加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息加拿大悍匪袭警致3人死亡 造型酷似“兰博”


环球网报道 记者 王一据英国《每日星报》6月5日报道,6月4日,加拿大新不伦瑞克省(New Brunswick)发生一起枪击案,三名警察被杀,至少两名警察受伤。目前嫌疑人仍在逃。  报道称,当地警方已经锁定嫌疑人,名叫贾斯丁·布尔克(Justin Bourque),现年24岁,蒙克顿人(Moncton),根据视频显示,贾斯持有两枝装弹量很大的突击步枪、一把弩机和一把刀。目前警方正在全力通缉他。  据称,此案引起外国网友热议,许多人哀悼死去的警察,也有人对平静的加拿大发生这样的案件表示震惊,还有网友对枪手何以逃过警方围捕感到疑惑。

早起的虫子被鸟吃赞反馈:三月樱花开 2014-06-05#2 majorshenzhen
13,845 $0.00 网上转载的

早起的虫子被鸟吃赞反馈:三月樱花开 2014-06-05#3 Michelle Libra
流金歲月 感恩惜福
29,772 $0.00

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15点击展开...Li Bra这是想干嘛?我的地盘插了个旗帜,啥话不说就跑了。你这是忙着在抢地盘?

早起的虫子被鸟吃赞反馈:三月樱花开 2014-06-06#5 大拿
Miroir de la vie
16,970 $0.00 像是像,但不论枪匪还是冤鬼,都不是第一滴血了 。。。

有所拿,有所不拿 ... 2014-06-06#6 Mansaca 545 $0.00 已经arrested,被捕时没有武器。

不死的凤凰 说:已经arrested,被捕时没有武器。点击展开...啥情况?难道当初是警察从两侧包抄擒拿罪犯。警察一开枪,自己对面的警察三死两伤,赤手空拳的罪犯毫发无伤安然逃走?



不死的凤凰 说:不是,gunman开枪打死3个警察,重伤2个后逃跑。经过一天2夜的搜索,gunman被找到,投降时身边没有武器,但武器在周边的树林里。点击展开...多谢!不过就算枪手有枪,怎么5个警察还打不过他一个人。难道警察都没带枪?看来俺也得去英文网站看看有没有人说些内幕什么的。

移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》 2014-06-06#11 qjf 1,990 $0.00 哀悼骑警,但显然他们大意加平时不太训练,死三伤两,对手没军队背景,毫发无损

ReneDad 说:多谢!不过就算枪手有枪,怎么5个警察还打不过他一个人。难道警察都没带枪?看来俺也得去英文网站看看有没有人说些内幕什么的。点击展开...Someone saw he was walking with guns, and called 911. When the cop came in to investigate, he shot the cop. When the back up cops came, he ambushed the cops.

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15赞反馈:ReneDad 2014-06-06#13 Michelle Libra
流金歲月 感恩惜福
29,772 $0.00 Thibodeau later spoke to CTV News and described how armed officers had suddenly stormed into her backyard.“They were screaming, ‘Come out with your hands up!’” she said. “Without anything else, he just came out and said, ‘I’m done.’ And he had his arms raised.”Police earlier identified the suspect as 24-year-old Justin Bourque.点击展开...

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15赞反馈:三月樱花开 2014-06-06#14 Michelle Libra
流金歲月 感恩惜福
29,772 $0.00 Vanessa Bernatchez was enjoying a few drinks in her family’s backyard when a neighbour yelled at them to get inside.“There’s a man outside,” she recalls the neighbour saying. “He’s shooting cops.”Moments later they heard gunshots and ran inside, locking the doors behind them. From inside the house they peeked out the front windows and noticed other neighbours milling around.“We yelled at them ‘get in the house, get in the house,’” she said.She decided she had to alert friends in the area about the man with the guns, so she started recording a short video that she intended to send out through social media as a warning to stay away. She had no idea it would eventually get replayed by news outlets around the world.That’s when an unmarked police car rolled up and a plainclothes police officer stepped out. He was wearing a flak vest. Ms. Bernatchez said he kept turning around because he didn’t know the direction of the shooter. That’s when family members noticed a shadow growing larger between two houses next door.“We knew it was the shooter right away,” she said. “We banged on the windows to let the officer know. We yelled ‘turnaround.’ Then there was a shot. The officer went down. He got shot in the neck.”Despite his mortal wound, the officer managed to squeeze off two shots from his handgun as he fell to the ground, according to Ms. Bernatchez.“He was still trying to get that shooter, but as soon as he hit the ground, he stopped moving.”For Ms. Bernatchez, the most chilling part was still to come. They saw the shooter clearly. He was wearing a hat and had dark smudges beneath his eyes. The family watched through the front window as the shooter calmly raised his rifle and walked away slowly.“He just walked away as if it was no big deal,” she said. “That’s what made me sick to my stomach.” Ms. Bernatchez ran to the phone and called 911. She gave her location and the officer’s condition. The operator suggested the officer could be playing dead.“I said ‘No, there’s too much blood. He’s not moving.'”Within 10 minutes, her street was flooded with police.“We told them he went toward the woods and the highway. We’ve been in the house ever since. I haven’t slept.”Danny Leblanc, 42, said he saw the shooter in the distance Wednesday evening, wearing a camouflage outfit and standing in the middle of the street with a gun pointed at police cars.The construction worker said he believed it was an RCMP officer until he heard a burst of automatic gunfire coming from the man’s gun.

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15 2014-06-06#15 Michelle Libra
流金歲月 感恩惜福
29,772 $0.00 “That guy was standing on the road afterwards and he was looking towards us,” he said.He said he quickly retreated into his home with his family, adding a neighbour posted on social media that a kitchen window was shattered by gunfire.Leblanc said few people on his normally quiet street were sleeping as they awaited word at midnight on whether arrests had been made.“It’s just crazy. We’re chatting with our friends on Facebook and we’re not going to bed until this guy is caught. I’m sure nobody in Moncton is sleeping because he seems to be all over the place,” he said. The deaths of the three officers has shocked the city, he said.“It’s devastating. I don’t know if he was on a hunt for them, or what,” said Leblanc.

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15 2014-06-06#16 Michelle Libra
流金歲月 感恩惜福
29,772 $0.00 Based on information from the RCMP’s Honour Roll page on its website, the last Mountie to die from a gunshot was Const. Douglas Scott on Nov. 5, 2007. He was shot while responding to a call for help involving an impaired driver at Kimmirut, Nunavut.The most recent police officer killed in the line of duty was Const. Steve Dery of the Kativik police force in northern Quebec. Dery, 27, was shot and killed after he and another constable responded to a domestic violence call on March 2, 2013.The shootings in Moncton also brought back memories of an RCMP tragedy in Mayerthorpe, Alta., on March 3, 2005, when Constables Anthony Fitzgerald Orion Gordon, Lionide (Leo) Nicholas Johnston, Brock Warren Myrol and Peter Christopher Schiemann were shot and killed.Officials with the Horizon Health Network said the Moncton Hospital was treating two people who were listed in stable condition. The hospital was placed on Code Orange after the shootings to prepare it to handle multiple casualties as extra staff were brought in.

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15Someone saw he was walking with guns, and called 911. When the cop came in to investigate, he shot the cop. When the back up cops came, he ambushed the cops.点击展开...多谢。看来这家伙与警察有仇,加拿大版的杨佳。也许是打仗的电子游戏玩多了,想玩把真的警察还是太大意了。观察枪手在哪儿也得躲在什么障碍物后面观察啊。而且911接电话的警察更有问题,居然问警察是不是躺在地上装死。如果说第一次接到报警派出的警力不足情有可原;而第一次去的警察一去不返联系不上,后面又来报警,只派出这么一个警察增援。人的眼睛又不是像兔子一样长在脑袋两侧能360度观察,在有很多地方可以躲藏的居住区这个风险太大了。That’s when an unmarked police car rolled up and a plainclothes police officer stepped out. He was wearing a flak vest. Ms. Bernatchez said he kept turning around because he didn’t know the direction of the shooter. That’s when family members noticed a shadow growing larger between two houses next door.“We knew it was the shooter right away,” she said. “We banged on the windows to let the officer know. We yelled ‘turnaround.’ Then there was a shot. The officer went down. He got shot in the neck.”点击展开...

移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》Someone saw he was walking with guns, and called 911. When the cop came in to investigate, he shot the cop. When the back up cops came, he ambushed the cops.点击展开...围点打援就这样一个程式。

早起的虫子被鸟吃围点打援就这样一个程式。点击展开...when the tv was interviewing the witness, she said the cop was hiding behind the car and trying to figure out what happened, the criminal had already moved to the other side and shot his neck from another side

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15围点打援就这样一个程式。点击展开...Now they are talking to upgrade the weapon for cops.

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