加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息安大略省遭遇老外黑房东,下月开庭仲裁!





happywings 说:租客之间有一个在屋里吸毒卖淫,嫖客顺手牵羊当然是一个原因,但是房东不给新租户大门钥匙和房间钥匙,也是导致失窃等一系列问题的直接原因。点击展开... 看起来房东没有花钱雇人管理是个大问题。

http://www.canadameet.com 2014-10-18#5 wxirene 3,406 $0.00 既然这么多疑点,为什么还要租吗?三条脚的猪不好找,单间租房肯定是多了去拉。答案只有一个,贪图其中的便宜。

wxirene 说:既然这么多疑点,为什么还要租吗?三条脚的猪不好找,单间租房肯定是多了去拉。答案只有一个,贪图其中的便宜。点击展开...不是特别便宜,540一个月。主要是地点很好,环境很好。

原文作者给安大略省租赁委员会的状子WITHOUT PREJUDICETenant’s ExplanationSubmitted to the Landlord and Tenant BoardAlong with the T6 Application Formon the First of October 20141. Currently working at xxx, I relocated from Vancouver, BC, to C, ON, on September 7, 2014.2. In August 2014, I began searching on craigslist.org for a room in a house to rent. I found the advertisement for 12345 xxxxxx, ON, N2T xxx, posted by the landlord, ABC, who claims that he does not live at the above referenced premises, though he owns it. 3. From the first contact till the last, there were 81 emails exchanged between ABC and myself, as well as a colleague of mine in C, Ms. Zhu, who would deliver my personal belongings to the place before my arrival. The communication between the landlord and myself was uneasy, given the 81 emails within a month or so, mostly because the lease agreement he had provided was full of flaws against the tenant and because he was evasive about my questions regarding key(s) delivery and other details that I, as a tenant, was entitled to know. I decided to proceed with the tenancy, however, only because of the good location of the premises. 4. Since the first contact, ABC has never given me any phone number by which I could reach him though I asked for it multiple times in emails, nor has used his personal email address in all correspondence with me except for Interac e-transfers. It was the Waterloo Region Police that helped me obtain his phone number after I called 911. Besides, ABC was very slow in responding to my emails. However, he responded to my monetary e-transfers very promptly.5. Before I arrived in C, I had paid ABC the first and last month rent, which was CAD$1,080, through Interac e-transfer. I now wish to ask all money back.6. Since I would arrive in C at 2:00 a.m. on the morning of September 7, 2014, I had asked ABC to courier me the keys at my own cost, but he refused to do so, as has been indicated in his impatient email of a word or two. As a matter of fact, ABC did not give me the keys to the property in question and to my room, even though he defended that he had left one in the mailbox and somewhere “in between the air conditioner and the fence outside of the building.” 7. I arrived at the premises in question around 2:00 a.m. on the morning of September 7, 2014, and did not find keys at the spots that ABC had told me about in one email. It was surprising to me that the door of the building was open, and the lights were all on. The living room and kitchen were extremely filthy and chaotic.8. The room assigned to me, according to the lease agreement, was dark without a light. Besides, the room door was wide open with my bags and boxes open, my Sony speaker, pillow and some clothing missing. My colleague, Ms. Zhu, had delivered those belongings to the landlord a few days before. 9. According to the lease agreement, ABC should have provided basic furniture in the room including a bed. There was no bed in the room, not even a mattress. I was not able to sleep the entire night.10. Without ABC’s phone number, I could only send him an email addressing my situation and concerns. He did not respond, until I had to phone him about 10 hours later with the number the police had obtained for me. 11. Around 4 a.m. in the early morning, I heard more than one man coming into the building and then up to the second floor, talking loud to the woman living in the next-door room for almost half an hour. I was extremely worried about the safety issues in the building.12. I called the police around 8:30 a.m. One policeman came around 11:00 a.m., inquired about all details, looked around the house, and made notes. He also spoke with another tenant there, Paul Zhang. He assured me that the landlord was not a scam, but “just a bad landlord.” He then gave me the phone number of the Landlord and Tenant Board, suggesting I call for help as soon as possible.13. I phoned ABC with the number the police had obtained for me. ABC did not even apologize for the situation, but sounded very defensive. He said that he would “resolve” the problems, by directing me to different places of which I was unaware. He refused to show up, nor gave me a specific time or date of the “resolution.”14. Whereas I did not have keys to the room and to the building, I was stuck in the room all day and was unable to go anywhere, not to even buy food. I was extremely tired and hungry after the 5-hour Vancouver-Toronto flight and 2-hour airport transit trip from Toronto to C, followed by the unfortunate situation at the said premises. I became very sick, suffering a terrible cold, a high fever, fatigue as well as diarrhea. With the help of local friends, I moved away to stay with a family on the evening of September 7, paying $50/day till I found a new place. 15. On the same night, I sent ABC an email to terminate the lease agreement. I have not completely recovered from the illness as of today. Besides, the cell phone bill that I received 2 days after September 7 showed $175, generated by the calls that I had to make due to the above situation. Last but not least, I am not only physically ill, but also psychologically exhausted and traumatized, after those 81 emails, arduous communication and one after another frustration. 16. As of September 10, ABC’s tenant, Paul Zhang, informed me that he called the Police and reported another theft in the property. On September 23, he informed me that there had been prostitution going on in the property as well. Although these allegations were not directly relevant to my case, they proved my termination of the lease agreement and moving away a right decision.Witnesses include the following:Ms. XXXMr. XXXMs. XXXMr. XXXC Region PoliceConclusion:As a tenant, I signed the lease agreement and paid the first and last month rent in a timely manner in good faith. ABC’s failure to fulfill his responsibilities as the landlord has been devastating, as well as has caused the extra expenses I have incurred. He did not comply with the lease agreement that he had signed, refused to resolve problems in any real sense, and allowed the room door wide open with my valuable belongings unattended in it before I moved in. He sounds defensive and argumentative, and so I have determined to terminate the agreement and to submit this application to the Landlord and Tenant Board.The landlord did not comply with the terms of the agreement, provide keys, correct deficiencies, maintain the premises in a good state of repair fit for habitation and in compliance with health, safety, housing and maintenance standards as well as my right to be free from interference with the reasonable enjoyment of the premises. I have sought legal aid with regard to this matter. See s.20-23 of the Residential tenancies Act, 2006 (“RTA”) set out below:“Landlord’s responsibility to repair20. (1) A landlord is responsible for providing and maintaining a residential complex, including the rental units in it, in a good state of repair and fit for habitation and for complying with health, safety, housing and maintenance standards. 2006, c. 17, s. 20 (1).Same(2) Subsection (1) applies even if the tenant was aware of a state of non-repair or a contravention of a standard before entering into the tenancy agreement. 2006, c. 17, s. 20 (2).Landlord’s responsibility re services21. (1) A landlord shall not at any time during a tenant’s occupancy of a rental unit and before the day on which an order evicting the tenant is executed, withhold the reasonable supply of any vital service, care service or food that it is the landlord’s obligation to supply under the tenancy agreement or deliberately interfere with the reasonable supply of any vital service, care service or food. 2006, c. 17, s. 21 (1).Non-payment(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a landlord shall be deemed to have withheld the reasonable supply of a vital service, care service or food if the landlord is obligated to pay another person for the vital service, care service or food, the landlord fails to pay the required amount and, as a result of the non-payment, the other person withholds the reasonable supply of the vital service, care service or food. 2006, c. 17, s. 21 (2).Landlord not to interfere with reasonable enjoyment22. A landlord shall not at any time during a tenant’s occupancy of a rental unit and before the day on which an order evicting the tenant is executed substantially interfere with the reasonable enjoyment of the rental unit or the residential complex in which it is located for all usual purposes by a tenant or members of his or her household. 2006, c. 17, s. 22.Landlord not to harass, etc.23. A landlord shall not harass, obstruct, coerce, threaten or interfere with a tenant. 2006, c. 17, s. 23…”I’m a human being who values human rights. This unprecedented traumatic experience is one that has violated my basic rights, as the property that the landlord provided was a hazardous place and unfit for human habitation. I hereby ask the Landlord and Tenant Board to look into this application, and to provide a prompt resolution.

这个作者就是个傻蛋, 偏找这些白垃圾登的广告租房. 自找的!

一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]赞反馈:jinglin616 2014-10-18#9 蒙 758 $0.00 我看,估计你这个官司不大可能赢呀。



魁北克小子 说:,看完帖子,我觉得固然帖子主人很可怜,但确实也怪自己做事不严谨,这种隔空选房的事情,又非要选个房东不是本地的,又找个不靠谱的同事去验房,干嘛不把钥匙让同事先拿着,俗话说的那个啥,可怜之人点击展开...你不了解全面情况就不要擅自下结论。

aaaa722 说:真是为华人的价值观汗颜。坚决支持楼主用法律捍卫自己的合法权利。这是法治国家,坚决使用法律武器!点击展开...是啊,看到这么多中国人的话和反映出来的价值观,又为这个民族感到意思悲哀。




Horse Dragoon 说:这个作者就是个傻蛋, 偏找这些白垃圾登的广告租房. 自找的!点击展开...刚开始还说自己的直觉靠谱。明知道是坑,还奋不顾身的往下跳。看来多伦多的房子不好租啊。

大雅 说:“我的直觉是很准的。在和这个房东电子邮件交流的时候就预感这个人相当不靠谱。第一,此人一直用Craiglist中间邮箱和我联络,而只有在给他电邮转账时候才告诉我他私人电子邮箱,而且,此人从来不给我留任何电话号码,更不用说他的地址(他住在多伦多,不住在这儿,这套房子只用于出租)。第二,此人发来的租赁合同漏洞百出,我要是不长个心眼儿,不懂法律文件,那么就会很容易签署一份满是霸王条款的合同。第三,对于我的问题、顾虑和要求,此人几乎不回复邮件,如果回复也是寥寥几笔,所答非所问,只有在电邮转账缴纳定金时候他才及时回复。”如果有些事情从一开始直觉不对,就不要继续了,偶然是必然的交叉点,太多疑点的开始一般不会好。点击展开...说是这么说,但是遇到这种黑心奇葩的概率因为实在低,所以一般不会因为直觉就中断联系的,因为找房子、签合同等等都是很麻烦的事情。

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