加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息[评论]安省保守党胡达克保住党魁 政策构思:酒类
新闻:《安省保守党胡达克保住党魁 政策构思:酒类私营》的相关评论安省保守党提20政策构思 削入息税 酒类私营 (安省伦敦22日加新社电)安省保守党周日在伦敦结束政策大会,提出20多个政策构思,包括削减入息税、在小商店出售啤酒和酒,筹划下次省选政纲。点击展开...胡达克总是打败仗,不好交代
_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________回复: [评论]安省保守党胡达克保住党魁 政策构思:酒类私营好啊! 昨天市领导建设赌场增加GDP,代表赌徒的根本利益; 今天省领导放开酒店增加GDP,代表酒鬼的根本利益; 明天联邦领导再来个贩毒合法化增加GDP,代表瘾君子的根本利益; 我党的“三个代表”..
移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》回复: [评论]安省保守党胡达克保住党魁 政策构思:酒类私营Back to many years ago, Ontario leader turned public car insurance to private because they believe this could lower the insurance. Guess what, now the car insurance is the highest in entire North America! I have lived in BC and Manitoba, they still have public vehicle insurance system, the prices are all acceptable. So if the LCBO turns to private, hmmmmm........
Remember, Nothing is More Powerful than Your Imagination ~Imagination is More Important than Knowledge; Imagination will Get You Everywhere~ Albert Einstein ~ Back to many years ago, Ontario leader turned public car insurance to private because they believe this could lower the insurance. Guess what, now the car insurance is the highest in entire North America! I have lived in BC and Manitoba, they still have public vehicle insurance system, the prices are all acceptable. So if the LCBO turns to private, hmmmmm........点击展开...you also can compare to BC and Manitoba.
回复: [评论]安省保守党胡达克保住党魁 政策构思:酒类私营好啊! 昨天市领导建设赌场增加GDP,代表赌徒的根本利益; 今天省领导放开酒店增加GDP,代表酒鬼的根本利益; 明天联邦领导再来个贩毒合法化增加GDP,代表瘾君子的根本利益; 我党的“三个代表”.. 点击展开...套套合法化,代表嫖客的利益?
回复: [评论]安省保守党胡达克保住党魁 政策构思:酒类私营胡达克有黔驴技穷的嫌疑
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