RCMP报告显示,他的大内总管Nigel Wright卷入了贿赂参议员Duffy九万块钱的丑闻, OTTAWA — The RCMP have laid out explosive new allegations in the probe of Sen. Mike Duffy and Nigel Wright, Stephen Harper’s former right-hand man, in documents that make accusations of bribery and frauds on the government and breach of trust against the two. The RCMP alleges that Wright committed breach of trust in writing a $90,000 cheque that covered Duffy’s questionable housing expenses, and that Wright “did, without the consent in writing of the head of the branch of government, pay a reward of confer an advantage or benefit on Mike Duffy.” The court documents also outline the involvement of other key members of the prime minister’s office, throwing doubt over Stephen Harper’s claims Tuesday night that his office wasn’t under investigation by the RCMP. RCMP Cpl. Greg Horton also says between Feb. 6 and Mar. 28, 2103, Wright “did directly or indirectly corruptly give or offer to a member of Parliament for the benefit of that person, any money, valuable consideration, or office in respect of anything done or omitted, or to be done or omitted by him in his official capacity,” contrary to the Criminal Code.点击展开...目前老珀采用的薄书记上法庭的战术----无论什么坏事都是下面人干的,俺一概不知

移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》回复: 老珀最近有麻烦了有个笼子把这帮子掌权的关起来,俺一般不大会冒火,而愿意慢慢的看。大不了一年后投票,换个人关进去。
_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________回复: 老珀最近有麻烦了动机是什么, 搞不明白, 办公室主任比参议员的权大多了, 他犯的着行贿吗.
回复: 老珀最近有麻烦了动机是什么, 搞不明白, 办公室主任比参议员的权大多了, 他犯的着行贿吗.点击展开...提议什么,反对提议什么,投票什么,投什么反对票,这都是思路。 但钱的来源应该不是政府的,而是来自企业财团等金主的,小金库里拿。
回复: 老珀最近有麻烦了新闻说,没有直接证据表明他知道,但可以确认办公室有不少人知道,已经不需要证实他自己知道与否了,脱不了干系的,肯定是政治污点
回复: 老珀最近有麻烦了多报房贴,惹来麻烦。
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