新华网北京4月3日电(记者徐博)人力资源和社会保障部3日发布消息称,《中华人民共和国政府和加拿大政府社会保障协定》签字仪式日前在加拿大渥太华举行。 经两国政府批准,中国人力资源社会保障部副部长胡晓义和加拿大就业和社会发展部国务部长黄陈小萍分别代表两国政府签署中加社会保障协定。 据了解,签署双边社会保障协定的目的,主要是解决两国有关人员在对方国工作期间的参保问题,避免双重缴费,减轻企业和人员的负担,维护两国在对方国投资企业和就业人员的社会保障权益,进一步便利两国经贸和人员往来。 目前,除中国-加拿大社会保障协定外,中国政府与经贸关系密切的15个国家启动了双边社会保障协定谈判,并与德国、韩国、丹麦和芬兰分别签署了双边社会保障协定。
人生就是一个过程,你自己快乐就好。 赏

1,823 $0.00 http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/services/pensions/international/index.shtmlIf you have lived or worked in Canada and in another country, or you are the survivor of someone who has lived or worked in Canada and in another country, you may be eligible for pensions and benefits from Canada and/or from the other country because of a social security agreement.What is a social security agreement?A social security agreement is an international agreement between Canada and another country that is designed to coordinate the pension programs of the two countries for people who have lived or worked in both countries.Canada has signed social security agreements with a number of other countries that offer comparable pension programs.The requirements under the social security agreements vary from agreement to agreement. It is important to check the details of the agreement that relates to you.How can a social security agreement help me qualify for benefits? A social security agreement can help you qualify for benefits by allowing you to combine your periods of contribution or periods of residency in Canada with your periods of contribution or periods of residency in the other country to meet the minimum eligibility criteria. It can also reduce or eliminate restrictions based on citizenship or on payment of pensions abroad.评论
人生就是一个过程,你自己快乐就好。 赏 2015-04-03#3

四环胡同 说:这个估计和移民没啥关系吧点击展开...太有关系了,我认为,加拿大移民可以转移加拿大CPP到国内,反之亦然。
青菜 说:太有关系了,我认为,加拿大移民可以转移加拿大CPP到国内,反之亦然。点击展开...按照我的理解,这个协定正式生效后,我们作为移民,在中国的工作经历可能被加拿大认可,从而容易满足40年居住年限。
seankaren 说:按照我的理解,这个协定正式生效后,我们作为移民,在中国的工作经历可能被加拿大认可,从而容易满足40年居住年限。点击展开...可能性很高。等待细节内容。
出国以前在国内公务员11年, 没有社保, 就不能享受这个政策了? 如果是真的话。
seankaren 说:按照我的理解,这个协定正式生效后,我们作为移民,在中国的工作经历可能被加拿大认可,从而容易满足40年居住年限。点击展开...40年居住年限和OAS有关, 在中国社保和CPP有关, 和OAS可能没关系。 中国的退休金和CPP是对等的。 静等下文。
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