加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 求助:银行账号的恢复问题
大家好! 赏 2016-08-25#2 4,881 $0.00 直接去银行让柜台帮你就好了,解释情况,出示id,他们就会帮你了。这种小事不用在银行工作也知道。
yilin001 说:银行的钱恐怕已经归零了吧,以前的规定是账户如果三四年没活动里面的钱就自动归银行所有,不过不知道新规矩有没有变。点击展开...没听说过这么流氓的规定
sabre 说:没听说过这么流氓的规定点击展开...发生在本人家属身上的事情,从国外回来去银行也是办理这个事情时候,银行告诉他的。不过是多年前的事情了,不知道现在怎样。如果有错那肯定是他理解错了,我记得他是这么对我说的。
yilin001 说:发生在本人家属身上的事情,从国外回来去银行也是办理这个事情时候,银行告诉他的。不过是多年前的事情了,不知道现在怎样。如果有错那肯定是他听错了,我记得他是这么对我说的。点击展开...不活动账户也有管理费用, 一个月三块五块的, 三年下来, 能花完余钱,钱多的话, 真的被拿走了, 应该有claim方法的, 你有多少钱被拿走了, 咱们去试试claim, 假如上千的话, 三百五百就算了,
http://www.bankofcanada.ca/unclaimed-balances/这个是官方说法, bank of canada 是国家银行, Unclaimed BalancesAn "unclaimed balance" is a Canadian-dollar account, deposit or negotiable instrument held or issued by a federally regulated bank or trust company. If it’s an account, it can be in the form of a savings account or chequing/current account. If it's a deposit, it can be a credit card balance, term deposit, guaranteed investment certificate (GIC) or depository receipt. And if it’s a negotiable instrument, it can be a bank draft, certified cheque, official cheque, money order or a traveller's cheque.When there has been no owner activity in relation to the balance for a period of ten years, and the owner cannot be contacted by the institution holding it, the balance is turned over to the Bank of Canada, which acts as custodian on behalf of the owner. Balances are transferred to the Bank of Canada once a year, on 31 December.The Bank of Canada holds unclaimed balances of less than $1,000 for 30 years, once they have been inactive for ten years at the financial institutions. Balances of $1,000 or more will be held for 100 years once they are transferred to the Bank of Canada.If the balance remains unclaimed until the end of the prescribed custody period, the Bank of Canada will transfer the funds to the Receiver General for Canada.At the end of December 2015, approximately 1.7 million unclaimed balances, worth some $626 million, were on the Bank's books.Over 93 per cent of unclaimed balances were under $1,000, representing 27 per cent of the total value outstanding. In 2015, the Bank paid out $10 million to balance holders. The oldest balance dates back to 1900.To learn more about the process for recovering an unclaimed balance, please see How to Claim.To find out if the Bank of Canada is holding an unclaimed balance to which you may be entitled, Search our Unclaimed Balances Registry
好像是有 INACTIVE FEE, 每个月扣。 自己去柜台问问吧。你那个朋友搬家应该通知你告诉银行改地址呀。
岁月静好网管没经过我同意就改了我的签名! 我的签名只是我和另外一位网友关于智商的讨论, 有什么问题吗? 网管你回答我! 赏 2016-08-25#9 R 1,085 $0.00 直接去银行提供id,要求激活原帐号。
大家好! 赏 2016-08-30#12 D 3,723 $0.00 直接去银行提供id
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