加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息所谓安省性教育话题,华人保守派宗教界的弱智
这个链接就是你们说的那个教育大纲http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/elementary/health1to8.pdf一年级:- p93 C1.3翻译过来就是让老师在生理课上要教孩子说生殖器官的“学名”。比如孩子说“鸡巴”,老师要告诉他,这个正确的叫法叫“阴茎”....就这么点内容。那儿有一年级就学肛交口交这回事?2-6年级的自己抱着字典去看吧,根本没什么出格的东西。二年级: p108 C1.4三年级:p121 C1.3, p124 C3.3四年级:p141 C1.5, p153 C2.4五年级:p156 C1.3, C1.4, p158 C2.4六年级:p172 C1.3, p174 C2.5, C2.6, p177 C3.3
移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》 赏 反馈:amyz8299, yuantangling, caiyonge 和 8 其他人 2015-02-26#2 厨 197 $0.00 支持你,很多人没有读,这个大纲有很多进步点。时代不同有些教育要及时,避免孩子受侵害还不知道自我保护
移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》 赏 反馈:Formypublic, caiyonge, 八根儿 和另外1个人 2015-02-27#4 X 付费矿工 389$(0.07$赞力,#57) 6,264 $0.34 $389.34 那些智商低的人都不懂英语,容易被煽动。他们自己寻花问柳,搞SM,保养情妇,但听不得口交肛交这个词。
xchn818 说:那些智商低的人都不懂英语,容易被煽动。他们自己寻花问柳,搞SM,保养情妇,但听不得口交肛交这个词。点击展开...白痴弱智被人利用只是有点可悲而已。那些“为了个人重大利益”在背后编造谎言利用他们的人才是最无耻的....
移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》白痴弱智被人利用只是有点可悲而已。那些“为了个人重大利益”在背后编造谎言利用他们的人才是最无耻的....点击展开...CBC 的 the fifth estate, mark kelly今晚讲麦子的故事,The War on WheatKellogg's, the world's largest cereal maker, has seen its biggest drop in sales since the 1970s. Food companies are selling off their struggling bread divisions. It's all because best-selling health evangelists say that wheat is causing everything from fat bellies to schizophrenia. But do they have science on their side? Mark Kelley takes a hard look at what's driving a movement that is dramatically changing the way we eat.
ReneDad 说:白痴弱智被人利用只是有点可悲而已。那些“为了个人重大利益”在背后编造谎言利用他们的人才是最无耻的....点击展开...你说的“白痴弱智”人群不只是有点可悲,而是相当可悲。这些人最容易被传教和传销的盯上,因为说服他们信点啥不需要证据,不需要逻辑,只需要吸引眼球的主题,套近乎加上忽悠。不信你回头看看之前论坛里反对新教材这些人,是不是好多都信个神或者卖个保健品啥的。
Pendant que par fiertéL'on joue comme des guerriersCroyants, êtres éternelsEt ça nous fait peur那些智商低的人都不懂英语,容易被煽动。他们自己寻花问柳,搞SM,保养情妇,但听不得口交肛交这个词。点击展开...智商低的人都可以包养情妇了?你让整天躺床上撸管,自以为自己是genius的高智商人士情何以堪?
http://www.iask.ca/news/canada/2014/10/296759.htmlEveryone pass this fade information again again.Can you trust these and those "news paper"?
厨子 说:支持你,很多人没有读,这个大纲有很多进步点。时代不同有些教育要及时,避免孩子受侵害还不知道自我保护点击展开...华人自由派成功!期望更多同性恋、双性恋、粉墨登场!并在课堂现场演示!
安省新版中小学性教育课程的大部分内容是比较适合学生学习的,但重点增加的内容不仅仅是教导学生认同不同的性取向,还要学会如何为不同的性取向行为进行辩护。这是将正常的学生教育与让人不能接受的价值观进行捆绑的做法。Grade 6 (Page177):Teacher prompt: “Assumptions about different sexual orientations or What can be done to change or challenge them?” (老师:对于不同的性取向。。。你能做什么来改变或挑战他们)Students: “We can understand people’s sexual orientations better, for example, by reading books that describe various types of families and relationships. Not everyone has a mother and a father – someone might have two mothers or two fathers (or just one parent or a grandparent, a caregiver, or a guardian). We need to make sure that we don’t assume that all couples are of the opposite sex, and show this by the words we use. For example, we could use a word like ‘partner’ instead of ‘husband’ or ‘wife’. ”(学生:通过阅读描述不同类型的家庭和关系的书籍,我们可以更好的理解人们不同的性取向。不是每个人有一个妈妈和一个爸爸 - 有些人也许有两个妈妈或两个爸爸(或其他)。我们需要确定不要假设所有的伴侣是异性,并且用我们使用的词语表达出来。例如,我们使用伴侣来代替‘丈夫’或‘妻子’。)以上是六年级的老师引导学生如何认同不同的性取向并且通过阅读相关书籍,成为不同的性取向的赞同者并且学会为不同的性取向行为进行辩护。这就是安省新版中小学性教育课程的精髓。这些新增加的内容是学生家长们极力反对的部分。参见:THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 1–8http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/elementary/health1to8.pdf(可下载)
安省新版中小学性教育课程,教育或引诱?Page3Grade 1 (6岁)C1.3 identify body parts, including genitalia (e.g., penis, testicles, vagina, vulva), using correct terminology [PS]辨认身体部位,包括生殖器(如阴茎,睾丸,阴道,外阴),使用正确的术语。[ 当你6岁的孩子回到家时,你问他/她学了什么,你的孩子说:我们今天学了阴茎,睾丸,阴道,外阴。作为6岁的孩子的父母,你会怎样想?Page197Grade7 (12岁)One of the best things you can do to stop HIV is to stop the stigma that is associated with having the infection.你可以做的阻止艾滋病的最好的办法是停止污名化HIV的感染渠道。[ 政治口号还是科学? ]Grade 8 (13岁)Page215Teacher prompt: “How would thinking about your personal limits and making a personal plan influence decisions you may choose to make about sexual activity?”[ 为何要一个13岁的孩子订一个性生活计划?对于13岁的孩子,性生活是不合法的。 ]Grade 8 (13岁)Page216C1.5 demonstrate an understanding of gender identity (e.g., male, female, two-spirited, transgender,transsexual, intersex), gender expression, and sexual orientation (e.g., heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual), and identify factors that can help individuals of all identities and orientations develop a positive self-concept [PS][ 能读懂这些名词吗? ]参见:THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 1–8(安省新版中小学性教育课程)
从统计看2015安省新版中小学性教育课程:239页的课程大纲,其中提到性活动22次,避孕套12次,口交1次,肛交2次,怀孕21次,却只提到丈夫和妻子一次。仅有的一次提到丈夫和妻子,仅仅是为了教育学生需要使用伴侣一词来代替‘丈夫’或‘妻子’。其中提到异性恋1次,却提到同性恋18次。239页的课程大纲,没有提到婚姻(marriage)一次,一次都没有。目标是: support every child,reach every student。
同性恋运动要求的不仅仅是同性婚姻合法化!同性恋运动是一个世界性的文化大革命运动,加拿大的同性恋运动具有典型的示范意义。加拿大同性恋运动线路图: 同性恋非罪化->同性婚姻合法化->反恐同歧视法(同性恋保护法)->强制同性恋教育,批判异性恋霸权主义->建立彻底的价值中性教育......名词解释:恐同: 害怕同性恋(homophobic);对同性恋者(尤指男同性恋者)憎恶的;同性恋恐惧症的。价值中性教育: Value-free education,向传统价值立场发出批判,包括两性,性取向,家庭价值等,揭露价值立场背后的异性恋主义的面目,向异性恋主义的霸权作全面的解构(Deconstruction)。解构,拆析: 文学评论用语,指找出文本中自身逻辑矛盾或自我拆解因素,从而摧毁文本在人们心目中的传统建构。1969年,联邦自由党政府将同性恋非罪化。2005年7月,联邦自由党政府主导将同性婚姻合法化。2005年11月28日,联邦自由党政府倒台。2012年6月5日,安省自由党政府主导通过《接受异同学校法》(Accepting Schools Act),实为同性恋校园保护法。2012年初,全省最大的教育局多伦多教育局推出一份教育局文件“Challenging Homophobia and Heterosexism: A K-12 Curriculum Resource Guide”(“挑战害怕同性恋反异性恋主义:幼稚园至十二年级的课程资源指引”),因遭到强烈的抵制而暂停。2012年10月15日安省自由党省长麦坚迪因丑闻缠身突然宣布下台。2015安省新版中小学性教育课程大纲,与2012年初推出的“Challenging Homophobia and Heterosexism: A K-12 Curriculum Resource Guide”(“挑战害怕同性恋反异性恋主义:幼稚园至十二年级的课程资源指引”)有何区别?
VOTE: Do you support the province's updated sex education curriculum?No 92.61% Yes 7.39% 来自英文网站的评论:jordapen:Jesus didn't mince words on the issue."But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and drowned in the depths of the sea." Matthew 18:6Ayman Fahim says: When some people choose a wrong and irregular way to live, It does not mean that it is correct to push this type of living way as a normal way. No to judge people but don’t let your wrong choice affect our lives and our kids, Canada already lost a lot of the value of faith and believes under the flag of freedom, be free by being responsible toward yourself and others.Adeeba Mahmood says: No I don’t agree with this carriculum.A concerned mother says: I DON’T AGREE WITH THIS NEW CURRICULUM Sreekumar Vakeel says: Terrible curriculum – we don’t want this for our kids so early…Leon Beliansky says: Terrible curriculum. It violates my family values.Hemal Shah says: Looks like she is purposely creating problems for parents and spoiling our kids. I strongly object her thinking which is leading towards spoiling kids. It is no different then a terrorist trying to kill the kids. Why she do not want people to live safe in this country. What is wrong with her.Hanna G. says: The Premier has introduced a new low in immorality to Ontario. Kids do not need to be exposed to what they cannot comprehend.There is a difference between what they learn naturally over time and what is forced into their minds.what do you expect from a sick lizbian leader… main goal is to make every one sick like her and her group.Alexander F says: This is not what people of Ontario want. This new curriculum is being pushed forward by some certain group of people who are promoting their own lifestyle which I and many, many others disagree with.E. Maureen Moss:This is criminal! I don't live in Ontario, but I do have family who lives there. The parents of Ontario need to rise up in LOUD protest against this 'control and manipulation' of elementary school - aged children! This sounds criminal to me! If pedophilia is a crime .... shouldn't 'preparing' kids to think perhaps the advances of 'dirty old men' are something to accept also be a CRIME??? WHY is Kathleen Wynne still premier of Ontario?? Teaching young children about sex should be the domain of their PARENTS - NOT the education system!!Frank M:If the outcry is big enough the demons will back down like they did a few years back under McGuinty. Your children are at stake you'd better start screaming Ontario Moms and Dads!
酷儿理论认为性别认同和性倾向不是“天然”的,而是通过社会和文化过程形成的。米歇尔·福柯、朱迪斯·巴特勒、伊芙·科索夫斯基·赛菊寇和迈克尔·华纳等是酷儿理论的重要理论家和先驱。李银河 —— 同性恋运动的旗帜人物 —— 也是酷儿理论的吹鼓手。酷儿理论的主要理论家认为性倾向是高度可塑的,是不固定的(流动的)。中国同性恋运动的很多人,包括很多的同志自己都相信性倾向是高度可塑的。曾有一位同志活动家,在一次公开场合宣称,他能将一个五十岁的男人随意“掰弯”。青少年时期是性观念形成的重要时期,如果这时候给孩子灌输同性恋也OK的话,对孩子的性观念有根深蒂固的影响。这就是为何同性恋团体强制推行在3年级就开始教授学童同性恋及同性婚姻等观念。
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