加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息独立屋管理
大家有没有屋主在国内 把加国房子委托给这边房屋管理公司出租的?这种操作方式可行吗?有什么潜在的问题吗?要注意些什么?谢谢
谢谢楼上的提醒。那就税费自己缴吧。主要担心的还是夏天除草 冬天铲雪 以及对租户的管理 不知这些能否放心?
zq91128 说:有一个潜在问题就是如果全权代理的话,包括税费都让他们缴付的话,如果公司玩猫腻,你可能欠政府税费在未来4年房屋被拍卖的可能。就是说你把钱给了这个公司,这个公司并没有帮你交税。当然你完全可以不需要他们来代理交税点击展开...有样东西叫TIPP,不需要别人给你交地税。就算没TIPP,银行的网上银行就可以在线交税。欠地税政府没收你的房子流程可能拖到七年,多伦多有好些空了没交税的房子就是没到七年政府不管。而且正规的物业管理公司不可能犯这种原则性错误,除非他不混了。骗你几年地税钱把自己名声搭进去?房子拍卖了赚钱的机会没了,还要冒着被房东告最后可能还要赔偿的风险,没公司这么傻的。人家就是收了房租扣掉必要的开销后把钱打到房东账户,钱的流向看的清楚。缺点就是在维护方面开销会大,因为不可能为你省钱货比三家找实惠的contractor。例如头发堵了洗手池,倒瓶几块钱的东西就能解决的问题也给你找个plumber,收费120。
谢谢大家的信息 不知道有没有值得信赖的中介可以推荐?
好房子赶紧卖烂房子没人管呗。前年还是去年新闻,多伦多要出台无主屋公示的新闻讲的。好些房子的主人失踪了好几年,房子完全荒废了政府也不管,采访时说是没到七年政府没办法管。最惨的是一个双拼,一边的屋主失踪好多年,房子漏水连累旁边的房子。另外的屋主没权修别人的房子但是不修又搞坏自己这边。找city说是管不了。屋主失踪好多年了,肯定没交地税,政府也没没收拍卖。多伦多一个被拍卖的也是说3年不付款就准备开始拍卖了,没有找到您说的7年的法规。ISSUE BACKGROUND Tax Sale Process Where a property has unpaid property taxes owing for three (3) or more years, the City may recover such arrears by selling the property in accordance with the tax sale provisions in Part XIV of the Act. Tax sale proceedings are commenced after all other collection efforts have been exhausted. If staff are unable to achieve payment or a firm, suitable repayment plan to address the arrears of taxes, they register a Tax Arrears Certificate on title to the property. The debtor has one year from the date of registration of a Tax Arrears Certificate to pay the cancellation price in full (which includes all of the outstanding taxes, accrued penalties and interest, and costs). Failing payment within that year, or the entering into of an extension agreement, the Treasurer is required to proceed to a sale of the property through a public auction or public tender. The minimum tender allowed at a Tax Sale is the amount of all outstanding taxes, accrued penalties and interest, together with all reasonable costs incurred by the City in the tax sale process. This amount is referred to as the cancellation price. The City is required to accept the highest tender submitted for the property, so long as it meets or exceeds the cancellation price. After a Tax Sale, any monies received by the City for a property, in excess of the cancellation price, are paid into Court. Pursuant to the provisions of section 349 of the Act, City Council may pass a by-law, before the expiry of the one-year redemption period, authorizing an extension agreement extending the period of time in which the cancellation price is to be paid provided that such an agreement does not reduce the amount of the cancellation price or prohibit any person from paying the cancellation price at any time. If the terms of the extension agreement are not fulfilled by the owner, then the lands are to be sold by the City.点击展开...
tinyhuhulp 说:我朋友两个公寓一个house给物业打理出租八年了。也没啥不好。就是物业管理公司收费很贵。收租金的12%,而且每找一次租客另外收费600。点击展开...能问一下你朋友用的是哪家物业公司吗?
streetparty 说:能问一下你朋友用的是哪家物业公司吗?点击展开...不在多伦多。这种物管公司很多的。也有房地产经纪也可以做。有物管牌的贵,没牌的便宜。你可以上省地产局网站查找持物管牌的经纪。一般有这个牌的本身也可能在物管公司挂牌。
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