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今天去TD,工作人员推荐把RESP的钱放到GIC plusRESP里面,说是固定5年的,保本,5年后最大收益是25%。有朋友是这样做的吗?

2011年3月30日毕业了!2011年4月6日登陆多伦多,想说爱你不容易。2011年9月-2013年4月college毕业。2014年3月31日,我爱我们在多伦多的家。回复: 关于GIC plus RESP你可以用RESP的钱,放到不同的投资里面.我的就是买了CIBC的基金. 不知道TD这个GIC的回报是否合理--听起来好象挺高的.因为一般GIC都是2.5%-3%每年.

回复: 关于GIC plus RESP你可以用RESP的钱,放到不同的投资里面.我的就是买了CIBC的基金. 不知道TD这个GIC的回报是否合理--听起来好象挺高的.因为一般GIC都是2.5%-3%每年.点击展开...没有利息,只有5年以后的回报,说最高能到25%,到时候谁知道到底有多少呢?最差的情况是保本。

2011年3月30日毕业了!2011年4月6日登陆多伦多,想说爱你不容易。2011年9月-2013年4月college毕业。2014年3月31日,我爱我们在多伦多的家。没有利息,只有5年以后的回报,说最高能到25%,到时候谁知道到底有多少呢?最差的情况是保本。点击展开...A Guaranteed Investment Certificate or GIC is a Canadian investment that offers a guaranteed rate of return over a fixed period of time, most commonly issued by trust companies or banks.能叫GIC就是有个保证回报率的. 5年后25%,平均每年5%,对于GIC来说,是挺高的了.刚查了一下CIBC 的30个月的GIC,年息也就是2.25%

回复: 关于GIC plus RESP差点以为是自己发的帖子。我也是今天去TD开的resp,推荐存在financial gic plus下,五年25%。不懂,说是最保险的,希望能有明白人指点一二。

回复: 关于GIC plus RESP关注

​差点以为是自己发的帖子。我也是今天去TD开的resp,推荐存在financial gic plus下,五年25%。不懂,说是最保险的,希望能有明白人指点一二。点击展开...那还是真有缘呀,我也是今天去的TD,握握手!

2011年3月30日毕业了!2011年4月6日登陆多伦多,想说爱你不容易。2011年9月-2013年4月college毕业。2014年3月31日,我爱我们在多伦多的家。A Guaranteed Investment Certificate or GIC is a Canadian investment that offers a guaranteed rate of return over a fixed period of time, most commonly issued by trust companies or banks.能叫GIC就是有个保证回报率的. 5年后25%,平均每年5%,对于GIC来说,是挺高的了.刚查了一下CIBC 的30个月的GIC,年息也就是2.25%点击展开...没有保证5年后25%的回报率,只是说5年后最高回报率。

2011年3月30日毕业了!2011年4月6日登陆多伦多,想说爱你不容易。2011年9月-2013年4月college毕业。2014年3月31日,我爱我们在多伦多的家。回复: 关于GIC plus RESPTD Market Growth GICsMarket Growth GICs capitalize on the growth potential of the world's leading stock markets without risking your principal investment. Like traditional GICs, they offer you the peace of mind of 100% principal protection, while taking advantage of the higher return potential of the stock market. If you are looking for an investment solution that will provide you a guaranteed minimum interest return as well as the potential to earn even more, then consider the Security GIC Plus1, one of our Market Growth GICs.What are the benefits of TD Market Growth GICs?1. 100% Guaranteed principalGet the potential for higher returns with no risk to your principal no matter which way the markets move.2. Higher potential returnYou could earn up to 25%2 on a five-year term.3. No feesYou pay no fees whatsoever to invest in a GIC.4. FlexibilityYou can choose a three- or five-year term. For the Security GIC Plus, you can choose a one, three-or five year term.5. Low minimum investment amountInvest as little as $500 for Registered3 (RSP, RESP, RIF) or $1,000 for Non-Registered and Registered TFSA.For further details on how the interest return is calculated, please refer to the TD Canada Trust Market Growth GIC Disclosure Statement.6. CDIC EligibleMarket Growth GICs are eligible for insurance by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation.TD Market Growth GICsTake a look at the TD Market Growth GIC options available to you.Find Out MoreExplore your TD Market Growth GIC options todayVisit any TD Canada Trust BranchOr call 1-866-222-3456 to discuss your optionsIf you have an account with TD Canada Trust you can apply now!Apply Now1 Security GIC Plus offers a guaranteed minimum interest return. 2 Applies to Financials GIC Plus, Utilities GIC Plus. Subject to change. Note: Potential to earn up to a 25% return on a 5 year term only applies to Financials GIC Plus and Utilities GIC Plus as of November 3, 2012 3 Please note that the Security GIC Plus is not offered within an RESP or RIF.

回复: 关于GIC plus RESP...:

青山依旧在,几度夕阳红TD Market Growth GICsMarket Growth GICs capitalize on the growth potential of the world's leading stock markets without risking your principal investment. Like traditional GICs, they offer you the peace of mind of 100% principal protection, while taking advantage of the higher return potential of the stock market. If you are looking for an investment solution that will provide you a guaranteed minimum interest return as well as the potential to earn even more, then consider the Security GIC Plus1, one of our Market Growth GICs.What are the benefits of TD Market Growth GICs?1. 100% Guaranteed principalGet the potential for higher returns with no risk to your principal no matter which way the markets move.2. Higher potential returnYou could earn up to 25%2 on a five-year term.3. No feesYou pay no fees whatsoever to invest in a GIC.4. FlexibilityYou can choose a three- or five-year term. For the Security GIC Plus, you can choose a one, three-or five year term.5. Low minimum investment amountInvest as little as $500 for Registered3 (RSP, RESP, RIF) or $1,000 for Non-Registered and Registered TFSA.For further details on how the interest return is calculated, please refer to the TD Canada Trust Market Growth GIC Disclosure Statement.6. CDIC EligibleMarket Growth GICs are eligible for insurance by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation.TD Market Growth GICsTake a look at the TD Market Growth GIC options available to you.Find Out MoreExplore your TD Market Growth GIC options todayVisit any TD Canada Trust BranchOr call 1-866-222-3456 to discuss your optionsIf you have an account with TD Canada Trust you can apply now!Apply Now1 Security GIC Plus offers a guaranteed minimum interest return. 2 Applies to Financials GIC Plus, Utilities GIC Plus. Subject to change. Note: Potential to earn up to a 25% return on a 5 year term only applies to Financials GIC Plus and Utilities GIC Plus as of November 3, 2012 3 Please note that the Security GIC Plus is not offered within an RESP or RIF.点击展开...谢谢信息分享,感觉明白点了。

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