加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息市政征寻对Uber的意见 希望大家积极参与


City Hall is considering regulations for uberX and has asked for input from all Torontonians on their experience with Uber, taxis, and limousines in Toronto. We would truly appreciate you taking 5 mins to complete the City survey. The results will be used by City Hall to shape how ridesharing will be regulated in Toronto going forward. TAP HERE TO FILL OUT THE SURVEY Tip #1: Read each question carefully because the rating scale reverses for some questions.Tip #2: "Taxicab" is used to refer to traditional taxis, not an uberX vehicle. A few things to consider:Regulated fares = dramatically higher fares. They also mean lower hourly driver earnings and worse reliability of service for riders. Price fixing and supply caps make for poor policy.Ridesharing is safer by design. Our innovative technology ensures every ride is GPS tracked, passengers and riders are known to each other, and there's no stash of cash in an Uber.Ensuring public safety is essential. We require uberX driver partners to undergo a background check (RCMP, local police records & driving record) and a 26-point vehicle inspection.Training courses don't equal better service. Every Toronto taxi driver undergoes a city training course. Uber uses in-app ratings and educates driver partners on an ongoing basis about how to provide 5 star service. We believe our approach leads to better results.Every uberX ride is backed by Ontario insurance covering bodily injury and property damage.Thank you for taking the time to fill out the survey. As always, we will keep you updated on the progress as we continue our work with the City of Toronto towards permanent ridesharing regulations.

  ·生活百科 我自动化的空调系统
·生活百科 太阳能分析数据刷新问题



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