加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息为了祖国不被绿化,请给各自区议员写信。附模


议员地址http://www.lop.parl.gc.ca/ParlInfo/Compilations/HouseOfCommons/MemberByPostalCode.aspx?Menu=HOCHi, xxxx,I am a citizen in your electoral district. I have serious concerns about the news of motion 103. Because it could potentially undermine our constitutional right to freedom of expression.Although a few days ago, the Quebec Mosque killing event shows some residents publicly have opposition to the Muslim religion, I believe it was a very rare event extremely exaggerated by the media. Our country is still a peaceful and friendly country. But today, MP Iqra Khalid 's motion is really going to destroy Canadian society. Canada is a free country. She allows all kinds of culture, all kinds of speech. Because The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects our Canadians' rights and freedoms by limiting the ability of governments to pass laws or take actions that discriminate or infringe on human rights. This is why so many immigrants and refugees choose to live here. I believe that this motion103 would undermine our freedom of speech. There is not any religion can be an excuse to erode human rights in Canada. If the motion is passed into a bill or law, it will be a discriminatory law, an unconstitutional law. I believe this motion cannot fix the Islamophobia, but will tear the society off. Beside of that, this will be the beginning of the collapse of the value of freedom in Canada. As a Canadian citizen, it is my responsibility to maintain a peaceful and free environment for myself, my family and future generations. I believe many people have the same concerns as mine. Please express our concerns about this motion to the parliament.Thank you,

如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔赞反馈:trwetwetwet 和 杰里肥狮 2017-02-12#2 邪恶联盟
7,204 $0.00 motion 103是干嘛的?我怎么觉得这封信是支持绿化的呢?

https://forum.iask.ca/threads/中共的宣传全是为了掩饰为什么说贸易战中共国必败.873382/ 2017-02-12#3 小和尚
34,088 $0.00 盘古什么时候祖国变成了加拿大?

邪恶联盟 说:motion 103是干嘛的?我怎么觉得这封信是支持绿化的呢?点击展开...听说 103 是 保护绿教不被议论和评说。

一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]赞反馈:trwetwetwet 和 ruby88 2017-02-12#5 Horse Dragoon
12,648 $0.00 都是土豆这狗东西支持下搞的 103,

一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]听说 103 是 保护绿教不被议论和评说。点击展开...我看到一个批评,This motion uses the term "islamophobia" without defining it, and without substantiating that there is in fact any such widespread problem in Canada.另外一个petition:http://citizengo.org/en-ca/pc/41042-stop-speech-restrictive-anti-blasphemy-motion-103


盘古 说:议员地址http://www.lop.parl.gc.ca/ParlInfo/Compilations/HouseOfCommons/MemberByPostalCode.aspx?Menu=HOCHi, xxxx,I am a citizen in your electoral district. I have serious concerns about the news of motion 103. Because it could potentially undermine our constitutional right to freedom of expression.Although a few days ago, the Quebec Mosque killing event shows some residents publicly have opposition to the Muslim religion, I believe it was a very rare event extremely exaggerated by the media. Our country is still a peaceful and friendly country. But today, MP Iqra Khalid 's motion is really going to destroy Canadian society.Canada is a free country. She allows all kinds of culture, all kinds of speech. Because The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects our Canadians' rights and freedoms by limiting the ability of governments to pass laws or take actions that discriminate or infringe on human rights. This is why so many immigrants and refugees choose to live here. I believe that this motion103 would undermine our freedom of speech. There is not any religion can be an excuse to erode human rights in Canada. If the motion is passed into a bill or law, it will be a discriminatory law, an unconstitutional law. I believe this motion cannot fix the Islamophobia, but will tear the society off. Beside of that, this will be the beginning of the collapse of the value of freedom in Canada.As a Canadian citizen, it is my responsibility to maintain a peaceful and free environment for myself, my family and future generations. I believe many people have the same concerns as mine. Please express our concerns about this motion to the parliament.Thank you,点击展开...发给土豆更好,自由党议员都听老板-土豆


sabre 说:我看到一个批评,This motion uses the term "islamophobia" without defining it, and without substantiating that there is in fact any such widespread problem in Canada.另外一个petition:http://citizengo.org/en-ca/pc/41042-stop-speech-restrictive-anti-blasphemy-motion-103点击展开...看看咱们论坛就知道了,妥妥的ISLAMOPHOBIA。

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