加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息[评论]加拿大年纪越大 收入越高:被裁员可能性
新闻:《加拿大年纪越大 收入越高:被裁员可能性越大》的相关评论新年伊始,加拿大到处是大公司裁员的消息。刚打入加拿大市场不到两年的美国零售业大鳄Target,也水土不服,全军覆没。 迈克(化名)是我们认识的这家企业IT 部门的一位资深技术人员,这次点击展开...时代不一样了,原有那种一辈子干到老的观念必须变。指望工会组织的保障作用只能让社会越来越落后。
2015 PGP--two cases for parents and parents-in-law:Jan 1st 10:30AM drop off to hr-ex.com Markham Office;Jan 2nd 8:01 delivered and signed by CIC;Jan 9th, CIC charged $2,200 on my Credit Card;Feb 22,eCAS shows that both applications were received on Jan 2nd;March 21, 1:44/1:49AM, received the email with file numbers.2016-4-13 parents in law sponsor! 2016-4-14 parents sponsor!2016-09-02 parents health check and police certificate; 2016-09-18 in-laws health check and police certificate....... 赏 2015-05-17#3 光 25 $0.00 物极必反。当工作不稳定性到极致时,会怎么想。
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