加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - ZT:seneca 和 humber 的物流专业比较
seneca 的物流:1, What's the role of SAP in this program ?Sap is integrated into four of the subjects (two supply chain subjects, accounting and scheduling and inventory management) within the SCM program.> 2, What kind of SAP certificate I can get through this program? It is a certificate that demonstrates to potential employers that you have completed these modules.> 3, Do I have to pass additional exam to get the SAP certificate? Yes.> 4, What's the estimated employ rate of the 2009 graduates and career field ? We have traditionally had a 70% or higher placement rate for our graduates. I cannot estimate or make predictions around future employment for these grads. The statistical information will likely not be available for several months.> 5, What's the drop rate of the 2009 class? An average attrition rate would be 10%.> 6, What's your perspective about the job opportunity for 2010 graduates if the economy recession goes on ?See question four above.> 7, What's the advantages Seneca have compare to other colleges with the similar program ? I would have to say the SAP component gives our program added value.> 8, Could you please list the company's name by which the graduates were haired this year? Please consult [email protected] in this regard. She is our career services officer. humber的物流:1, What's the role of SAP in this program ? SAP is used as an example of an ERP program. We use SAP to teach business processes in two of our courses.2, Do I have any chance to get a SAP certificate or related certificate through SCM ?TERP 10 is offered when you graduate.3, What's the role of E-partner with Microsoft ?Microsoft supports all applications. We specifically use Excel, PowerPoint, MapPoint and Access4, What's the estimated employ rate of the 2009 graduates and career field ? It is at about 60%5, What's the drop rate of the 2009 class? The drop-out rate is 0%6, What's your perspective about the job opportunity for 2010 graduates if the economy recession goes on ? Job prospects are good relative to other fields7, What's the advantages Humber have compare to other colleges with the similar program ?10 years in operation. SCL accredited. 另外:关于sapFrom SAP (USA):The goals of the business process integration (TERP10) program are:• Explain the organizational structures used in each business process• Identify the key master data which must be maintained to execute each business process • Discuss the ERP transactions required to complete each business process cycle• Identify the key integration points between the different business disciplines supporting each business process cycle大家考虑考虑
回复: ZT:seneca 和 humber 的物流专业比较咩意思? 让我们帮你做决定?你不是已经选了HUMBER了吗?
回复: ZT:seneca 和 humber 的物流专业比较Dear MM, yes, can you tell 咩意思? 让我们帮你做决定?你不是已经选了HUMBER了吗?点击展开...
回复: ZT:seneca 和 humber 的物流专业比较我选HUMBER. SAP只是个ERP软件而已,SENECA在搞噱头,SAP没那么神秘.我用过SAP. 我听过几天HUMBER老师的课, 感觉挺专业的,他们不是专门的老师. SENECA没接触,不敢评论. 但是从SAP的说法上看,他们在搞噱头. 如果8月份我还找不到工作,我也去申请HUMBER. 呵呵,但愿别满就成.
回复: ZT:seneca 和 humber 的物流专业比较我选HUMBER. SAP只是个ERP软件而已,SENECA在搞噱头,SAP没那么神秘.我用过SAP. 我听过几天HUMBER老师的课, 感觉挺专业的,他们不是专门的老师. SENECA没接触,不敢评论. 但是从SAP的说法上看,他们在搞噱头. 如果8月份我还找不到工作,我也去申请HUMBER. 呵呵,但愿别满就成.点击展开...没啥就是这东西.
回复: ZT:seneca 和 humber 的物流专业比较两个学校都有SAP的课程,毕业后都可以考SAP的证书,这一点上没什么太大的区别。如果缺乏SCM方面的工作经验,简历上又没什么能够让人眼前一亮的证书或技能,那么这个SAP证书还是挺能唬唬人的。不过价格不菲(听今年的同学说是$2000),而且通过率不高(当年我们班只有一半通过),看你自己的取舍了。
我在加拿大找工作的故事College学习生活全攻略一点感想,写给新移民找对你的第一份工作加东旅行 翠湖山庄欧洲五国自驾游行摄天下两个学校都有SAP的课程,毕业后都可以考SAP的证书,这一点上没什么太大的区别。 如果缺乏SCM方面的工作经验,简历上又没什么能够让人眼前一亮的证书或技能,那么这个SAP证书还是挺能唬唬人的。 不过价格不菲(听今年的同学说是$2000),而且通过率不高(当年我们班只有一半通过),看你自己的取舍了。点击展开...如果是SAP的END USER,不需要证书的. 就算有证书,不是做IT的,也做不了SAP CONSULTANT.
回复: ZT:seneca 和 humber 的物流专业比较如果是SAP的END USER,不需要证书的. 就算有证书,不是做IT的,也做不了SAP CONSULTANT.点击展开...一点没错。SAP学得好是能挣大钱的,但要求很高。 一般人如果没有多年ERP经验或者IT背景,最多只能做做Key User.
我在加拿大找工作的故事College学习生活全攻略一点感想,写给新移民找对你的第一份工作加东旅行 翠湖山庄欧洲五国自驾游行摄天下没啥就是这东西.点击展开...谢谢.
回复: ZT:seneca 和 humber 的物流专业比较一点没错。SAP学得好是能挣大钱的,但要求很高。 一般人如果没有多年ERP经验或者IT背景,最多只能做做Key User.点击展开...认识一个一面之缘的人. 现在做SAP CONSULTANT.他英文好,能交流.他以前的同事也没找到工作那. 虽然也有证书(IT背景). 总结:还是那句话,运气加机遇加能力,缺一不可.
回复: ZT:seneca 和 humber 的物流专业比较谢谢. 点击展开...我做仓库,用SAP的.来多好找这方面工作吗?薪水如何?短登了温,现在国内.
回复: ZT:seneca 和 humber 的物流专业比较我做仓库,用SAP的.来多好找这方面工作吗?薪水如何?短登了温,现在国内.点击展开...我不做仓库,不知道.听说还成,认识两个都找到工作了. 是印度的和菲律宾的. 这里有做物流的,等等就有人回复你的问题了.
回复: ZT:seneca 和 humber 的物流专业比较我做仓库,用SAP的.来多好找这方面工作吗?薪水如何?短登了温,现在国内.点击展开...我们公司的Inventory Control做的就是你说的工作,SAP的User。 工作还挺好找的,也挺稳定的,就是薪水不高, 40K吧。
我在加拿大找工作的故事College学习生活全攻略一点感想,写给新移民找对你的第一份工作加东旅行 翠湖山庄欧洲五国自驾游行摄天下回复: ZT:seneca 和 humber 的物流专业比较现在我知道的九月要读Humber的中国人有七个了.估计还会有更多的人拿到Offer.GAOMM原来班上中国人多吗?
一月份去读HUMBER SCM的飘过
人过40在加国群232623702 普通移民群185660734 赏 2015-11-29#16 J 236 $0.00 SAP咨询需要证书,普通SAP使用不需要证书,没有那么高深,就是个工具而已。用了十几年SAP的飘过。。。
I still believe. 赏 2015-11-29#17 Z 4,466 $0.00 做了物流2年多了,用的是零售业的ERP软件,主要用的功能有2个purchasing和inventory control.还没搞清SAP的作用是什么?
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