加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息[评论]大多约克区H1N1感染跃增6倍 吁勿恐慌(图)
新闻:《大多约克区H1N1感染跃增6倍 吁勿恐慌(图)》的相关评论注射流感疫苗是保护自己的最简单方法。 根据大多约克区公共卫生局最新发表的统计数据,自约克区在去年11月进入流感季节以来,H1N1猪流感的感染个案在今年有增多的趋势,迄今为止已有点击展开...如果是H1N9,死亡率超过50%
_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________回复: [评论]大多约克区H1N1感染跃增6倍 吁勿恐慌(图)阿省刚死了一个H5N1的。从中国回来的Fatal case of H5N1 bird flu reported in Canada Canada has reported North America’s first case of H5N1 bird flu infection, in an Alberta resident who recently returned from a month’s visit to China.The person, whose name and age were not revealed, was reportedly feeling ill on Dec. 27 while flying from Beijing to Vancouver and then on to Edmonton. The patient was admitted to hospital on Jan. 1 and died Jan. 3.点击展开...
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