加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息[评论]贵得吓人┅加拿大装整副假牙 要价6万 需自
新闻:《贵得吓人┅加拿大装整副假牙 要价6万 需自付》的相关评论在加拿大,为牙齿掉光的老人安装假牙的费用贵得吓人。(CTV) 很多老人在因为没有足够的钱安装所需的假牙,健康和生活质量大受影响。 最新的联邦数据显示,在加拿大60岁以上的人口中,点击展开...
回复: [评论]贵得吓人┅加拿大装整副假牙 要价6万 需自付这个最低标准怎么来的?我在牙科看到的加拿大老人,全口义齿没有固定螺钉的多的是。要种植螺钉的,并不是所有人都合适。有些人骨质疏松,都不适合打钉,非要打,先去移植一块骨头,这不更受罪?如文中所诉的那种,总计只占全部客户的百分之五,占所有老人客户65岁以上的不到三分之一。价格因人而异,最便宜的,比如客户自身口腔骨骼咬合都好的,几千完事。最贵的就没边了,但所有人的平均价格绝对到不了6万!大多数加拿大老年人牙齿保护好的很,80岁只有几个牙齿松动的我也见过。很多年轻人不好好保护,掉牙的到是多,尤其是咱们华人新移民,小时候条件不好。我自己算是很保护好的,没有一颗义齿,但是补牙8颗,前牙深覆合,下牙磨损厉害。忠告所有人,重视口腔健康,小洞不补,大洞吃苦,勤漱口,要洗牙,牙列不齐小时就矫正,爱牙要从孩子做起,从乳牙开始防止蛀牙。
从明天起 做一个幸福的人?喂马,劈柴,周游世界 从明天起 关心粮食和蔬菜 我有一所房子 面朝大海,春暖花开?回复: [评论]贵得吓人┅加拿大装整副假牙 要价6万 需自付啊,还没看到自付,加拿大义齿要自付么?我怎么不知道?难道是探亲过来的没保险么?我到碰见一个美国人过来做义齿的,连飞机票住宿费都算,花2万美金,这个是自付的。
从明天起 做一个幸福的人?喂马,劈柴,周游世界 从明天起 关心粮食和蔬菜 我有一所房子 面朝大海,春暖花开?回复: [评论]贵得吓人┅加拿大装整副假牙 要价6万 需自付没有自然牙齿被世界卫生组织界定为一种残障,在加拿大呢?是否也定为残障?
回复: [评论]贵得吓人┅加拿大装整副假牙 要价6万 需自付国内也差不多啊,最好的假牙要万把块钱一颗,一口就是30万左右,不是一样?这是绝对值,要说相对值,国内的就太贵了。。。。。。。都懂。
本人登陆加国一年半,已经回流中国两年半。回复: [评论]贵得吓人┅加拿大装整副假牙 要价6万 需自付我种植了4颗牙,所有费用(连植骨在内)共计2万6千多,保险报销了几千,大部分自费。
回复: [评论]贵得吓人┅加拿大装整副假牙 要价6万 需自付不可思议.6万是怎么算的?材料多少,人工费多少?牙医好像没有律师的人工贵啊.
回复: [评论]贵得吓人┅加拿大装整副假牙 要价6万 需自付没有自然牙齿被世界卫生组织界定为一种残障,在加拿大呢?是否也定为残障?点击展开...属于美容性残疾
I've done quite a bit of research on this topic and one thing we must always remember is - YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!!For full mouth restoration, with removal of all existing natural teeth, you basically have the following options: 1.traditional dentures, with Low, Medium and High grade dentures available that will run you from about $300 to about $5000; 2. implant-supported removable fixed-bridges that snap on and off and cover some of the gum, though not as much as a traditional dentures, with costs between $15-30k; 3. implant-supported, permanent fixed-bridges, which you do not remove and which sit flush with the gum and do not cover it. This procedure can cost from $30k to $70k+.With the implant-supported bridges, you also have the options of "traditional" placement, which requires 6 months of healing between the extractions and implant placement and another 6 months of healing between the implant placement and the placement of the hybrid teeth. During the healing, you must wear some type of "traditional" denture, or go toothless. I've priced this option out locally (CENTRAL FLORIDA) and the total came to $69k.OR, you can have an "all-in-one-day" procedure. With this procedure, the extractions, implant placement, and placement of the "provisional" bridge is done in one day. The "provisional" bridge is a bit bulky and the back insides of the teeth are not "teeth material". The reason for this is that you still need to heal and these teeth are created so that you do not put pressure on sensitive areas. These teeth, usually acrylic, are worn for 4-6 months, and then a set of natural-looking porcelain hybrid bridges are placed, that sit flush to the gums. TOTAL cost of all of this, and 2 years warranty and follow-up, at the center I'm looking at in Central Florida, is $43k. When you consider that this cost includes: surgeon's fee, anesthesia, anesthetic nurse, extraction surgery, implant surgery, 10 titanium implants, full set of acrylic teeth, full set of porcelain teeth, 2 yrs warranty, 2 years of cleaning and follow-up appts, the price is actually very understandable and very reasonable.
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