加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息关于renew 枫叶卡中Translation of documents
如题,正在着手办理renew 枫叶卡中。想请教一下有经验的同学,中国护照中含出入境的页面,必须由认证的翻译来完成吗?翻译护照页面和certify护照原件与复印件的必须是同一个人吗?以下是来自官网的说明:Any document that is not in English or French must be accompanied by:•the English or French translation; and•an affidavit from the person who completed the translation; and•a certified copy of the original document.Note: An affidavit is a document on which the translator has sworn, in the presence of a commissioner authorized to administer oaths in the country in which the translator is living, that the contents of their translation are a true translation and representation of the contents of the original document. Translators who are certified members in good standing of one of the provincial or territorial organizations of translators and interpreters of Canada do not need to supply an affidavit.Certified copiesYou must send certified copies of any document that is not in English or French.To have a copy certified, an authorized person must compare the original document to the photocopy and must print the following on the photocopy:•“I certify that this is a true copy of the original document”•the name of the original document•the date of the certification•his or her name•his or her official position or title and•his or her signaturePersons authorized to certify copies include the following:•Chiropractor •Commissioner of oaths•Dentist•Funeral director•Justice of the peace or judge•Lawyer•Manager of a financial institution•Medical doctor•Member of a provincial legislature•Member of parliament•Minister of religion•Municipal clerk•Notary•Official of an embassy, consulate or high commission officially accredited to Canada and authorize to certify document issued by the official’s government•Pharmacist•Police officer•Postmaster•Primary, secondary or university teacher•Professional accountant •Professional engineer•Social worker •Veterinarian谢谢大家的回复!
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]2012年1月13日拿到OSSD2014年6月Accg Diploma, graduated with high honoursContract ing回复: 关于renew 枫叶卡中Translation of documents护照不是中英文的吗不用翻译阿注:本贴仅供参考 本人不承担任何责任
回复: 关于renew 枫叶卡中Translation of documents护照上有出入境章是非英文的需要翻译公证。因为出入境章上的 “出”和“入”没有对应的英文显示……去找找你附近的新移民服务中心或者社区中心有没有 commission of oaths 和 中文counselor,可以提供免费的翻译公证。在密市的话可以来找我,newcomer centre of Peel 905 306 0577 转240。
兔妈全家长登多伦多流水账一步一步走进密西沙加护照上有出入境章是非英文的需要翻译公证。因为出入境章上的 “出”和“入”没有对应的英文显示……去找找你附近的新移民服务中心或者社区中心有没有 commission of oaths 和 中文counselor,可以提供免费的翻译公证。在密市的话可以来找我,newcomer centre of Peel 905 306 0577 转240。点击展开...兔妈,你好!你明天或者下周什么时候在?你在的话,我可以带着护照直接来找你吗?如果需要预约,你告诉我一下。谢谢!
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]2012年1月13日拿到OSSD2014年6月Accg Diploma, graduated with high honoursContract ing兔妈,你好!你明天或者下周什么时候在?你在的话,我可以带着护照直接来找你吗?如果需要预约,你告诉我一下。谢谢!点击展开...我们下周一开始上班,你打电话给我约时间吧,我一周都在,但现在还不太知道下周的时间安排。
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]2012年1月13日拿到OSSD2014年6月Accg Diploma, graduated with high honoursContract ing回复: 关于renew 枫叶卡中Translation of documentsPCAS的安居服务部也可提供同样的服务。联系电话:905-670-1967 说找 Rena就转进来了。
致力于帮助新移民安居和融入加拿大社会 http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=287407(905)670-1967 ext. 235It's always my pleasure to provide professional settlement services to you!好的,谢谢你!请问我带好护照就行了吗?还需要带枫叶卡吗?出入境章的翻译和整本护照的certify在你这里就能全部做了吧。点击展开...你好,你需要带枫叶卡和护照原件以及复印件来。我们会对有出入境章的护照页翻译盖章。
兔妈全家长登多伦多流水账一步一步走进密西沙加回复: 关于renew 枫叶卡中Translation of documents谢谢Rena 和兔妈:已经找就近的原来读LINC的学校的社工做了翻译和certified copy of passport.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]2012年1月13日拿到OSSD2014年6月Accg Diploma, graduated with high honoursContract ing回复: 关于renew 枫叶卡中Translation of documents我的续卡过程:1/17挂号信寄出所有资料,1/20签收,1/28处理,1/29批准,今日打开信箱看到卡已经在了,估计是这几天寄到的。
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