Transfer to Parent or GrandparentThe student may transfer an amount to his or her parent or grandparent, or to the parent or grandparent of the student's spouse or common-law partner. The student will complete and sign the transfer section of their tax certificate and provide the recipient of the transfer with a copy. The parent or grandparent would enter this amount in field 324 of their Schedule 1.不理解。
以佛修心,以道做人。Transfer to Parent or GrandparentThe student may transfer an amount to his or her parent or grandparent, or to the parent or grandparent of the student's spouse or common-law partner. The student will complete and sign the transfer section of their tax certificate and provide the recipient of the transfer with a copy. The parent or grandparent would enter this amount in field 324 of their Schedule 1.不理解。点击展开...1- 先在孩子报税时填报她的T22022- 让孩子在她的T2202上填写她同意转让给父母的金额(联邦税最多可转5000, 省税最多可转6686), 签名, 留存以备CRA查验3- 如果你是手写填表报税, 在你的S1里324行填上孩子同意转上给你的联邦学费金额; 再在ON 428 的17行里填上安省学费的金额.4-如果你用软件报税, 你在上述两个表里填上金额后, 还得在Dependent里分别填上相应的金额5- 当然, 在孩子的税表上, 在她的S11 (24行)和ON S11(20行)里也要填上她同意转让的金额

知我者谓我心忧,不知我者谓我何求2月21日 DHL,3月15日DM,3月18日收到visa有变化总是好的 赏 2015-03-31#4

·生活百科 我自动化的空调系统
·生活百科 太阳能分析数据刷新问题