加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息[评论]安省府售Ontera沦笑柄 顾问费650万 售价才


新闻:《安省府售Ontera沦笑柄 顾问费650万 售价才600万》的相关评论省府售Ontera损6100万元 沦笑柄 顾问费650万 售价才600万 安省政府出售省北交通局分支电讯分公司Ontera,以600万元卖给贝尔阿利安特公司。 (多伦多29日加新社电)安省反对党周二引述最新公共帐目点击展开...西方的制度腐败。这次傻,账面太难看,被兜出来了,不知道还有多少这样的腐败

大雅 说:左派假裝代言弱勢群體,其實飽肥私囊。点击展开...蛋定, 这个不是左右的事, 右派也干类似的事,公家的钱, 瞎花,

99 stupid things the government did with your money: Part Ihttp://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/99-stupid-things-the-government-did-with-your-money-part-i/For taxpayers concerned with out-of-control government spending, 2012 started on a bright enough note. Last January, the Department of National Defence announced it wanted to buy 20,000 custom-printed stress balls for its staff. Once Defence Minister Peter MacKay caught wind of the plan, he quickly cancelled the contract, calling it an “unnecessary expense of taxpayer money.” Noble words, but it was a brief reprieve. As Maclean’s found once again when researching this project, whether it was Ottawa, the provinces, municipalities or the organizations they oversee, governments couldn’t help themselves when it came to doling out cash. What follows is but a fraction of the foolish, wasteful and blatantly stupid ways governments found to spend taxpayers’ money. To uncover this year’s 99 items we pored over press releases and auditor generals’ reports, sifted through proactive disclosure statements and delved into media databases across the country, ferreting out examples of spending that occurred in 2012 or came to light last year. There will be those who take issue with some items on this list, arguing, for instance, that funding rock concerts boosts the economy. But the reality is that at every level of government, we’re in far worse fiscal shape than we were even a year ago, despite all the talk of cutbacks and austerity. And as this list makes clear, those who control the public purse have yet to really change their ways.Luxury hotels, hemp body cream and subsidized hip-hop concerts: our second annual list of waste shows spending by all levels of government is still out of control. Find 33 of those stupid things below. And check us out tomorrow to see 33 more stupid things your government did with your money.

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