿子注册的时候是需要身份证明文件的, 我当时提供的是出生纸。
回复: 家长是移民,小孩是访问者如何免费上学The York Region District School Board welcomes you and your child to our education system. We are proud to be one of Ontario’s top achieving school districts and to provide quality educational programs for all our students. Kindergarten is a big step on the journey of learning and this is an exciting time for you and your child. We strongly believe that forming strong partnerships with our parent community is a main factor in achieving success; and encourage you to engage in your child’s education. The York Region District School Board’s mission is to unite in our purpose to inspire and prepare learners for life in our changing world community. We look forward to having your child join us and working with you toward his/her success. Kindergarten Registration begins on February 1, 2013. Please call your local public school for full details about required documents and kindergarten orientation sessions. Required Documents to Register:Proof of child’s age (Birth Certificate/Passport)Proof of residency这是YRDS教育局网站的信息。 看来身份文件只是用来证明孩子年龄的, 和具体身份无关(移民还是访问)。 另外5岁半的话, 开学应该是1年级了
回复: 家长是移民,小孩是访问者如何免费上学9月开学时是5岁零几个月,大约5岁半。 家园里有人说是可以免费上学,也可以申请牛奶金。 需要有经验的同学过来介绍一下!谢谢啦!
回复: 家长是移民,小孩是访问者如何免费上学Tuition fees are not required for students in the following circumstances. ... d) A student who is awaiting determination of an application for permanent residence in Canada under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) or an application for Canadian citizenship where the student’s parent/guardian is a Canadian citizen resident in Ontario. e) A student whose parent/guardian is in Canada under a work permit/awaiting the determination of an application for a work permit under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada), or is a permanent resident/awaiting determination or permanent residence under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada). http://www.yrdsb.edu.on.ca/pdfs/p&p/a/policy/163.pdf
回复: 家长是移民,小孩是访问者如何免费上学谢谢楼上的,我写个邮件去问。
回复: 家长是移民,小孩是访问者如何免费上学得到回复了,小孩上学是免费的。
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