The Bank of Canada today announced that it is lowering its target for the overnight rate by one-quarter of one percentage point to 1/2 per cent. The Bank Rate is correspondingly 3/4 per cent and the deposit rate is 1/4 per cent.Total CPI inflation in Canada has been around 1 per cent in recent months, reflecting year-over-year price declines for consumer energy products. Core inflation has been close to 2 per cent, with disinflationary pressures from economic slack being offset by transitory effects of the past depreciation of the Canadian dollar and some sector-specific factors. Setting aside these transitory effects, the Bank judges that the underlying trend in inflation is about 1.5 to 1.7 per cent.Global growth faltered in early 2015, principally in the United States and China. Recent indicators suggest a rebound in the U.S. economy in the second half of this year, and growth is expected to be solid through the projection. In contrast, China is slowing amid an ongoing process of rebalancing to a more sustainable growth path. This has pulled down prices of certain commodities that are important to Canada’s exports. Financial conditions in major economies remain very accommodative and continue to provide much-needed support to economic activity. Global growth is expected to strengthen over the second half of 2015, averaging about 3 per cent for the year, and accelerate to around 3 1/2 per cent in 2016 and 2017.The Bank’s estimate of growth in Canada in 2015 has been marked down considerably from its April projection. The downward revision reflects further downgrades of business investment plans in the energy sector, as well as weaker-than-expected exports of non-energy commodities and non-commodities. Real GDP is now projected to have contracted modestly in the first half of the year, resulting in higher excess capacity and additional downward pressure on inflation.The Bank expects growth to resume in the third quarter and begin to exceed potential again in the fourth quarter, led by the non-resource sectors of Canada’s economy. Outside the energy-producing regions, consumer confidence remains high and labour markets continue to improve. This will support consumption, which will also receive a fiscal boost. Recent evidence suggests a pickup in activity and rising capacity pressures among manufacturers, particularly those exporters that are most sensitive to movements in the Canadian dollar. Financial conditions for households and businesses remain very stimulative.The Bank now projects Canada’s real GDP will grow by just over 1 per cent in 2015 and about 2 1/2 per cent in 2016 and 2017. With this revised growth profile, the output gap is significantly larger than was expected in April, and closes somewhat later. The Bank anticipates that the economy will return to full capacity and inflation to 2 per cent on a sustained basis in the first half of 2017.The lower outlook for Canadian growth has increased the downside risks to inflation. While vulnerabilities associated with household imbalances remain elevated and could edge higher, Canada’s economy is undergoing a significant and complex adjustment. Additional monetary stimulus is required at this time to help return the economy to full capacity and inflation sustainably to target.
没得回头的事情就得及时放下。 赏 2015-07-15#2 梦
6,254 $0.00 是啊。我也刚刚看到的。房价又要猛涨了?畸形经济,总有一天轰然倒下。评论
没得回头的事情就得及时放下。 赏
清风拂面 说:且看中长期房价如何走点击展开...经济不好,房价还往上走,这是不让老百姓活的节奏,是政府要换血的节奏
imatvancouver 说:据说房价跌不下来,哈哈哈点击展开...那好。反正现在也不买不卖房子了。我不希望加拿大房子跌。
Tangerine银行开户送50刀,开通自动转帐再送25刀,referral code: 35572762S1 赏 2015-07-15#12 J 660 $0.00 政府怎么可能让房价跌 财政收入从哪来10万年薪的ttc售票员怎么养除非到最坏的时候 否则泡沫破不了不多说了 看房子去了
jiaqi0930 说:政府怎么可能让房价跌 财政收入从哪来10万年薪的ttc售票员怎么养除非到最坏的时候 否则泡沫破不了不多说了 看房子去了点击展开...房价跟政府的财政收入没关系
imatvancouver 说:我去年买的house 90万,今年150万卖了,不到一年点击展开...后年,你又买回来300万了
去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重 赏 2015-07-15#16

12,648 $0.00 降得好! 否则lay off 的更多, 经济惨跌, 只有降息。老盯着房价的人是一叶障目, 鼠目寸光!评论
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]房价跟政府的财政收入没关系点击展开...那你交的地税 地产交易税去哪了都回馈给社区学校了? 政府那帮人是做义工的?
jiaqi0930 说:那你交的地税 地产交易税去哪了都回馈给社区学校了? 政府那帮人是做义工的?点击展开...地税给了市政府了, 咱们一般说的政府是联邦政府和省政府,交易税倒是给了省政府了,打倒省政府,我实在看不出来房价对政府的好处有多大。
Horse Dragoon 说:降得好! 否则lay off 的更多, 经济惨跌, 只有降息。老盯着房价的人是一叶障目, 鼠目寸光!点击展开...我一般盯着屁股,
sabre 说:我一般盯着屁股,点击展开...合理的遗传特性:有脂肪囤积,便于哺育下一代。
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