加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问house门前的停车位必须铲雪吗?没有人行道
回复: 请问house门前的停车位必须铲雪吗?没有人行道当然应当及时除雪,city by-law应当有规定的,另外,即使没有人行道,路人也可能从你门前过。
回复: 请问house门前的停车位必须铲雪吗?没有人行道我觉得不用扫。
回复: 请问house门前的停车位必须铲雪吗?没有人行道你住哪里? 每个地方的Bay-Law 都不一样的
回复: 请问house门前的停车位必须铲雪吗?没有人行道我觉得不用扫。点击展开...撒布拉显然在舞蹈他人,以大城市土狼屯为例,city by-law有规定:Steps, landings, walks, driveways, parking spaces, ramps and similar areas of a yard must be cleared of snow and ice within 24 hours of a snowfall to provide safe access and egress for persons and vehicles.A landlord is also required to keep roofs and roof structures free from any dangerous accumulation of snow and ice and any loose objects that may constitute a hazard. However, normal seasonal accumulations of snow and ice would not need to be addressed by the owner.
回复: 请问house门前的停车位必须铲雪吗?没有人行道撒布拉显然在舞蹈他人,以大城市土狼屯为例,city by-law有规定:Steps, landings, walks, driveways, parking spaces, ramps and similar areas of a yard must be cleared of snow and ice within 24 hours of a snowfall to provide safe access and egress for persons and vehicles.A landlord is also required to keep roofs and roof structures free from any dangerous accumulation of snow and ice and any loose objects that may constitute a hazard. However, normal seasonal accumulations of snow and ice would not need to be addressed by the owner.点击展开... 那还是扫吧。
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