加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息york region power outage update!
PowerStream Inc. @PowerStreamNews 9m Severely damaged areas incl: Yonge/Centre area, Yonge/407 area, Cache area, Unionville and northeast Richmond Hill; please plan accordingly PowerStream Inc. @PowerStreamNews 13m 12,000 customers remain affected by #icestorm2013, we encourage all affected to make alternate arrangements for tonight @CP24 @680News ^jo Expand Collapse Reply Retweet Retweeted Delete Favorite Favorited More Embed Tweet 1 Retweet 1 Favorite 3:13 PM - 24 Dec 13 · Details <LI id=stream-item-tweet-415620828768657408 class="js-stream-item stream-item stream-item expanding-stream-item after-expanded before-expanded" data-item-id="415620828768657408" data-item-type="tweet"> PowerStream Inc. @PowerStreamNews 14m #Vaughan update - 1,400 customers remain affected by #icestorm2013 #pwroutExpand Collapse Reply Retweet Retweeted Delete Favorite Favorited More Embed Tweet</DIV><LI style="MARGIN-TOP: 8px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 8px" id=stream-item-tweet-415620719813197824 class="js-stream-item stream-item stream-item expanding-stream-item js-has-navigable-stream open" sizcache031006523793226415="28195 259 7" sizset="false" data-item-id="415620719813197824" data-item-type="tweet"> PowerStream Inc. @PowerStreamNews 15m #Markham Update - 3,600 customers remain affected by #icestorm2013 #pwrout</DIV>
回复: york region power outage update!家里斷電70個小時了,NO ETR!
回复: york region power outage update!PowerStream Inc. @PowerStreamNews 4mApproximately 8.900 customers remain without power. For more information, visit: http://goo.gl/I7bno6 #pwroutExpand Collapse Reply Retweet Retweeted Delete Favorite Favorited More Embed Tweet<LI style="MARGIN-TOP: 8px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 8px" id=stream-item-tweet-415648604166963200 class="js-stream-item stream-item stream-item expanding-stream-item js-has-navigable-stream open" sizcache0362608531291932="7270 253 1" sizset="false" data-item-id="415648604166963200" data-item-type="tweet"> PowerStream Inc. @PowerStreamNews 15m For the latest visual update, including affected areas and the location of crews,please visit: http://goo.gl/I7bno6 #pwrout</DIV>
回复: york region power outage update!We strongly advise those without power to be prepared to sustain an extended outage over the next few of days and possibly into the weekend
回复: york region power outage update!A detailed update is now available on our mobile site. Using your smartphone, please visit http://www.PowerStream.ca Thank you. #pwrout
回复: york region power outage update!家里斷電70個小時了,NO ETR!点击展开...安慰一下
_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________回复: york region power outage update!PowerStream Inc. @PowerStreamNews 8m Avoid downed power lines and to always assume that every line is “live”, even if it’s not jumping or sparking.
回复: york region power outage update!安慰一下点击展开...謝謝,FIRE PLACE開了一晚上,發現樓上溫度只有17度,現只能躲朋友家了,明天如果還沒來,去找個WARMING CENTER體驗一下生活!
回复: york region power outage update!加拿大的天然气管道建设很难吗?向政府建议厨房和热水器通气而不是电,这样当停电时不至于饭都没法做。我发现很多房子厨房用电炉,一停电全玩完。进一步说,电比天然气贵。新的社区考虑电线走地下,当风暴,雪暴,冰暴来袭安全得多,这几个风险在加拿大比在中国高得多。华人要积极参政,用手上的选票影响政府,真正为人民生活谋福利。点击展开...這次GAS沒有影響,HOUSE的水沒問題,就是BLOWER等用電的設備有問體,高樓供水有問體,家里沒有GAS爐的,做飯會影響!我家第一天早上用火鍋的爐做早餐。目前看,沒那麼恐怖!
回复: york region power outage update!Ontario Warnings @OntarioWarnings 18m Carbon Monoxide goes undetected and is deadly. Do not move generators and BBQs into your home.
回复: york region power outage update!Markham update - 2,300 customers remain affected by #icestorm2013 #pwrout
回复: york region power outage update!#RichmondHill update - 5,000 customers remain affected by #icestorm2013 #pwrout #Vaughan update - 1,400 customers remain affected by #icestorm2013 #pwrout
回复: york region power outage update!Please visit the @homeandsafety at http://esasafe.com for additional emergency information and winter storm tips
回复: york region power outage update!停电不是我关注的,家里冷不冷我很关注。
回复: york region power outage update!工作人員也不容易,平安夜,冰樹林里,working around the clock to restore power. 不過加班費估計是可觀的!
回复: york region power outage update!TRAFFIC TIP: during an outage, please treat all intersections as a 4-way stop #safety #pwrout
回复: york region power outage update!唉,有人欢喜有人愁啊
回复: york region power outage update!白天出門看看美景,估計一生就這一次!
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