老熊同志听说多伦多房价太高,特地不远万里来到多伦多帮助降房价。结果周五刚走到McCowan与Finch以南地区的一户人家,想进去讨点吃的,却被闻讯赶来的警察击毙。家人也下落不明。Toronto police shot and killed a bear as it roamed through a residential area of the city late Friday night.A police spokesperson said Emergency Task Force members were deployed to a neighbourhood in northeastern Toronto after multiple bear sightings were reported.The police official said the animal, which according to unconfirmed eyewitness reports was an adult black bear, was rummaging through backyards, and at one point banged on the door of a residence.He said officers shot the bear (in the Middlefield and McCowan Road area) after animal control officials advised police that they were not equipped to deal with the potentially dangerous situation.There were no reports of any people or pets being injured.Police had no immediate information about where the bear came from, its gender, or whether a post-mortem examination would be performed to try to determine if it was suffering from any abnormalities.
移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》 赏 2017-05-14#2

·生活百科 昆士兰州现有太阳能/电池的扩展
·生活百科 太阳能电池板产品保修