加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息该告诉病人嘛?



回复: 该告诉病人嘛?如果病人知道自己的病情,会安排好自己的人生和财产分配。

风景很美回复: 该告诉病人嘛?据说有不少人是被吓死的

http://www.canadameet.com回复: 该告诉病人嘛?那就不说癌症,告诉他病在恶性和良性边缘,让他自己做两手准备。

风景很美回复: 该告诉病人嘛?病人有优先知情权,家属须经病人同意才有知情权。除非特殊情况下,病人放弃知情权及选择权,委托给家属handle

回复: 该告诉病人嘛?安慰一下老友。如果性格很积极乐观的话,不妨实话实说。

回复: 该告诉病人嘛?那就不说癌症,告诉他病在恶性和良性边缘,让他自己做两手准备。点击展开...赞同!病人的意志很脆弱,但同时又很多疑。可以告诉他身体有了毛病,因此需要配合医生做好治疗。但同时,不要讲得太详细了,免得惊吓病人 祝福LZ的亲戚,相信只要积极治疗,一切都会安好


回复: 该告诉病人嘛?安省的知情同意没有最低年龄限制。也就是说,只要孩子的理解能力足够做出决定,而孩子愿意自己做决定,他/她就可以作决定。

回复: 该告诉病人嘛?安省的知情同意没有最低年龄限制。也就是说,只要孩子的理解能力足够做出决定,而孩子愿意自己做决定,他/她就可以作决定。点击展开...Persons who may consent 23. (1) If this Act or any other Act refers to a consent required of an individual to a collection, use or disclosure by a health information custodian of personal health information about the individual, a person described in one of the following paragraphs may give, withhold or withdraw the consent: 1. If the individual is capable of consenting to the collection, use or disclosure of the information, i. the individual, or ii. if the individual is at least 16 years of age, any person who is capable of consenting, whom the individual has authorized in writing to act on his or her behalf and who, if a natural person, is at least 16 years of age. 2. If the individual is a child who is less than 16 years of age, a parent of the child or a children’s aid society or other person who is lawfully entitled to give or refuse consent in the place of the parent unless the information relates to, i. treatment within the meaning of the Health Care Consent Act, 1996, about which the child has made a decision on his or her own in accordance with that Act, or ii. counselling in which the child has participated on his or her own under the Child and Family Services Act.

心之所在即为家Persons who may consent 23. (1) If this Act or any other Act refers to a consent required of an individual to a collection, use or disclosure by a health information custodian of personal health information about the individual, a person described in one of the following paragraphs may give, withhold or withdraw the consent: 1. If the individual is capable of consenting to the collection, use or disclosure of the information, i. the individual, or ii. if the individual is at least 16 years of age, any person who is capable of consenting, whom the individual has authorized in writing to act on his or her behalf and who, if a natural person, is at least 16 years of age. 2. If the individual is a child who is less than 16 years of age, a parent of the child or a children’s aid society or other person who is lawfully entitled to give or refuse consent in the place of the parent unless the information relates to, i. treatment within the meaning of the Health Care Consent Act, 1996, about which the child has made a decision on his or her own in accordance with that Act, or ii. counselling in which the child has participated on his or her own under the Child and Family Services Act.点击展开...If the individual is a child who is less than 16 years of age and who is capable of consenting to the collection, use or disclosure of the information and if there is a person who is entitled to act as the substitute decision-maker of the child under paragraph 2 of subsection (1), a decision of the child to give, withhold or withdraw the consent or to provide the information prevails over a conflicting decision of that person.

回复: 该告诉病人嘛?安省的知情同意没有最低年龄限制。 也就是说,只要孩子的理解能力足够做出决定,而孩子愿意自己做决定,他/她就可以作决定。点击展开...楼主说国内呢 要是不对治疗有害就应该告诉

http://www.canadameet.com楼主说国内呢 要是不对治疗有害就应该告诉点击展开...这就是为着回答楼主的问题

回复: 该告诉病人嘛?文化背景差异。中国人尤其老人是忌讳平日谈死亡的,这其实反映出来的心态是过于在乎。所以少有人会有安排遗产、买寿险等。因此发生这种情况时才一般不说与知。我常对儿子说每个生命都有期限,妈妈将来会死,本意是希望万一有这一天时他能坦然接受事实。可是他现在就会常说等我长大了妈妈就死了。所以我也不知道这么教是好是坏?

回复: 该告诉病人嘛?朋友的父亲去年12月在301被诊断晚期,大概还有三个月的时间,家属决定不告诉,采用中医治疗,现在精神状态很好,体重也增加了近20斤,恢复的很好。仅供参考。

回复: 该告诉病人嘛?国内一亲戚得癌症,家里人决定瞒着他。其实应不应该瞒呢?或者说谁有权利来决定瞒不瞒呢?在这里医生又会怎么办呢?觉得病人应该有权利知道自己的病情。点击展开...大部分人一听到得了癌症,精神马上崩溃了

回复: 该告诉病人嘛?该吃吃该喝喝该睡睡该玩玩该死死

回复: 该告诉病人嘛?因人而宜。精神对身体的影响非常重要。

回复: 该告诉病人嘛?我觉得不该瞒着病人。病人也是人,有知情权。很多人打着为别人好的旗号,作别人的主。别人怎么生活才好,需要你决定吗?

回复: 该告诉病人嘛?大部分人一听到得了癌症,精神马上崩溃了点击展开...得到一个坏消息,需要时间适应,精神抑郁,情绪低沉,是一个接受事实的过程。有这个过程,不一定就崩溃了。没有这个过程,被蒙在鼓里进行手术、化疗、放疗,还有对家庭、职业和经济情况的影响,未必不崩溃。

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