加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息who knows the Traditional Chinese doctor 刘昭?
I read on the internet about him. seems many of his patients think he is very good. Who has the experience with him? If he's really good as those ppl say I will recommend him to my good friend who's from Montreal. Thanks in advance! and merry Christmas~~
回复: who knows the Traditional Chinese doctor 刘昭?虽然明白你的意思但你写英文让我费精神了,不搭理。
风景很美I read on the internet about him. seems many of his patients think he is very good. Who has the experience with him? If he's really good as those ppl say I will recommend him to my good friend who's from Montreal. Thanks in advance! and merry Christmas~~点击展开...不了解该医生,但可以提供些建议:自己要多多做些Reseach,网站上的东东多少有些不靠谱。你具体看哪方面的?
回复: who knows the Traditional Chinese doctor 刘昭?虽然明白你的意思但你写英文让我费精神了,不搭理。点击展开...hehe, sorry let you 费精神了. I don't have Chinese input in my computer. that's why.
回复: who knows the Traditional Chinese doctor 刘昭?不了解该医生,但可以提供些建议:自己要多多做些Reseach,网站上的东东多少有些不靠谱。你具体看哪方面的?点击展开...thanks for reminding. coughing
回复: who knows the Traditional Chinese doctor 刘昭?thanks for reminding. coughing点击展开...普通的coughing,还是哮喘。若是哮喘,我现在所去的医生就擅长该方面
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