我去年年底购房,closing day在2013年底。今年报税的时候,我的会计师说,可以退$750,这个数字好低。请问,退税与什么有关?这个退税数字是否合理呢?另外,我没有买RRSP。 多谢!
Line 369 - Home buyers' amount

美国运通金卡:AMEX Gold ,开卡送25000积分(价值250刀以上),首年销卡无任何费用,成功批核后本人再额外多给Cash Bonus感谢。同时主推 AMEX SPG 酒店卡,开卡送20,000 SPG点,可以兑换最高6晚美国喜来登酒店住宿,总价值可超600刀。详情请PM(此外还有Business Gold ,感谢力度与 Gold一致)。Tangerine (ING) Orange Key: 41710691S1 (本人同样额外返点)如果收入不高的话,就是这个数了,按最低税率计算点击展开...收入高也是750,:-;
买房,卖房,管理投资房Grande Prairie唯一说国语的Realtor到大草原安家,投资就找Sofia。Cell:(780) 605 0234微信:sofia9999 如果收入不高的话,就是这个数了,按最低税率计算点击展开...收入一百万TAX CREDIT也是15%前两天有人说自己头一次买房退税1.5万,他肯定是搞错了
命由己造 相由心生世间万物皆是化相,心不动,万物皆不动,心不变,万物皆不变收入高也是750,:-;点击展开...谢谢指正,我一直以为是抵扣5000的收入税
美国运通金卡:AMEX Gold ,开卡送25000积分(价值250刀以上),首年销卡无任何费用,成功批核后本人再额外多给Cash Bonus感谢。同时主推 AMEX SPG 酒店卡,开卡送20,000 SPG点,可以兑换最高6晚美国喜来登酒店住宿,总价值可超600刀。详情请PM(此外还有Business Gold ,感谢力度与 Gold一致)。Tangerine (ING) Orange Key: 41710691S1 (本人同样额外返点) 赏 2014-04-06#8 D 1,024 $0.00 请问不管买的是新房还是二手房,只要是第一次买房且用于自住就可以申请吗? 夫妻二人哪一方申请都可以吧?谢谢!
搭车求教,first time home buyer到底怎么算?国内有房产是不是就不算了?
icppss 说:搭车求教,first time home buyer到底怎么算?国内有房产是不是就不算了?点击展开...同问!要回溯4年呢
心里平衡些许 ..... , 谢谢大家的回答
THANKS A LOT FOR THE ABOVE USEFUL INFO. AS I JUST FOUND SUCH GREAT TAX SAVING .PLS SEE BELOW FROM CRA WEBSITE:First-time home buyers' tax creditVideo length: 2 minutes, 58 secondsAlternative formats: MPG4, WEBM | Video helpTranscriptMeet the Lees.The Lees heard that the Government of Canada wants to help first-time home buyers with a tax credit and they're excited to learn more!They've just purchased their first home, and they can use some tax savings. So how does it work?The First Time Home Buyers' Tax Credit is a non-refundable tax credit that you can claim if you bought a qualifying home.A non-refundable tax credit reduces the federal income tax that the Lees have to pay.However, if the total of their non-refundable tax credits is more than their federal income tax payable, the Lees won't receive a refund for the difference.So how do the Lees save this tax money? The tax credit is based on $5,000. For 2013, their credit is 15%, the lowest personal income tax rate, times $5,000.We'll spare the Lees the math—the credit is $750, maybe enough savings to hire student painters or buy that reclining chair they've been eyeing.But what's a qualifying home?The home has to be in Canada, and can be new, or already built. It can be a condominium, an apartment, a townhome, a detached, or semi-detached home.It can also be a mobile home, or a share in a co-operative housing corporation if the share in the co-op gives you the right to own the unit.And the home must be registered in Dave and / or Kim's name.Either Dave or Kim or both can make the claim, since the buyer and the buyer's spouse or common-law partner qualify.And people who buy their first home with their friends also qualify. No matter what, the combined total amount claimed can't be more than $5,000.But the credit is for first-time home buyers. Dave owned his apartment while he was in college. Is he still eligible?A buyer who has not owned a home in the year of purchase or in any of the last four preceding years qualifies. So Dave qualifies as long as he has not owned a home since 2008.Kim's aunt who is disabled bought a home that will accommodate her disability. Kim is extra happy because her aunt can claim the Home Buyers' Tax Credit as well.People who are disabled, or buying the home for a disabled relative, also qualify for the credit, and it does not have to be their first home.It must enable the person with the disability to live in a more accessible dwelling or in an environment better suited to their personal needs and care.Dave and Kim are so excited to be saving money on their income tax! All they need to do is fill in the amount on Line 369 of Schedule 1, Federal Tax and voila! Up to $750 saved.Want to be like Dave and Kim? Here is a link with more information about the First Time Home Buyer's Tax Credit.
Mega X 说:THANKS A LOT FOR THE ABOVE USEFUL INFO. AS I JUST FOUND SUCH GREAT TAX SAVING . PLS SEE BELOW FROM CRA WEBSITE: First-time home buyers' tax creditVideo length: 2 minutes, 58 seconds Alternative formats: MPG4, WEBM | Video help TranscriptMeet the Lees. The Lees heard that the Government of Canada wants to help first-time home buyers with a tax credit and they're excited to learn more! They've just purchased their first home, and they can use some tax savings. So how does it work? The First Time Home Buyers' Tax Credit is a non-refundable tax credit that you can claim if you bought a qualifying home. A non-refundable tax credit reduces the federal income tax that the Lees have to pay. However, if the total of their non-refundable tax credits is more than their federal income tax payable, the Lees won't receive a refund for the difference. So how do the Lees save this tax money? The tax credit is based on $5,000. For 2013, their credit is 15%, the lowest personal income tax rate, times $5,000. We'll spare the Lees the math—the credit is $750, maybe enough savings to hire student painters or buy that reclining chair they've been eyeing. But what's a qualifying home? The home has to be in Canada, and can be new, or already built. It can be a condominium, an apartment, a townhome, a detached, or semi-detached home. It can also be a mobile home, or a share in a co-operative housing corporation if the share in the co-op gives you the right to own the unit. And the home must be registered in Dave and / or Kim's name. Either Dave or Kim or both can make the claim, since the buyer and the buyer's spouse or common-law partner qualify. And people who buy their first home with their friends also qualify. No matter what, the combined total amount claimed can't be more than $5,000. But the credit is for first-time home buyers. Dave owned his apartment while he was in college. Is he still eligible? A buyer who has not owned a home in the year of purchase or in any of the last four preceding years qualifies. So Dave qualifies as long as he has not owned a home since 2008. Kim's aunt who is disabled bought a home that will accommodate her disability. Kim is extra happy because her aunt can claim the Home Buyers' Tax Credit as well. People who are disabled, or buying the home for a disabled relative, also qualify for the credit, and it does not have to be their first home. It must enable the person with the disability to live in a more accessible dwelling or in an environment better suited to their personal needs and care. Dave and Kim are so excited to be saving money on their income tax! All they need to do is fill in the amount on Line 369 of Schedule 1, Federal Tax and voila! Up to $750 saved. Want to be like Dave and Kim? Here is a link with more information about the First Time Home Buyer's Tax Credit.点击展开...多谢你拿出官方文件。这下大家都放心啦。退得钱虽然少,但是也够买张机票去玩下了。
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