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On June 4, 2004, a man in Granby, Colorado exacted his revenge against the local government and a concrete factory being built adjacent to his muffler shop. That man was Marvin Heemeyer, and his revenge was the Killdozer. Deep inside the Killcave, he spent several months armoring the Killdozer with concrete and steel armor. He also installed several video cameras so he could see outside without risking being hit by pissed off cops. For several hours on that day, many on the Internet followed closely the rampage of this man as his armor-plated bulldozer destroyed the homes and businesses of those who had wronged him.Granby bulldozer rampage revisited, ten years later EDITOR’S NOTE: This story is from June 6, 2004, and is being reposted on the 10th anniversary of the Granby dozer attack.GRANBY, COLO. — It took three explosive charges and an hour with a cutting torch to get inside the cab of an armored bulldozer that destroyed or damaged 13 buildings in this mountain town before grinding to a halt under a canopy of debris.Inside, authorities found Marvin Heemeyer dead, apparently from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. However, fearing Heemeyer had left them a postmortem booby trap, authorities waited hours before using a crane to gingerly remove his body Saturday morning from his self- styled, bulletproof cab.While there were no leftover explosives, local officials looked with horror and awe upon the machine of destruction created by Heemeyer, a 52-year-old muffler-shop owner whose anger is thought to have been fueled by a zoning dispute with the town.The virtual tank had cameras mounted outside and three video monitors mounted inside so Heemeyer could see where he was going.It had a .50-caliber gun on the front and two smaller-caliber semi-automatic weapons, one on each side, protruding through portals. It was equipped with an air conditioner, and its hydraulics were protected by armor. Its cab was reinforced with quarter- to half-inch metal plates, with a foot of concrete between them. Inside, there were a gas mask and two handguns, said Granby Mayor Edward Wang.“It looks like something out of a Mad Max movie, but better done,” Wang said. “It’s eerie. And it’s huge.”The destruction wrought Friday by the 13-foot-tall bulldozer was marked by a clearly discernible trail of white bite marks that the bulldozer’s tracks etched into the black pavement – and by numerous spent bullet casings, their locations marked by yellow evidence tags. Despite having exchanged what one official estimated were hundreds of rounds of fire with Heemeyer, no one else was injured, which some considered nothing short of miraculous.More incomprehensible still was the long-simmering anger that Heemeyer appeared to harbor. Many of the buildings he targeted had been connected in some way to people who played roles in a zoning decision that allowed a concrete batch plant to be built near his muffler shop on the outskirts of town, said Tom Hale, Granby’s town manager.The rationale left Thelma Thompson befuddled. Sitting on a bench outside her crumpled house Saturday, the 82- year-old widow wondered why Heemeyer would come after her home now. Yes, her late husband, Dick Thompson, had served for more than 20 years on the town council. And he was mayor when Heemeyer started fighting with the city.Although her husband died three years ago, Heemeyer’s grudge apparently didn’t.“I just don’t get it,” she said. “It’s just not right.”Along with destroying the Thompson house, which the Thompsons built more than 56 years ago, Heemeyer bulldozed their garage. He smashed the buildings they owned and rented to Xcel Energy, Thelma Thompson said. And he hit Thompson & Sons Excavating, the business behind her house.Wang said the anger didn’t surprise him. At 6-foot-4 and 230 pounds, Heemeyer was an unpleasant man, full of bluster and rage, said the mayor, who had presided over portions of the zoning dispute.“I’m trying to be politically correct, but this guy was a nasty son of a bitch,” Wang said. “He had the maturity level of a 5-year-old.”On Saturday, several officials visited the metal shed where Heemeyer retrofitted the bulldozer. Though Heemeyer had sold the shed to a partnership including Bob Martin, owner of a local trash company, the new owners allowed Heemeyer to lease part of the shed for storage. Welding, Martin said, wasn’t part of the agreement.And while Martin and his employees worked in the building every day, they never saw Heemeyer welding the bulldozer.“He must have been working in there at night, because we’re here early and we leave late most days,” Martin said.Martin said the lease was up June 1, and there have been inquiries from potential buyers. Observers think the impending loss of the shed’s use may be why Heemeyer launched his attack last week.Duane Dailey, chairman of the Grand County Board of Commissioners, speculated that Heemeyer used a ladder to climb up under a heavy, hinged door he had fashioned at the top of the bulldozer and perhaps propped open.He dropped the door, Dailey said, and used the bulldozer to knock down the wall of the shed and begin his trek. Traveling at what one observer estimated was a top speed of 4 or 5 mph, Heemeyer headed for the concrete plant. Dailey said he tore into the side of the plant. Witnesses told Dailey that the plant’s owner, Cody Docheff, cranked up a front loader, but failed to upend the bulldozer.Eric Brenner, 15, who lives nearby, said he heard gunfire and watched the bulldozer crash into two buildings, run over a white police SUV and tangle with the front loader. He and his father went to the plant to see if anyone was injured.“We rode our bikes to the cement plant, and some of the employees told me and my dad that they tried to fire their guns at him, but their bullets bounced off,” Brenner said.The Grand County Sheriff’s Office released a statement Saturday saying that Heemeyer tried to “kill two state troopers who were hiding behind a concrete wall by pushing over the wall, however the troopers escaped.”Officers from the Sheriff’s Office, the Colorado State Patrol and the U.S. Forest Service, among others, pursued Heemeyer, firing weapons, as he drove the bulldozer toward town.The bulldozer proceeded through town, eventually hitting a dozen buildings and stopping in front of a propane company to fire numerous rounds from the .50-caliber Browning semi-automatic mounted at the front. The sheriff’s news release said Heemeyer was aiming at electrical transformers and large propane tanks, which ultimately were not damaged.Heemeyer doubled back and, as black smoke and fluid poured from the bulldozer, he headed for the Gambles of Granby hardware store, owned by a member of the town Board of Trustees that approved the concrete plant. Heemeyer repeatedly hit the store, and then became stuck. The engine stopped. Soon after, the sound of a muffled shot came from the vehicle.That’s when, authorities believe, Heemeyer shot himself.“It looks like a single gunshot wound to the head,” said Rodney Johnson, Grand County sheriff, after authorities gained access to the bulldozer. “There’s a handgun laying on the floor.”On Saturday, Granby was inundated with offers to help rebuild, said Wang, the mayor.“We have very good people in this community,” Wang said. “The most gratifying part is, there are a lot of people who are lining up to help us rebuild.“This town isn’t going away,” he said. “This is a setback. We’re going to rebuild. This is a tough town.”Staff writer Alicia Caldwell can be reached at 303-820-1930 or at [email protected].

Marvin Heemeyer"Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things."Marvin Heemeyer was a professional welder living in the quiet Colorado town of Granby, just trying to make a living for himself running a small muffler repair shop. Unfortunately, he was also in the business of getting royally fucked over by everyone in town, ranging from the paperboy to the asshats in City Hall who wouldn't compromise with him on some crazy fucking wacky zoning issues he was trying to work out. Eventually, after years of petitions, appeals and negotiations that proved about as fruitful as smashing his face into a cinderblock, the bastards at the Granby Zoning Commission basically told Marv that he could go fuck himself gently with a chainsaw. They were going to build a concrete plant adjacent to Heemeyer's muffler shop, cut off his business' sewer line, slap him with a bunch of increasingly-massive fines, and ultimately run his ass out of town on a fucking rail.But Marvin Heemeyer wasn't the sort of mewling pussy coward who was going to sit there and let a bunch of stuffed-suit bastards fuck him over like a little bitch. He was an insane badass motherfucker with an arc welder and a mad desire for vengeance at all costs, and he decided he wasn't going to take it anymore. Heemeyer paid his $2,500 fine to City Hall, scribbling the word "cowards" in the memo portion of the check. Then he bought a massive bulldozer, sold his business, and spent the next year and a half turning this gigantic piece of construction equipment into the most insanely fucking awesome vehicle ever constructed by human hands: The KILLDOZER. The Killdozer was every bit as badass as its name would imply. First, Heemeyer constructed composite armor for the outside of the Caterpillar - one foot of solid concrete sandwiched between half-inch sheets of unforgiving steel. Since the entire outside of the dozer was encased in an unflinching layer of bazooka-proof armor, he also welded two cameras to the outside of the machine and linked them up to a series of monitors in the cabin. This juryrigged system allowed him to remotely see outside and steer this juggernaut effectively. He placed food, water, air conditioning and life support in the cabin, and also installed gun ports in the front, sides and back of the monstrosity - one with a .50 caliber Barrett M82 sniper rifle, one with a .223 caliber assault rifle, and one with a scoped .308 caliber rifle. He also kept a 9mm pistol in the glove box and a .357 revolver in a holster on his belt. The weapons were all welded into place, and thick sheets of balls-out bulletproof plexiglass were in place to facilitate accurate aiming. Basically this thing was like a badass fucking combination of a Panther tank, a garbage truck, the antagonist from Maximum Overdrive and Optimus Prime in truck mode.Despite having enough guns and ammunition to choke a dozen hippies, Marvin Heemeyer's mission wasn't one of death. He wanted revenge, sure, and he was going to go about it in the most over-the-top way imaginable, but he gets bonus badassitude points because he wasn't going to kill any innocent bystanders in his pursuit of sweet sweet vengeance. He was, however, going to royally fuck up the town of Granby, Colorado in a manner that the residents wouldn't soon forget. On the morning of 4 June 2004, the KILLDOZER rolled out from its dark lair and began smashing buildings at full-speed like a giant mechanical wrecking ball made out of nuclear missiles and HGH. Heemeyer's hitlist was basically anybody who had ever fucked him over - thirteen buildings ranging from Town Hall to the offices of a newspaper that railed against him were eviscerated by this giant monstrous hulk of self-propelled metal death. Heemeyer fired the built-in rifles at propane tanks and power transformers, trying to get them to explode into some badass Hollywood fireballs and level entire city blocks, but unfortunately there weren't any massive raging infernos to be had on this day. According to eyewitnesses, Heemeyer went out of his way to avoid injuring innocent bystanders, but did manage to cause over $7 million in damages to the city during his insane badass rampage. He crushed squad cars, steamrolled trees and obliterated entire buildings. At one point, the police put a gigantic piece of construction equipment out to block Heemeyer's path, but the Killdozer just fucking made that shit its bitch, tossing it aside and nearly flipping it on its back like a cheap hooker in the process.The Killdozer was immune to all forms of small-arms fire, and was highly resistant to explosives. The local police and the Denver SWAT Team fired about 200 rounds of rifle and handgun ammunition at this thing, but all of the bullets harmlessly bounced off of the Killdozer's impenetrable metal hide. Flashbangs and frag grenades were chucked at this thing to no effect. Eventually, the machine dropped a tread into the basement of a building it was demolishing and became hopelessly stuck. His rampage effectively over, Heemeyer didn't want to give his enemies the satisfaction of capturing him alive, so he capped himself in the dome with the .357. He was the only person killed or wounded during the attack.It took the cops twelve hours to cut through the armor of the Killdozer and retrieve Heemeyer's body. As if that wasn't badass enough, there are rumors that at the time Marv popped himself in the head the National Guard was only minutes away from calling in a fucking airstrike on this thing.Some people would question the badassitude of turning a bulldozer into a tank and then using it to completely demolish an entire city, but deep down I think that everyone has to respect the fact that Marvin Heemeyer wasn't going to put up with any more bullshit from anyone. He had been jerked around enough, and he was fucking going to do something about it. Sure, his quest for revenge was a little misguided, but it was also completely fucking awesome, and he made a hell of a fucking statement without hurting anybody but himself. In the end, the desire to "go that extra mile" in the pursuit of vengeance is one of the fundamental tenants of ultimate badassitude, and Marvin Heemeyer walks a fine line between being a fucking nutcase and living the American dream of crushing your enemies beneath the treads of your badass fucking awesome home-made tank.

Marvin John Heemeyer (October 28, 1951 - June 4, 2004) was an American skilled welder and owner of an automobile muffler shop. On June 4, 2004, frustrated over a failed zoning dispute, Heemeyer used a Komatsu D355A bulldozer which he had modified with armor in the forms of steel and concrete to demolish the town hall, a former mayor's home and other buildings in Granby, Colorado. The rampage ended when the bulldozer's engine overheated due to a combination of the armor's weight and insulating properties. Heemeyer killed himself with a handgun.Heemeyer used an armor-plated Komatsu D355A bulldozer to destroy 13 buildings in Granby, ColoradoHeemeyer had been feuding with officials and individuals in Granby, particularly over fines for violating city ordinances and a zoning dispute regarding a concrete factory constructed opposite his muffler shop that destroyed his business.BackgroundHeemeyer lived in Grand Lake, about 16 miles away from Granby. According to a citizen who knew him, Heemeyer moved to town about 10 years prior to the incident. Friends of Heemeyer believed that he had no immediate family in the Granby-Grand Lake area.John Bauldree, a friend of Marvin's, said that Heemeyer was a fun-loving guy. Ken Heemeyer said his brother Marvin "would bend over backwards for anyone." While many people described Heemeyer as a likeable guy, others said he was not someone to cross. Christie Baker told the Denver Post that Heemeyer threatened her husband after he refused to pay for some muffler work.Heemeyer bought two acres of land from the Resolution Trust Corp., the federal agency set up to handle the assets of failed savings and loan institutions. He bought the land for $42,000 subsequently agreeing to sell it to the Docheff family, which wanted the property for a concrete batch plant. The agreed upon price was $250,000 but according to Susan Docheff, he changed his mind and upped the price to $375,000 and at some later point demanded a deal worth approximately $1 million. This negotiation happened well before the rezoning proposal was proposed to the town council.[1] Thus, many people were forewarned and were able to get out of harm's way.Ian Daugherty, a bakery owner, said Heemeyer "went out of his way" not to harm anyone. Others claimed Heemeyer had fired 15 bullets from his rifle at power transformers and propane tanks. "Had these tanks ruptured and exploded, anyone within one-half mile of the explosion could have been endangered," the sheriff's department said. Within this range were 12 police officers and residents of a senior citizens complex.As well, the sheriff notes that 11 of the 13 buildings Heemeyer bulldozed were occupied until moments before the destruction. At the town library, for example, a children's program was in progress when the incident began. [2] According to Allen Best, there might have been casualties if local emergency response, allied with a dose of luck, hadn't worked so effectively. Best makes special note of undersheriff, Glenn Trainer, who rode the bulldozer "like a bronc-buster, trying to figure out a way to get a bullet inside the dragon." [3]The bulldozer also knocked out natural gas service to City Hall and the cement plant, damaging a truck and part of a utility service center. [4]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_Heemeyerhttp://monk.com.ua/article.php/2007010416080861http://monk.com.ua/video/heemeyer/insidekilldozer.wmv 4Mbhttp://monk.com.ua/video/heemeyer/Killdozer_Tribute.wmv 2.1Mbhttp://monk.com.ua/video/heemeyer/svoboda.mpg 31Mbhttp://rd2d.com/article.php/20070105013240440

美国科罗拉多州格兰比镇一名男子因对当地政府不满,4日驾驶一辆改装的推土机冲上街头,撞坏6幢建筑物后,卡进一个仓库的废墟中。当地警方特别行动小组用喷灯打开推土机后,发现这名男子已经死亡。 疯狂扫荡 格兰比镇紧急事务管理部门负责人吉姆·霍拉翰说,肇事男子是57岁的该镇居民马文·黑迈尔,他在镇上开有一家消音器商店。 霍拉翰说,事件发生在4日下午3时左右,黑迈尔当时开着一辆装有钢板的推土机开始在街上“扫荡”。这个山区小镇的许多居民都亲眼目睹了这起惊人事件。 推土机在镇上缓慢前进,不断推倒街边的建筑物、白杨树和路灯。推土机的前后围满了警察和政府人员,他们一边向推土机开枪射击,一边大声呼唤附近的居民逃离现场。 现场至少有40名有关人员对推土机开展狙击,包括科罗拉多州巡警、联邦公园和森林巡逻员、和从附近杰斐逊县赶来的警方特别行动小组。他们共向他发射了至少200轮子弹,还投掷了3枚炸弹。 铁皮怪物 黑迈尔驾驶的推土机经过特殊改造,简直是一个铁皮怪物。 特雷纳说,推土机被包上了两层半英寸厚的钢板,钢板之间还有一层混凝土。 格兰比镇政府专员杜安·戴利说,黑迈尔显然是在推土机内架设了两架摄像机和监视器,用于在驾驶中掌握道路状况。推土机前方的钢板开了两个口,并架上两支枪,瞄准前方。推土机后面还开了口。 目前还无法了解推土机内究竟架设了几支枪。当地官员说,黑迈尔可能是用一架私人起重机,把钢板罩到推土机上。 发泄不满 当地行政管理官员汤姆·黑尔说,黑迈尔曾因为一桩土地官司打输而对县地政府不满。当时,县政府批准在黑迈尔的消声器商店旁建造一个水泥厂。 黑迈尔还曾因违反民事规定,遭到县政府2500美元的罚款。他在支付罚金时,在支票中夹上一张纸条,上面写着“胆小鬼”。 “我们当时认为他是在为自己失败而发牢骚。”黑尔说:“我们没想到,他会作出今天这样的事。” 特雷纳说,遭到推土机破坏的7幢建筑多少都与黑迈尔此前的官司有关。 7幢建筑物包括:一家水泥厂、一家工具公司、一家银行、一家报社、一间仓库、前镇长的住所和镇政府大楼。

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