加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息IMF对加拿大的房地产市场的风险警告和建议太好


房价泡沫打击竞争力和未来增长。应该用土地投机税代替外国买家税。-------------------------------------------------------------------IMF warns of ‘significant’ risks from Canada’s housing marketThe International Monetary Fund is urging Canada to take further action in order to address rising household debt levels and the risks of a sharp correction in the housing market.In a staff statement that followed an annual visit to Canada, the IMF warns of “significant” risks to future growth due to the potential for a housing market decline that impairs bank balance sheets and spreads to the broader economy.“Credit ratings of Canada’s six largest banks were lowered recently, reflecting concern that high household debt and the rapid appreciation of house prices could weaken asset quality in the future,” the IMF stated.As a result, Cheng Hoon Lim, an assistant director of the IMF, told a news conference in Ottawa that several specific actions are needed. She called for policies that will further tighten restrictions on speculative investments in the housing sector, greater co-ordination between federal and provincial regulators and better data on real estate transactions, which she noted has been promised by Ottawa.Ms. Lim’s staff statement also took issue with the foreign buyers tax approach introduced in British Columbia and Ontario that “discriminates against non-resident buyers.” The IMF states that non-resident activity is not the sole driver of housing prices and the provinces should replace the foreign-buyers taxes with more effective tax changes aimed at discouraging speculative activity.Federal Conservative and Liberal governments have announced several rounds of policy changes since 2008 that are aimed at discouraging home buyers from taking on more debt than they can handle. The most recent round of federal changes were announced in October. British Columbia and Ontario have also announced tightening measures that fall under provincial jurisdiction.The IMF noted that high debt levels and housing affordability challenges are primarily a concern in Toronto and Vancouver, where many first-time buyers have been priced out of the market. Ms. Lim said the IMF has been studying the effectiveness of all of these policy measures.“Overall, they have been effective in dampening mortgage credit growth, but less so with respect to house prices. There is an effect, but not as strong,” she said. “What we have found, it’s still a bit too early to tell because these measures were introduced in late 2016, but the measure to make it harder to qualify for mortgages by having a more stringent stress test on interest rates I think is beginning to work.”---------------------------------------https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/economy/imf-praises-infrastructure-bank-plan-flags-housing-market-concerns/article35160977/

I think not only the foreign buyers but the funds brought from all over the world by the immigrants especially from East Asia and Middle East are the main driver. So people may call for other policies such as special tax on the home buyers which funds were not accumulated and generated from local incomes (within Canada), especially for the investment properties.

snowman 说:I think not only the foreign buyers but the funds brought from all over the world by the immigrants especially from East Asia and Middle East are the main driver. So people may call for other policies such as special tax on the home buyers which funds were not accumulated and generated from local incomes (within Canada), especially for the investment properties.点击展开...你说的方法,类似于之前BC提过用Income Tax, 来抵消附加地税。其实更简单的方法,就是对投资房的收益,征收附加税,税率按时间递减。




淘金热 说:imf是不是有病啊,中国北上广的房子他们怎么不去警告。国内二线的城市,五千的平均工资,三万一平的房价IMF怎么不管?点击展开...不能干涉中国内政啊。


淘金热 说:imf是不是有病啊,中国北上广的房子他们怎么不去警告。国内二线的城市,五千的平均工资,三万一平的房价IMF怎么不管?点击展开...中国的情况比较特殊,很难用市场经济的标准衡量。第一政府垄断土地甚至是房子供应;第二中国的房子70年使用权,没有地税;第三中国的政策变来变去,4限控制,雄安新区,不可预测因素太多第四中国还有很高的政治风险和不可预测性。第五中国最反对国外对他的指手画脚,比如人民币汇率。你越说我不行,我就越要涨。

smliu 说:中国的情况比较特殊,很难用市场经济的标准衡量。第一政府垄断土地甚至是房子供应;第二中国的房子70年使用权,没有地税;第三中国的政策变来变去,4限控制,雄安新区,不可预测因素太多第四中国还有很高的政治风险和不可预测性。第五中国最反对国外对他的指手画脚,比如人民币汇率。你越说我不行,我就越要涨。点击展开...说的好像土狗万能一样

M&M 说:说的好像土狗万能一样点击展开...长期来说任何国家是不可以违背经济规律的。但对于一党专政的集权国家,中短期来讲,有形的手,可以翻云覆雨。当然也都是有代价的。没有中国这么高的房价,大量财富就不会这么快聚集到少数人手里。中国也就出不了这么多房奴,中国人的幸福感就会更高。中国制造的竞争力也不会下降这么快。

smliu 说:长期来说任何国家是不可以违背经济规律的。但对于一党专政的集权国家,中短期来讲,有形的手,可以翻云覆雨。当然也都是有代价的。没有中国这么高的房价,大量财富就不会这么快聚集到少数人手里。中国也就出不了这么多房奴,中国人的幸福感就会更高。中国制造的竞争力也不会下降这么快。点击展开...不管怎么说,中国人是有钱了啊

may2may 说:不管怎么说,中国人是有钱了啊点击展开...有钱是好事,但也要看付出代价有多大。道德滑坡,贪污腐败,贫富分化,环境污染,资源掠夺性开发,政府和国企负债,银行坏账还有社保的空账。更重要的是民主和自由的限缩。金玉其外,败絮其内。

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