Hello, Many thanks for your email. I want the house. I will be moving my personal effects, P.C and working tools. I am from Italy,I will not be able to come for inspection as i am not in Canada at the moment.. I am non smoker and also do not drink. I am very social person that respect humanity and this make it so easy for me to get along with whoever that comes my way in life. I am very clean and i will like my environment to be kept clean always... I will be staying and supervising a contract won by my employer for 1 year but i will be paying 4 months in advance cos i have been given the money by my company and i do not want to spend it .Kindly get back to me with your PayPal e-mail or bank details for direct transfer with my paypal account and the cost for 4 months with deposit in order to proceed with the payment. You can send me pictures so i can have the idea of what it looks like . You can email my landlord in Italy at [email protected] . His name is Aspen. I will be happy to present my reference and sign all application form on my arrival。我觉得99%是骗子!
cbtian 说:Hello, Many thanks for your email. I want the house. I will be moving my personal effects, P.C and working tools. I am from Italy,I will not be able to come for inspection as i am not in Canada at the moment.. I am non smoker and also do not drink. I am very social person that respect humanity and this make it so easy for me to get along with whoever that comes my way in life. I am very clean and i will like my environment to be kept clean always... I will be staying and supervising a contract won by my employer for 1 year but i will be paying 4 months in advance cos i have been given the money by my company and i do not want to spend it .Kindly get back to me with your PayPal e-mail or bank details for direct transfer with my paypal account and the cost for 4 months with deposit in order to proceed with the payment. You can send me pictures so i can have the idea of what it looks like . You can email my landlord in Italy at [email protected] . His name is Aspen. I will be happy to present my reference and sign all application form on my arrival。我觉得99%是骗子!点击展开...绝对是骗子。
Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活 赏 反馈:彩云追梦 2015-08-19#3 968 是, 我收到过内容基本一样的电邮。假支票套现。你给他回邮件说只收现金,不收支票看看, 一定没下文了。
岁月静好网管没经过我同意就改了我的签名! 我的签名只是我和另外一位网友关于智商的讨论, 有什么问题吗? 网管你回答我!是, 我收到过内容基本一样的电邮。假支票套现。你给他回邮件说只收现金,不收支票看看, 一定没下文了。点击展开...正解。回复说只收现金,不给他套现假支票机会试一试。这因该是用加拿大银行存款处理需要挂几天,但是账面上看钱进帐号的一个传统骗术,然后骗子会找借口请你转钱给某个帐号。
99.99% pian zi
08.08.06上海-》多伦多08.10.08多伦多-》温哥华 赏 2015-08-19#8
12,648 $0.00 楼主用啥打的广告?评论
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 赏 2015-08-19#9 10,794 $0.00 我已经碰到过n个飞行员,轮船上的厨师,海上油田工程师blablabla。你就给个paypal的账号给他,他stop一个 payment要罚五十刀。增加一下他的成本也好。
tinyhuhulp 说:我已经碰到过n个飞行员,轮船上的厨师,海上油田工程师blablabla。你就给个paypal的账号给他,他stop一个 payment要罚五十刀。增加一下他的成本也好。点击展开...我还遇到过一个自称美国陆军马上要开赴阿富汗的大兵 哈哈
加拿大雁 说:我还遇到过一个自称美国陆军马上要开赴阿富汗的大兵 哈哈点击展开...(⊙o⊙)哇,真是活久见。
谢谢各位, 我估计就是骗子。
2011年3月30日毕业了!2011年4月6日登陆多伦多,想说爱你不容易。2011年9月-2013年4月college毕业。2014年3月31日,我爱我们在多伦多的家。 赏 反馈:Submarine 2015-08-19#16 K 9,256 $0.00 骗子啦。找房客亲自来上门看过的比较靠谱,还要查他的信用记录,工作单位,不在本地的一律不租。送走一个不好的房客至少半年,还不如多空一个月呢。当然,每个房东的人群不一样。我比较喜欢高端路线,房租不便宜,这样自动过滤掉很多杂七杂八的人。穷人就不要来烦我了。
Horse Dragoon 说:楼主用啥打的广告?点击展开...请问马版主房子出租后,草地租户是否要维护,租户不维护咋办?
duangduang001 说:请问马版主房子出租后,草地租户是否要维护,租户不维护咋办?点击展开... you maintance yourself, sorry can't type Chinese.
cbtian 说:you maintance yourself, sorry can't type Chinese.点击展开...啊,自己维护?那就是得找人了。成本又一块。
不看房就订房,还死活不留电话的,100%骗子。我收过一张4000多的BMO的money order,比一租一押要多1000多,然后来邮件说在国外度假秘书弄错了等等,要我从PayPal把多余部分打给他blabla。
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