加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息二手买卖 - UI/UX Developer in Montreal (代发招聘职位


UX UI Developer (JavaScript/CSS3/HTML5)DescriptionUser Experience Group is looking for a UI Developer to create captivating user interfaces for enterprise web applications. Successful candidates will be proficient with both JavaScript and CSS, having several years of professional work experience using HTML5, JavaScript and CSS3 including a solid background in MV* programming, JavaScript patterns and core JavaScript language. Additionally candidates should have strong knowledge of client-side frameworks like AngularJS or BackboneJS; libraries like jQuery, Underscore or Lo-Dash, D3 or HighCharts; performance troubleshooting & security issues, and a working knowledge of using Adobe Photoshop. The role focuses on faithfully implementing sophisticated custom visual and interaction designs pixel for pixel and gesture for gesture. This front-end developer works closely with UX Designers and various project development teams to build out new views and implement functionality. Candidates should also have experience with CSS preprocessing (SASS, LESS). Experience with creating customized themes is preferredQualificationsThe way our UX team functions within the firm is like much like an external design agency. We provide expertise to augment the many dozens of internal product development teams within the firm. These teams typically already have front-end JavaScript developers that can integrate with the back-end developers, achieve most of the required enterprise functionality, but do not have the specialized skills needed to execute custom interactions and designs. The main difference between this role and a more common JavaScript Developer role is that this role requires significant experience with high-end design implementation (CSS3, SASS or LESS, Adobe Photoshop [not designing, just being able to interpret PSD files into HTML, CSS and images]). This role does not require any Sencha (ExtJS or Touch) experience{C}This role does require significant experience with high-end design implementation (CSS3, SASS or LESSIf you are qualified, available, interested, planning to make a change, or know of a friend who might have the required qualifications and interest, please call me ASAP at (212) 306-0196, even if we have spoken recently about a different position. You may also send me an e-mail. If you do respond via e-mail please include a daytime phone number so I can reach you. In considering candidates, time is of the essence, so please respond ASAP. Thanks!Jeff KushnerAxelon Services Corporation44 Wall Street 18th FloorNew York, NY 10005Phone: (212) 306-0196 or (877) 711-8700Fax : (212) [email protected]

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